nasty food
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My classmate said that she was an alien and that her favorite food was spider soup which was apparently a bunch of spiders cooked in their blood. I was pretty skeptical but she insisted it was true so I thought it might be true...Now I doubt it.
I thought ground beef was the meat they scraped off the ground at the slaughterhouse. Yuck.
top belief!
I used to believe that black olives were made out of whale skin.
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I used to think shell macaroni was sea shells.
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I used to think that entrails was another word for nature trails. I got surprised when I found out what it really meant!
When I was a kid, I loved to eat Babybels. My older brother loved them too, so to keep me from eating them he told me they were made from frog bellies.
This turned out to be a mistake on his part. To me, the idea of eating frogs sounded really cool and exotic. So instead of not eating Babybels at all, I started eating more, with only a few left for him.
I was kinda disappointed to find out they were cheese...
top belief!
When I was a kid my dad told me that soy sauce was Japanese people's blood. He doesn't even remember telling me that, but I believed him for quite a while and still think about that whenever I eat soy sauce.
I used to beleive that corn was pigs teeth. And when it was corn on the cob, I thought it was the jaw.
When my dad would talk about eating "C-rats" (rations) in Vietnam, I thought he meant "sea rats," and pictured him eating some kind of slimy, amphibious rodent that came in a can. I even argued this point with my teacher.
When i was little, I thought roast beef was made of dog lips. Then I actually tried roast beef a bunch of years later and it tasted like amazingness.
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When was a kidd there was this one episode of a tv show where these characters were touring a cornflake factory. At one point the tour guide said they would learn about how much blood, sweat and tears went into cornflakes. Of course, being a kid I thought those were actual ingredients in the cornflakes and wondered who would want to eat that?
I used to believe that tofu was actually called "toe food" and that it was made out of toe-jam.
When I was about seven, my best friend told me she found a long white worm in spam, canned meat.I am 44 tears old and still won't eat spam!!!!!!!!
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When I was younger, my older brother told me that black eyed peas were dead people's eyes. I was completely disgusted as I watched my family eat them for dinner. This story affected me so much, that I couldn't bring myself to eat black eyed peas until I was in high school.
top belief!
When I was little my dad told me the filling inside of ravioli was cow poop. I was 5, now I'm 25 and though I learned it was a lie by 10 I still can't eat ravioli. My dad loved to lie to me about the strangest things.
When I was little my parents took me to the circus. They bought me some cotton candy and told me it was clown hair. I refused to eat cotton candy for the longest time!
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I used to believe that kidney beans were real kidneys from small animals! I couldnīt understand why so many people would eat them with such pleasure!
One day I went to a party and burst out crying when we were given chilli con carne with rice to eat.
Iīm a vegetarian now but I still canīt eat them.
One time, my dad said that he ate a wrap, as in the kind of sandwich, but my sister thought he said he ate a rat!
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I used to believe that expired milk came from expired cows.
top belief!
When I was a lot younger (maybe 5 years old) I learnt at school how bees made honey and upon telling my stepdad how bees made honey he explained to me that a lot of foods were made in a similar way. He said, "Well, duh! Bees love honey! And you know peanut butter right? Well you know how you feed peanuts to elephants at the zoo? That's so that the zoo can make peanut butter when the elephant throws it up!" I took that story to school and got laughed at by teacher.
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