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I used to believe that milk only came from cows.
top belief!
Actually my cousin, and the story is more or less like this. When he was a little kid, he sometimes was on holidays on a little cottage my family rented far out on the countryside. The owners of the place had cows, and we bought milk from them. The problem was that my cousin protested against this, because drinking milk from animals was quite disguisting. He would rather have milk that came from the shop...
when i was really little, i saw a cup of sugar in the kitchen, and for some reason, i thought my parents were trying to make milk. so i poured a bunch of water into it, and my parents got really mad at me.
When I was younger, I told my friend that mud was chocolate milk and tried to get her to drink it. She did, and needless to say, never drank chocolate milk again.
When I was in kindergarten we had little cartons of milk every day at snack time. I would sit and drink my milk and read the side of the carton, which listed all the products made by that company, including chocolate milk, buttermilk, etc.
I thought the list was actually the ingredients of what I was drinking, that it was a mixture of all those things, and was convinced that I could taste the butter and the chocolate in my milk!
I used to believe, thanks to my older brother, that if you didn't close the milk carton after pouring it on your cereal that spiders would drop into the carton. I still can't leave a milk carton open and I'm now 46.
I used to love milk, and I asked my mom where it came from, and she told me it came from cows, so I yelled "EWWW!" thinking I was drinking cow pee. I didnt drink it for about 2 months, until I went to a farm and they showed a guy milking a cow.
i used to think that when babies were born, they drank from a cows "titties" to get milk because their moms didnt have amy milk in them.
My father swore that if you ate fish and drank milk, you'd die. We believed him until we would sneak and test out the theory. Obviously it did not work, at least for us. Valdimar
top belief!
When I was a young girl my dad would tell me to drink my milk, that it would make my boobs grow. But, in the same breath, he would tell my brother to drink milk, that it would put hair on his chest. Needless to say, there was not a lot of milk drinking going on. I wanted boobies, but not hairy ones, as I'm sure my brother wanted hair on his chest, not boobies.
My Dad had always told my sister and I to drink our milk because it will put hair on our chests!! Is it any wonder
that I am 35 and don't like milk?!
I grew up in Ohio and my Dad is a big nature person. We use to take drives into the country to see the sites. One day we were on a drive and I was ooing and ahhing over the cute cows. My Dad asks, "you know what comes from a cow don't you?" I said "yeah dad, milk." He then said "do you know that only that brown cows make chocolate milk?" I was probably 10 before I figured out he was joking. I have now passed this on to my kids...ahh traditions!!
top belief!
A boy in first grade told me that skim milk was actually skin milk and that it was made with skin. He said they changed the n to an m to make it skim so that people would still buy it and that alot of people didn't know it was actually skin milk. So I refused to drink it for awhile lol I even spit it into my great aunt's plant and so did my cousin because I told her it was really 'skin' milk lol
When I was little I thought mixing milk and water together was my invention (called "milkwater", creatively enough). My dad always would drink milkwater and tell me how smart I was for coming up with such a delicious drink. I never realized I wasn't a culinary genius until at 6 or so I went over to a friend's house and my friend drank milkwater and I got upset that she didn't give me credit for it.
Of course, later I talked to my dad and he said he hated how it tasted and it was just a ploy to get me to drink milk.
My brother told me that you could tell how fat someone was by how dark their chocolate milk I thought if I added less syrup to the milk, I'd lose weight.
On the way to summer camp, my 10 year old declared she now knew where low fat milk came from. Standing in the field as we passed was a very skinny looking cow.
I used to believe that milk was what cows peed. Never stopped me from drinking it though!
i used to think that if i froze milk it would turn into ice cream, it wasnt so tasty when i tried it!
When I was about three my preschool teachers dyed the milk green for St. Patrick's day, and told us that it was the leprechauns. I was also, at this time, horrible afriad of any liquid the color green because the little "Mr. Yuck" sticker for posions was green. Well I thought that that meant poison was green and green meant poison. I wouldn't drink teh milk because i thought the leprechauns poisoned it.
I'm still afraid of leprechauns and green milk.
I used to believe that milk was cow blood.
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