i used to believe

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I used to believe that if you opened a milk carton at the wrong a bomb would go off. My sister told me that...

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My parents used to tell my sister and I that if we didn't drink all of our milk it wouldn't be a sunny day the next day. I'm pretty sure this is why I still drink so much milk...

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When I was in kindergarten, I used to believe that my vanilla yogurt was Elmer's glue and wouldn't eat it. I thought my mom was mean to give that to me as part of my lunch.

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I used to beleive that milk bottles were filled with milk, directly from the cow's udder.

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I learned early in my life that the U.S. state of Wisconsin is a big producer of dairy products. At that time the first syllable of that state's name still vaguely ran together in my mind with the word "Swiss", so I thought that Wisconsin was the place of origin of Swiss cheese.

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Once my dad told me that the white at the bottom of my fingernails got bigger when I drank milk (calcium). So I told all my friends at school that the white was actually milk.

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When I was little I used to believe that we got milk from dandelions instead of cows because of the milky stuff that is in their stems.

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i used to beleive when you drank milk your breasts would get bigger so i used to look down at them afterwords

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i was told that the white stuff you get in your nails when you need calcium was milk and if you sucked your thumb enough the milk would come out and you would be able to drink it

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When i was little I used to think that if you opened a milk carton on the wrong end you would get arrested

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I use to believe that everyone hated milk

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When i was little I had been told milk makes your teeth and bones strong.

So I drank 5 or more glasses of milk everyday. But I would let it sit in my mouth for a minute or two before swallowing it.

Then the dentist told me 3 years later that it had given me 3 csvities and I needed to get a cap over my tooth.

I haven't drinken milk since. Although I know I should, I can't stand it.

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To make me stop drinking from the bottle, my grandma told me that if I kept doing it that I would turn into the Incredible Hulk. I didn't drink milk for three years.

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i used to think the water tower was filled with milk

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My daughter thought milk was cow pee because it came from between the cows hind legs

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I believed that chocolate milk must have been cow diarrihea......makes since to me

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that black women breastfed chocolate milk instead of white milk

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My friend told me you have to drink milk to get boobs LOOL

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I always thought when I was a kid that Milo is for boys and that milk are for girls. . .

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When I was very young my parents were poor. My mom would often add extra water to juice to "make it go further". One day I poured 1/2 a glass of milk and filled it the rest of the way with water. YUCK! My Dad made me drink it to teach me a lesson.

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