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My family was staying at a hotel during a trip and were eating the continental breakfast. An employee came over to change the milk container in the dispenser-he opened it up and pulled out the box. He turns to my brother and I and says "I bet you two thought there was a little cow in there." We immediately replied "Well, there could be a little cow in the box."

Now every time we go to a restaurant with a milk dispenser, we say to each other "Cow in a box."

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I believed that chocolate milk must have been cow diarrihea......makes since to me

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When I was little I thought that black babies who were breast fed got chocoate instead of white milk.

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When I was in the second grade, my best friend told me that soy milk was really cow spit. I believed him until we had a lesson on soy and found out it was really made of beans. to this day i get grossed out when i drink soy milk, it leaves this mucus in your throat. Yuck!! Cow snot.

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My daughter thought milk was cow pee because it came from between the cows hind legs

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When i was little I had been told milk makes your teeth and bones strong.

So I drank 5 or more glasses of milk everyday. But I would let it sit in my mouth for a minute or two before swallowing it.

Then the dentist told me 3 years later that it had given me 3 csvities and I needed to get a cap over my tooth.

I haven't drinken milk since. Although I know I should, I can't stand it.

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One day while riding the school bus to a field trip through a rural area, one of the kids saw a cow peeing. We told him that is where the milk came out also (he was a city kid). I never saw him drink milk again (at least in elementary school).

Lil Johnny
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There was an advert on British TV about invisible beings called Humphreys, that used to steal your milk and drink it - trying to encourage children to drink more milk. Instead, I felt bad for them and made my dad put out a glass of milk every night for the poor Humphreys to drink. He had years of drinking a glass of milk while I slept to sustain my belief!

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I knew that if you stirred whole cream enough it would become fluffy whipped cream, so by the same logic I thought that if I shook one of those little single-serving tubs of half-and-half coffee creamer it would turn into a little tub of whipped cream. I still try it from time to time, hoping...

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When I was a little (3 years old), I have drunk once same spoilt milk. And, because next time I refused to drink no more milk, my Gramma told me that it wasn't cow-milk, but it was guinea hen-milk. And I have drunk!
I had That belief for many years. Every time when the milk was good, I thought it was guinea hen-milk, and when it was bad, I thought that was cow-milk.

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When I was a kid, I thought that if you left a cup of milk sit out for a really long time, it would turn into glue... I tried several times to make my own "glue"... I would leave a cup of milk sitting out in my room and would check it everyday to see if it had turned into "glue" yet--but, sadly, my mom would always find and discard my little "science project" before the milk had a chance to turn into glue...
Other than the fact that milk and glue are the same color, I have no idea how I decided that curdled milk and glue were the same thing.

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When I was in preschool, I was super gullible. My older sister always hated milk so one night at supper, I asked her why she hated milk. She said that she wouldn't drink it because in it were cow bones so small you coudn't see them. I wouldn't drink milk for a month.

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I used to believe that milk came from cows until one day when I was twelve when my brother finaly told me that milk comes from chickens. I felt so stupid.

Jim Wilson
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When he was like four, my younger cousin only drank iced tea with dinner and hated milk. To get him to drink his milk, my grandmother told him that if he drank anything but milk past 6 PM he would stay short forever because milk made you grow while you slept. He believed it for a LONG time and would holler at us when we drank iced tea or soda at dinner and tell us we'd never get big. Awww. ^_^

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i used to think that if i froze milk it would turn into ice cream, it wasnt so tasty when i tried it!

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My half-brother told me that the last quater inch or so in the milk container was actually cottage cheese. I hated cottage cheese and still grimace when drinking the last of the milk.

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I used to drink a lot of milk because i thought that you had to fill up your breast with milk to make them bigger

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When my oldest son was little, he asked where chocolate milk came from. Without batting an eye, I said, chocolate cows. He said so does that mean vanilla milk (white) comes from vanilla cows? He's now 20 and still slips up and says he wants vanilla milk.

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When I was a child I refused to drink milk because I thought it was Cow Pee. It took me a long time to drink milk because of that.

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Once my dad told me that the white at the bottom of my fingernails got bigger when I drank milk (calcium). So I told all my friends at school that the white was actually milk.

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