nasty food
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When I was a wee lass my Auntie would often call Brazil Nuts - nigger toes. Now, I must explain...she was born in the late 1800's and my father was born in 1913 so maybe that explains the term, I really don't know. They were certainly NOT prejudiced people and were respectful of everyone. When I was very young, I had this terrible feeling that people with black skin had their toes removed and it upset me to no end. I suppose I was about 5/6 when it was explained to me where the expression came from and why. I can't imagine anyone using this expression today I am in my 52nd year, have never used the term and just can't imagine using it.
I never really liked red meat as a kid, and I remember the first time I tried lamb, it was covered in this red sauce and I thought it tasted really weird and didn't even look like "real" meat(because of the sauce), instead I had a very strong suspicion that it was infact human flesh. I ate it anyway.
We dont have head cheese (if that is how you write it?) in Britain, but I knew it was something Americans ate by watching TV. I imagined it as this skinned, hollowed out human skull with a big lump inside it that was a mix of human brain, human flesh, and some cheese. I could never understand why anyone would want to eat this, and thought Americans had really weird taste in food.
My cousin and I told her little brother that toe jam was just like the kind you put on toast. We got into a lot of trouble when my mom and my aunt caught him eating it!
Once I tasted bicarb thinking it was icing sugar.
I got a nasty shock...
When i was younger, i used to believe that Yams (the vegtable) were actually an insect like a grub or caterpilla. I refused to eat them as i thought they were a bug, i was around 10 when i fineally realised they were a vegetable after seeing them uncooked at the supermarket.
I used to believe that green peas is pee and you eat it, makes you pee.
top belief!
I used to believe that a fish cake was a fish in sponge and coated in icing. I believed this until I was 9.
When I was maybe 11, my cousin told me that SPAM stood for "Scientifically Produced Animal Matter." I believed her for a while, too.
My grandfather would drive past straw fields and tell me the bales of hay all rolled up was shreded wheat, what i ate for breakfast. It grossed me out and took awhile for me to eat shreded wheat again.
When I was little, for some reason I was terrified of onions. I thought that if I ate them, I would die of a heart attack. One day, my sister was going to eat soup that I thoght had onions in it, and so she was going to take a bite, and i was like, "NOOOO!" and I knocked the spoon out of her hands and somehow ending up knocking over her whole bowl of soup.I got grounded for it.
I still don't like onions.
When I was little my older brother told me that mayonnaise was pus from chicken tumors!
top belief!
that a piece of liver in your fridge if left overnight would wrap itself around a bottle of milk
i used to beleive that the eggs are poos of chickens so i never let my mom to by eggs :S
I was a little Catholic girl, and I used to believe that deviled ham was chopped up devils.
Once my mother told me that if i ate 2 apples in a day, i would automatically get diahrreah!
When I was about six, my best friend told me the moon was made of green cheese. I wouldn't eat cheese again for years.
i used to think that they killed people and took out their liver to make liver!
I used to believe that cheese was cows poop left for a long time until it went yellow, and worms had eaten holes in it. No wonder I still wont eat cheese
When I was about four I always buged my mom for candy when we went to the store.At easter I asked her for peeps. She told me that the reson they were shinny was that they had glass in them. So when I was in first grade I told my hole class. They all laght. I was so inbear-assed
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