nasty food
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When I was four, a person in my primary class often took liver sandwiches to school. At this point I didn't understand that other animals had livers, so I thought it was human liver. Nobody told me any differently, and because this other kid was doing it, I assumed it was okay, but I would never eat that stuff.
I know the difference now, but I still won't eat liver.
When my son was about 5 years old he asked me what "take a whiz" was. I replied that it meant doing "pipi".
The following day I prepared him a sandwhich. He asked what spread was inside. I answered "Cheese Whiz".
He looked at me and said, "I'm not eating cheese pipi", turned around and left. I couldn't stop laughing, which upset him.
He didn't eat cheese whiz for many years. To this day I don't know if he likes it.
Up until i was 14 i truly beleived that cooking chocolate had a laxative effect unless it had been cooked for adding to cakes.
When I was a kid my dad told me that soy sauce was Japanese people's blood. He doesn't even remember telling me that, but I believed him for quite a while and still think about that whenever I eat soy sauce.
From the time I was 3 to the time I was 6 I was afraid of hamburgers and clothes driers. My older brother told me that if I hid in the drier and someone turned it on I would turn into a hamburger. So everytime mom made hamburgers she had to make me hotdogs because I was always asking who got in the drier, and would refuse to eat the burgers. She had no clue what I mean but my brother laughed at me everytime.
My mother still denies this but when I was about 4 or 5 I asked her where hotdogs came from. She said that it was gross & if she told me I wouldn't want to eat them anymore. I said that was silly. I already liked them, I didn't care where they came from. I even ate them cold right out of the fridge. She told me they were cow udders. It was years before I'd eat hotdogs again. Now they only way I can stomach them is if they are grilled & VERY done ie. blackened a bit.
When I was a lad I used to think about food, particularly meat. I knew chicken was chicken, but where did liver come from? So, for a while, I used to imagine what liver looked like. Did it have fur or scales or feathers? How many legs? Could it fly? I know better now... no imaginary liver creature...
one night (i must have been 5) my mom, my sister and i just got home from ballet classes. before we left, my mom left a plate if beans out for my dog. i saw the plate when we got back and it was full of roaches. the roaches were the same color and size as the beans so i thoguht beans were made out of roaches and for years i would not touch them!
I used to believe that a fish cake was a fish in sponge and coated in icing. I believed this until I was 9.
I must have been about 6 the first time i heard someone use the phrase "human being", but of course, to me it sounded like "human bean". I panicked because i liked beans and wondered which ones came from humans. I asked my cousin who was about 14, and he told of that kidney beans came out of human kidneys. I don't think i ate chili for about 5 years.
My older sister told me that carrot baby food was made by a bunch of old women sitting around chewing carrots and then spitting them into jars. My Mom made a great carrot cake which contained carrot baby food which I would never touch. When asked why, I only replied: Do you know where carrot baby food comes from?!?
I used to believe that black olives were made out of whale skin.
when i was like kindergarten or first grade i belived that ketchup was made by blood. because that is what my older sister told me. so i believed that. i thought whenever we got a new bottle of ketchup at home that my parents killed someone. so i would run away to my room and cry until dinner. i still don't eat ketchup to this day. even though i know it comes from tomatoes.
also i thought honey came from girl's pee. because one time my parents went shopping and then we came home and my mom went to the bathroom the came out and put the honey bottle-jar thing away so i asked her what she did and she sayed she peed so i dont eat honey either.
last, lol, i thought apple juice came from boy's pee. because we went camping i did not know my parents brought apple juice along. there was no bathrooms there so my dod took a walk so he could pee and when he went i saw him leave but when he came back i was in the tent. i got out of the tent and saw him pouring APPLE JUICE!!! i was like ewwwwwwww. then eventually i learned that apple juice came from apples and sugar and more stuff but i was totally grossed out bye those three things!!!
My sisters told me that peanut butter was made of cricket legs and I refused to eat it until I became an adult. Made me nauseated just smelling the stuff.
As children, myself AND my two brothers believed that mincemeat pie was made out of mice. The main character in the cartoon Klondike Cat would get mad at his nemesis Savior Faire and shout "I'll make mince meat outta that mouse!" We just couldn't figure out why our parents got all excited about eating mouse pie.
I told my cousin who at the time was 6 that hot dogs were made out of wiener dogs (dachshunds). My Aunt told me a couple of years ago that my cousin wouldn’t eat hot dogs for the next three years. I was horrible. Sorry Cousin…forgive me?
When I was a lot younger (maybe 5 years old) I learnt at school how bees made honey and upon telling my stepdad how bees made honey he explained to me that a lot of foods were made in a similar way. He said, "Well, duh! Bees love honey! And you know peanut butter right? Well you know how you feed peanuts to elephants at the zoo? That's so that the zoo can make peanut butter when the elephant throws it up!" I took that story to school and got laughed at by teacher.
I wouldn't eat chops because my uncle told me they were made from lambs, cows and pigs. My mum told me that was rubbish and they really grew on special "chop trees" (they got "chopped down" when they were a certain age)
My Dad used to tell us that if we ate cauliflower we would get curly hair. Then just to reinforce it he told us that it if we didn't eat it we would get curly teeth!
When I was 3 or 4, my older cousin told me that the spaghetti type noodles in the soup I was eating weren't really noodles, but cat intestines. I believed her, but it didn't really stop me from eating them... it was tasty, after all.
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