nasty food
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When I was about 4 years old, my older sister told me that the little black things
in the end of a banana were fliesī eggs, and if I ate them, they would hatch inside my stomach. Because of that, I never ate the bottom part of bananas until I was about 9-10.
top belief!
My Dad used to tell us that if we ate cauliflower we would get curly hair. Then just to reinforce it he told us that it if we didn't eat it we would get curly teeth!
My father used to tell me that mayonnaise was made from maggots and I believed him.
I used to believe that drifters contained raisins, I believed this for many years besause my dad used to buy large packs of the funsize variety and to stop me from eating them he lied about the content......I only found out quite recently.....gutted.
When I was a child, my step brother told me he had heard a story about a restaurant who couldn't afford to buy shrimp to put on their pizzas. Instead, they cut up baby mice and served them in place of shrimp. I believed him. To this day, I will not eat shrimp.
When I was young we used to order pizza on Friday nights, and I hated it, because my parents would always order saugage and peppers, and I thought thats the only way pizza came, so I used to eat mac and cheese, till I got older and figured out it came however you wanted it. Never let my parents live that one down...
I overhead my mother talking with someone one day when I was around four years old about someone that didn't drink. When I asked "didn't they ever get thirsty?", she explained that it meant the person didn't drink alcohol. I thought she meant rubbing alcohol, and I wondered about people that actually DID drink that awful stuff...
I used to think kidney beans were rock hard and strong tasting, so I used to eat around them when I ate chilli con carne.
My Dad told me that Soy Sauce was made of grasshopper spit! I didn't eat it for YEARS!
My sister told me that green smarties (chocolate candies) would turn me into a nerd. I finally realized she just wanted candy.
top belief!
My brother had told me when I was little that lima beans were really small kidneys from small people. Whenever my mom served them, I would pick them out and line them up along the edge of my plate.
When I was 4, my favorite food was fried scallops. One day, my mother brought fried scallop dinners home for supper. My 5 year old cousin was staying over, and we were splitting a dinner. About 1/2 way through, he whispered to me that scallops were fish cheeks. I believed him, and was so grossed out I stopped eating them for years.
I don't remember how I came to find out that they weren't fish cheeks, but when I did I asked my cousin about it. He said he just wanted the rest of them from the dinner!
top belief!
I use to think that alka seltzer tablets were instant 7UP soda until one day I tested my belief.
top belief!
I used to believe that drinking cups of viniger would make you grow big and strong
top belief!
i used to love eating the hard toffees in quality street until my sisters told me that they were made of old ladies wee, i still carn't bring myself to eat them this day.
My mother and I used to pass a bakery that had meringue treats made to look exactly like mice in the window. The first couple of times she bought me one, but then decided we should both go on a diet. Until we moved away years later, every time we passed the shop and I asked for one she would tell me that they had maggots in them. I believed this until I was in my twenties.
I had a friend whose parents worked for the school district. His father was a bus driver and his mother was a cafeteria worker. His dad sat at the entrance to the cafeteria as we walked in almost daily. On the days that we had some sort of gray toned meat, he would tell us that he ran over an armadillo that morning and that it was being served for lunch. For some strange reason, we ate it..
My family used to (and still do, if truth be told) call Garibaldi biscuits 'Dead Fly Biscuits' Like a little fool, I thought they really did contain dead flies - tasty though!
when i was in grade school i used to belive the lunch ladys made the ham and meat out of naugty chilldren. and the maionas was umm, how should i put this, they thought it was spurm.
When I was little just to scare me my dad told me that eggs were liquid chickens. I was terrified to eat them because I was eating a baby chicken to make it worse my grandpa told me chickens would hatch in my stomache. I still can't eat them.
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