nasty food
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One night at dinner we had tapioca pudding for dessert. I kept begging for more pudding and my parents kept telling me no, you've had enough. Finally my dad said, "Are you sure you want more? Because the little balls in tapioca pudding are made of fish eyes." I believed that for YEARS and to this day will not eat tapioca pudding.
My Dad wanted so bad for me to not eat pork, that he told me that solomi was "MONKEY BRAIN" so that i wouldn't eat it.
My brother and I were convinced that brussel sprouts were the heads of little green martians that my mom was trying to feed us (for what reason we did not know). Still to this day, twenty five years later we still call them little green martians...and have both passed this legacy on to our kids
As a child I was once very sick with "Scarlet" fever and for years thereafter I refused to eat Scarlet potatoes. It was only when I was a little older that I learned they were actually called "scalloped" potatoes!
top belief!
I used to believe that 'cold sores' were actually called 'coleslaws' and that people got them from eating coleslaw. I never understood why people ate it if they knew they would get these awful things & then complain about them. To this day i have never eaten coleslaw.
When I was little, my dad used to cook hamburgers outside a lot. I noticed that when he cooked them on the grill, they were pink in the middle and the ones mom cooked on the stove, weren't. My brothers convinced me that it was because dad's were made of ground up beetles. I believed that for years.
i got very sick and threw up one night after we had eaten spare ribs for dinner... for years and years after that i refused to ever eat spare ribs again because i thought they made you throw up
When I was little, I asked my father why there are holes in Swiss cheese. He explained that it was because of the rats, chewing their way through. I inspected every peice of cheese after that, for evidence of the 'rats'.
I used to think that there was a little boogy in every end of ice cream cones (the type that are pointy).
I used to believe chicken hot dogs were made of their intestines (yup) till I was as old as 18. It started as a joke, but eventually a lot of people around me started to believe so because my talks aren't usually rubbished! LOL!
My dad told me when I was 5 that tapioca pudding had fish eggs in it and I have never eaten it since and I am now 30.
My older sister told me that soy sauce was made from crushed beetles. Of course I avoided it at all costs until I was about 10 and began to realize that she had made that up and that it could not be true because people would not eat something made with beetles. Now I really like soy sauce but every time I use it I do pause to remember the beetles that gave there little lives! :)
When I was 6, a fellow classmate told me that the tapioca in pudding was frog eyeballs. I didn't eat tapioca pudding for a long time.
up unti i was about 15 i though the stems of broccoli wasnt edable until my sister was laughing and told me about how she made me eat the broccoli because i wasnt alowed to play until i ate it, so she told me that the tops were like tree stars from land before time. boy did i feel stuipid after realizing ive been going for years only eating the tops because of that
top belief!
My mother still denies this but when I was about 4 or 5 I asked her where hotdogs came from. She said that it was gross & if she told me I wouldn't want to eat them anymore. I said that was silly. I already liked them, I didn't care where they came from. I even ate them cold right out of the fridge. She told me they were cow udders. It was years before I'd eat hotdogs again. Now they only way I can stomach them is if they are grilled & VERY done ie. blackened a bit.
Sometimes you get the burned rice krispy in with your bowl of cereal. As a young child, I was always worried that it was not a burned rice puff but, in fact, a booger which had fallen out of my nose.
I would inspect each bite to make sure I was not eating this booger. Often times, I could not find the "booger" when I was done eating, making me feel sick knowing that I had most likely eaten it.
When I was young my mother used to put hot sause in our mouths if we talked back. My sister thaught that if she put the hot sause in the frigde it wouldn't be "hot" anymore, she shortly found out that that thought was incorrect
I used to believe that peanut butter was baby poo
When I was litte, I was eating a banana when a family friend told me the little brown "seeds" inside were actually spider eggs. I didn't eat bananas for years.
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