nasty food
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I used to believe that the black dots in crab paste were their little eyeballs - I still can't eat it and I'm 34!
I was once eating a peach and had bitten down to the stone - when i looked down again there was a huge bug and a crack in the stone. I was convinced it had been living inside and wouldn't eat another peach until well into my adulthood.
i used to believe ketchup was blood and refused to eat it with anything
When I was a kid, I used to believe that raisins were actually dried up flies. When I saw people eating raisins, I would say "Ewwww. You eat flies?" I figured out that they were dried grapes in about grade two. It's because I'm a genious. ;)
I used to believe that if I ate chicken, it would come back alive and eat me.
I never knew what meat really was until my mother told me its made by dead animals. I was shocked but decided that it didnt matter because everybody else ate it. A few days later my mom had a friend over, and asked for the 'butt' of the bread. I then realized that bread was an animal too and people didnt like the end peices because it was made from animals' rear ends.
I've been eating poppyseed danishes ever since I was little, and my father used to joke that I was eating a pastry full of ants. I believed him, so whenever someone asked me what I was eating, I declared, "Ants!" I thought I was really brave and cool for eating them.
when i was about 8 my best friend told me that she didn't eat salami because her dad told her the white bits in the salami were bits of the white part of eye balls and although i disagreed and told her it was fat or grisle she somehow managed to convince me that she was right because her dad is a chef so must be right and so i avoided salami for quite a while after that
when i was 16 (yes 16) i was at a pub with some friends and one of the lads asked me to go to the bar and get him some duck lips...
i was very confused and i sed what are duck lips and he replied that they were like pork scratchings, a tipe of crisp if u like
so i went to the bar man and asked him for some duck lips he just cracked up laughing at me when i went back to the table slightly red faced all of ma m8s were laughin at me
that was a year ago and i still havent lived it down yet :P
In pre-school we tried minestrone soup and I thought there were stones in there, so I didn't eat it.
I used to believe until i was 7 that hot dogs were made out of a dogs tail and i refused to eat it. Then my mom realized that I don't not like hot dog it is because my grandpa told me it was from a dog tail!!!
When I was little my parents used to tell me that pretzels were made from wood. So thats probably why I'm not a fan of them today.
When I was a kid, for breakfast I'd usually have cereal in milk. I used to hate milk, so I kept asking for cereal in orange juice instead since I loved OJ. I always thought my parents didn't give me it because milk is more healthy for me. Turns out they didn't give the cereal and OJ because it's disgusting. I eventually learned that the hard way. Cap'n Crunch and OJ sounded good at the time...
When I was about 10, my babysitter and neighbour, who was about 14, told us that if we ate unripe black walnuts, we would get really smart (they look like brains inside). But if you ate the inside, you had to eat the green rind too, because the brains were poisionous and the green was the antidote. She explained that that was why not everyone was eating the "kemosabes", which was what the walnuts were called. They tasted awful. My mom just laughed at us. Nice.
My cousin and I used to think that if we ate cheese and toothpaste that it would be healthy and clean our teeth at the same time.....
IT was the nastiest thing I've ever tasted...we did it about twice before her mom caught us.
Once, when my mother was cooking a chicken gizzard, I saw it sizzling in the middle of the pan, and asked what it was. I heard my mother say, "it's a half-cooked lizard." I'm certain now that she said gizzard, but when I heard lizard, I swear it looked just like a small lizard, frozen in place, cooked before it could escape.
When I was five, I used to believe the yolk in a hard-boiled egg was a spider's stomach. Not to mention the fact that we read THE OLD LADY THAT SWALLOWED A FLY in preschool at the public library, where we took frequent field trips to. The fact that it moved around inside her freaked me out even more. I wouldn't eat the yolk in a hard boiled egg for a LONG time.
I hate avacados for one simple reason my grandma puts slices of them in her salads and when i was little maybe 4, I ate one not knowing what it was and made a face. My uncle who was sitting next to me told me it was a slug and to be more careful when I ate salad... I have given avacados the benifit of tasting better but the majority of the time that slug reference still freaks me out. I am almost 30...
One day when I was in kindergarten, someone brought "worms in dirt" (crushed Oreos and gummi worms) as a snack for the class. Despite the teacher's repeated insistence to the contrary, I remained convinced that the dirt and worms were real. The teacher eventually had to bring me a different snack from somewhere else in the building because I refused to eat the worms and dirt. Nobody else in the class had this problem.
I remember when I was just starting to read, my mom put prank labels on the jars that were always around the kitchen. The jar of tapioca had a label saying "Fish eyes" on it. Imagine my suprise when I saw that what I thought were kidney beans were labeled "Lizard tongues"! It took me a few months to figure it out...
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