i used to believe

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I thought that the phrase "lactose intolerant" was "lack toastandtolerant" (Yes one big word) for the LONGEST time.

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Milk made your bones stronger by coating them and adding another layer of bone on top, so if I drank too much milk my bones would get too thick and clunk together and I'd be frozen.

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when i was younger, my mom used to ask me if i wanted some skim milk and i always thought she was saying skin milk, and that is was made from cow skin!

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When I was little I thought that skim milk was actually called skin milk. I also thought that it was made from the cows skin.

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When i was little I used to think that if you opened a milk carton on the wrong end you would get arrested

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I was told the milk was good for your teeth so naturally I used to swish it around in my mouth. I guess I was trying to coat my teeth until my Mom saw me doing it and explained how milk was helping me grow strong bones and teeth...Ahhhhhhhhh

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I thought that elmers glue was made from milk, since it had that cow on the glue bottle.

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When I was younger I was always told that milk is very good for my teeth. So I'd drink a lot of fresh milk, but not in the usual way.......I used to take a sip then swish it around my mouth like mouthwash, making sure to reach every little bit of my mouth. Then when it was warm , I'd swallow it. I thought that this was the only way my teeth could get the "goodness" from the milk! The milk came straight from the fridge too, so I'd always get a brain freeze!!! DOH! :-)

Jem, UK
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When I was 4, with a new baby brother, I was told the baby drank milk when breast-feed. I assumed and believed for years that there were two because one was chocolate milk.

Anthony Saxton
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when i was little my parents always told me dairy
came from cows, considering this includes a wide variety of food besides milk i thought since cow utters had many nipples there was one for cheese another one for yogurt and so on,

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that cottage cheese came from the roofs of cottages

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i used to believe strawberry milkshakes use to come out of red cows

shannon cannan
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When I was little I used to live across from a farm and when I'd see that one cow jumped up on the back of another cow I thought that he was giving him a tow because he ran out of milk.

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All kids in Texas in the 50s & 60s knew that eating cherries and milk together would kill you. My wife, a kid in Germany at that time, knew this too.

JB & Angela
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Cadbury used to heavily advertise that every block of chocolate had "a glass and a half of full cream milk." I spent an entire summer pouring a glass and a half down the sink convinced that it would magically turn into a block of chocolate. Until my mother caught and explained the realities of advertising.

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sterilised milk came from bulls

kate mullins
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I used to believe that if IŽd drink
milk, my dark hair would change to blond. That what my mother told when I was 6 years old. I got very angry by the time I found out it was a lie!!!

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On the way to summer camp, my 10 year old declared she now knew where low fat milk came from. Standing in the field as we passed was a very skinny looking cow.

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When I was little I thought mixing milk and water together was my invention (called "milkwater", creatively enough). My dad always would drink milkwater and tell me how smart I was for coming up with such a delicious drink. I never realized I wasn't a culinary genius until at 6 or so I went over to a friend's house and my friend drank milkwater and I got upset that she didn't give me credit for it.

Of course, later I talked to my dad and he said he hated how it tasted and it was just a ploy to get me to drink milk.

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I learned early in my life that the U.S. state of Wisconsin is a big producer of dairy products. At that time the first syllable of that state's name still vaguely ran together in my mind with the word "Swiss", so I thought that Wisconsin was the place of origin of Swiss cheese.

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