nasty food
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My Dad used to call Soya Sauce "Crow's Blood" I believed him for soooooo long. I think until I was like 11. Yikes.
When I was 3 I was still in diapers, and I have a few vague memories of having my diaper changed. One time I had a few little turds in there, and I saw them before my mum threw the diaper away, and I thought that they looked like raisins. After that, I was convinced that raisins were really the same thing as turds, and I was horrified when I saw people eating them, even after my mum told me that they used to be grapes - after all, I ate grapes and produced turds, so for all I knew, that was how the process went. I'm disgusted by raisins still.
When we were young, my brother and I convinced our baby brother that a large skillet full of lard was actually chocolate fondue -- he immediately stuck a spoonful in his mouth! It was warm and he couldn't tell right off, but he chased us around the kitchen trying to hit us with the spoon! He was around 5 or 6 years old then.
Months later, I told him that hearts of palm were string cheese and he ate a whole one in milliseconds only to discover the brinish/vinegary taste! To this day he will not eat one. He is almost 19 years old!
Back in elementary school, i convinced my friend that the pizza sauce was actually cat blood. she believed me until we met back up in highschool!
I used to think eggs was chicken brains.
i had a chickpea phobia until i was 21 or so. because of the fleshy color - i really thought they were little boys testicles.
top belief!
i refused to eat my mom's mashed potatoes. i cried at the dinner table until mom or dad gave up. i believed that they had been chewed up already by someone else.
when i was little and went grocery shopping with my mother i remember her putting frozen vegetables into the shopping cart, and was grossly appalled that we actually had to pay for such horrible things!
I used to think Alfalfa was birdsbrains
I was told that bananas were grown inside pigs stomachs and that when they ate the food went into the banana skins and when they went to the toilet bananas came out.So I would not eat bananas when I was 3.
I used to hate the smell of eggs so i put perfume on it once before i ate it. i was told otherwise after havin ma tummy pumped.
My Uncle Steven use to tell me that tapioca pudding was made of fish eggs so i never ate tapioca pudding in my life... even to this day i guess
I was always a picky eater so my diet pretty much consisted on the same contents. Well, my mother used to cook me Mrs. Grass soup in which little green vegetables were cut up in. After studying the soup, I came to the conclusion that those bits of whatever it was floating around in there were dead flies. It took only a few stubborn refusals that my mom asked me what my reasoning was to not eat the soup she had taken the time to fix so I finally confessed that I knew that a small collection of deceased insects were laid to rest in my soup. Needless to say, she had quite the chuckle.
When i was 6 my mother thought it was funny to insist that chocolate pudding was made of poop...i didn't eat the stuff for years after that.
My mother was about 12 years older than her youngest brother. When he was a small child she told him that coconut was monkey armpit hairs and he still won't eat anything with coconut to this day (he's in his forties).
when i was in kindergartan my brother and cousin told me that grapes were cow eyes and i believed them i told everyone at school. my bro. still makes fun of me!
I used to think that if you mold wet sand and mud together and put them in the oven, they would come out as cookies that you could really eat.
When me and my family went to a restaraunt a long time back, me and my uncle ordered Lo Main Noodles. And, my dad told me the noodles were worms. For a couple of years, I believed that the noodles were worms and they were going to eat me...
When I was about 5 and was learning how to read, I realized that some of my crayons had the names of foods. So I tried to eat the Macaroni & Cheese crayon and it tasted terrible. But I still didn't learn my lesson. I found another crayon and the color was Purple Pizazz, but I read it as "purple pizza" and took a huge bite out of it.
I went to a restaurant one time and was amazed to find that there was a thing called sweetbread. I honestly thought "Wow, there is sugar in bread!" , but it came to my disappointment when it was actually intestines from a cow, I believe. I blame the french for this.
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