i used to believe

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I used to believe that a hot dog was a pig's tail uncurled.

amy - nh
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My father told me that the special sauce on a McDonald's Big Mac came from Ronald McDonald blowing his nose (and that it why his nose was so red). I am now 29 and I still will not eat them.

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When we were kids, my mother, in order to make us 3 kids behave, told us that if we were bad in public we would be sent to the "cookie house". My belief was that there was this strange little house that bad kids went to live if they misbehaved. This was a horrible little place where kids were given nothing but rock hard black cookies to eat. I even went as far as to believe that the "cookie house" was a small shed that stood in a park in my hometown (the shed was made into a "Santa House" at Christmas - so I thought that all the bad kids were moved only at Christmas time). Strange how this story scared us enough to make us all behave while out with mom!

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when I was about 5 my mother told me that sherbet was made out of dead people??!! I was most disturbed by this and after many many years, have only managed to muster the courage to try sherbet again in my late twenties.

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When I was about 5 or 6 my brothers showed me this jar of nuts. I'm assuming now that I'm an adult they had sucked the candy coating from some penut M&M's to give the complete effect. Anyway..... they told me that this jar was filled with ... POOP NUTS......they then proceeded to OPEN THE JAR AND EAT THEM........... welp - needless to say - I don't like nuts to this very day.

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One day my family went out to lunch. My sister was about was about 3 years old. She loved chicken strips which were often called "Chicken Fingers". When my mother ordered chicken fingers for my sister, she became hysterical and began to scream. My mortified parents finally calmed her down and realized that she thought she was going to have to eat actual chicken fingers. Of course, she was too young to realize that chickens don't really have fingers.....

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My mum used to tell me that cottage cheese was cows brains. I still ate it.

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my grandfather told me that soy sauce was bug juice.

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When I learned to read, I was deeply disturbed by the fact that some bottles said "ketchup" and some said "catsup." I would not allow my mother to buy "catsup" and in restaurants would inquire sincerely, "Do you have the ketchup without cats in it?"

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I wouldn't eat chops because my uncle told me they were made from lambs, cows and pigs. My mum told me that was rubbish and they really grew on special "chop trees" (they got "chopped down" when they were a certain age)

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I used to believe that it was perfectly acceptable to eat Play-Doh. My mom told me that "Non-Toxic" (which was printed on the lid of the cans) meant it wouldn't harm you if you ate it. I took this as an invitation to chow down. I can still taste the salty-doughy flavor as I sit here today. Gross.

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My dad would always try to discourage me from drinking coffee as I got older because "it makes your toes turn black, and it stunts your growth."
...it didnt work...

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I believed (until I was about 23, embarrassingly enough) that tapioca pudding was made of fish eggs. As usual, my father is to blame for this. I can't wait to lie to my own kids.

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My neighbor told me that the insides of acorns tasted like chocolate. They don't. They're really bitter.

Dial Zero
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I used to think that hot dogs were cow utters.

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my mum told me that the white stuff around an orange was called pith, but i heard piss, so i thought it was where the orange weed. that put me off oranges for a long time.

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when i was seven, my sister told me that because i was seven i had to eat a dog biscuit everyday or else i would get really sick. so for about a week i ate a dog biscuit everyday until mum saw me eating one and told me my sister was lying.

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When I was about 6 or 7, my mom cooked some kind of meat for dinner. While I was sitting next to my older brother, (who was 12 at the time) he leaned over and whispered that I shouldn't eat the meat because it was poodle (dog) meat. I was disgusted and didn't eat the meat. I wasn't aloud to leave the table until I finished my dinner, so while my mom was in doing the dishes, I brought my plate over to the indoor plant and buried the meat in the dirt. I was then able to leave the table. I have never told her about the meat in the plant!!! HaHa

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When I was little, I was convinced for a while that those little dark specks inside the banana were bugs. Consequently, I absolutely refused to eat them.

Steve VanDahm
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My mates sister used to think that peanut butter was made in third world countries by starving people who had to chew up peanuts and spit them into a jar.

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