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when i was little, i used to love pink, and my dad told me that he once was a little girl, but he drank too much chocolate milk and turned into a little boy. i had 2 older brothers and they would always have chocolate milk. it was a long time before my mum could convince me that it was safe to drink strawberry or chocolate milk!

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When I was little I thought that black babies who were breast fed got chocoate instead of white milk.

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I used to believe that milk came from cows until one day when I was twelve when my brother finaly told me that milk comes from chickens. I felt so stupid.

Jim Wilson
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When I was in preschool, I was super gullible. My older sister always hated milk so one night at supper, I asked her why she hated milk. She said that she wouldn't drink it because in it were cow bones so small you coudn't see them. I wouldn't drink milk for a month.

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When I was a kid my parents would sometimes tease me by "teaching" me things that were false. I would only become suspicious when I caught them snickering at my gullibility. But there was one time they didn't fool me for a second: when they told me that milk came from cows. I told them they were out of luck on that one, because I happened to know for sure that milk came from factories, so there. Just like I knew that babies would pop out from the navels of their mothers. And that actors in movies would actually fall in love with each other in order to add realism to their acting, and would die for real for the sake of their art if it was required by the script.

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when i was little i used to believe that paper was made from dried milk because it was white. I used to lick it when i was thirsty.

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I used to believe that if IŽd drink
milk, my dark hair would change to blond. That what my mother told when I was 6 years old. I got very angry by the time I found out it was a lie!!!

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I used to think that strawberry milk was made from pink cows. And then one day on my way to my grandfathers house i "saw" a pink and i asked everyone if pink cows aren't ral, thta means the one i saw was the only one in the world, how comes it isn't famous?"

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I used to think that African Americans gave out chocolate milk when they breastfed.

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My sister and I knew about brest feeding,but we couldn't remember what it tasted like. We believed that all girls of any age had milk. My sister, being the gulible one, obediently put her mouth on my chest. She claimed to have tasted some and said it was good. Then it was my turn. I put my mouth on her chest and said that I got some too! As you can tell, we were young and oh so stupid.

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I was probably about 4 and we went to visit family in another part of the country. My older cousin and I went to the shop to buy milk. She took a bottle from the fridge and I just went crazy, repeating "it's the wrong kind of milk!" over and over. She refused to listen to me and I started crying. We got back and I complained because she bought the wrong milk. My mom and aunt just smiled. Because it was just from a different dairy, that's why the container and sticker looked different to me. I used to think that there were different kinds !!! (nowadays there is ofcourse :) Low fat, 2% full cream, long life etc etc :)

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My mom used to tell me that if I didn't drink 5 glasses of milk a day, my bones would fall apart while I was sleeping, so every day, even though i hated milk, i made sure to drink 5 glasses of milk! Damn u mom, lol! J/k

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when I was a little I put some milk in powder with water,and I thought I had discovered a new way to get milk without the cow...=p

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I used to believe that brown cows made chocolate milk

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Growing up, my mother always told me that milk would make my bones and teeth healthy and strong. I decided that I wanted good, strong teeth, so every time I drank a glass of milk, I would swish every sip around in my mouth for as long as possible. I thought that the more the milk touched my teeth, the stronger they would become. My mom would see me swishing my milk around and tell me to swallow it, but only once I was old enough to know the truth did she know why I would keep it in my mouth for so long.

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when I began fifth grade, we had a quiz. Our teacher, Mr. Cringler, would ask us a question, then call on someone to answer. But Junie, my friend, taught everyone how to do sign language so we could sign everyone the answers. When he asked, "Where does milk come from?" He called on me. Every one was signaling milk, but I kept shaking my head and said, "From the store."

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When I was about 5, I was at school and saw an African American drinking chocolate milk. I then thought that chocolate milk made your skin darker, so I started drinking more of it since I was pale.

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When I was a baby I was fed cow's milk because apparently I wouldn't drink my mother's milk. My older brother and sister had told me that you became siblings by drinking the milk from the same person and therefore they had me convinced I was related to cows. Each time I saw one, I remember wondering if it was my sister.

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When i was about six i used to think that milk bottles were filled with my mum's breast milk. The milkman looked after it and then delivered it when i was thirsty. It took me 2 years to realise that the milk was from daddy and then another 10 years to figure it out that it was from a fish.

uneducated child!
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My dad told me that if you added ice to milk you would be poisoned. One time at a friends house his mom added ice and I got up from the table and screamed, "Ice in my milk what are you trying to do to me?" She stated, "Just trying to make your milk cold." I was so embarrassed.

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