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When I was a kid my mom told me if you drank full strength chocolate milk it would give you worms. The only safe way to drink it was to dilute it with white milk. I'm pretty sure she was trying to save some cash!

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I was told the milk was good for your teeth so naturally I used to swish it around in my mouth. I guess I was trying to coat my teeth until my Mom saw me doing it and explained how milk was helping me grow strong bones and teeth...Ahhhhhhhhh

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Every week we went to the dairy to get milk and orange juice. Out in the field were cows and horses, so I figured since milk came from the cows, orange juice came from the horses. This seemed very logical to me at age 9.

Kathleen, Washington State USA
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I used to believe that "Coco Pops make the milk go 'round!" because in the TV ads you'd see the cereal in the bowl turning slightly.

The idea that I misheard it and that Coco Pops actually make the milk go *brown* never occurred to me.

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When I was five, I drank chocolate milk (my favorite drink) and woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick. I threw up for 3 days and had to go to the emergency room to find out that I was constipated. I thought chocolate milk was poisonous after that, and to this day I haven't had another glass!

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My Mom would yell if I left the milk out because when it got "warm" it would go bad. I used to wonder why the milk in my tummy didn't go bad, since I was much warmer than the refrigerator!

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One day while riding the school bus to a field trip through a rural area, one of the kids saw a cow peeing. We told him that is where the milk came out also (he was a city kid). I never saw him drink milk again (at least in elementary school).

Lil Johnny
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When I was a little girl, my father told me that cows stood in water on hot days to keept the milk in their udders from curdling, which could lead to painful milking. I believed this until the age of 24 when, traveling down a highway with my future husband I informed him about this little piece of trivia. He straightened me out. When I told my father about what happened, he said it had been a joke and he couldn't believe I had bought it all these years!

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My dad used to tell me that if you rubbed chicken fat on your chest you'd grow hair. He also said that if you gargle your milk you'll grow up to be a midget. I believed him until i was 6 or 7

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Milk comes from Mom's breasts, Orange Juice comes from Dad's.

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Cadbury used to heavily advertise that every block of chocolate had "a glass and a half of full cream milk." I spent an entire summer pouring a glass and a half down the sink convinced that it would magically turn into a block of chocolate. Until my mother caught and explained the realities of advertising.

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All kids in Texas in the 50s & 60s knew that eating cherries and milk together would kill you. My wife, a kid in Germany at that time, knew this too.

JB & Angela
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I was visiting a friend of my cousin's when I was about 3 or 4. We were having lunch and the girl's mother asked if I wanted milk. I said yes. She asked if I minded skim milk. I politely said yes. She poured it and set the carton in front of me. The carton featured an outline of a slender woman. This image, and the fact that skim milk looks different, convinced me she said SKIN milk. I had a very hard time drinking it.

Charmless Man
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top belief!

My Dad assured me that UHT Long Life milk came from elephants...
He also told me wholegrain mustard was snakes' poo, and roll mops were snakes' skins.
Brussel sprouts actually are Action Man cabbages tho - that one is true.

Jack B
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My mate Fawce used to go to his Grans for tea, but the milk always tasted funny to him (it was that stuff from a tin). His Dad told him it was Bull's milk and he believed it and always asked his Gran for Bull's milk in his tea, until he was about 18 and he told the story in the pub - he then realised that bull's milk could be also called sperm.

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I used to believe that milk was cow urine, and actually managed to convince most of my friends!!

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I used to believe that milk was cow pee

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