nasty food
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Sometimes you get the burned rice krispy in with your bowl of cereal. As a young child, I was always worried that it was not a burned rice puff but, in fact, a booger which had fallen out of my nose.
I would inspect each bite to make sure I was not eating this booger. Often times, I could not find the "booger" when I was done eating, making me feel sick knowing that I had most likely eaten it.
When I was young my father knew how to guarantee that he could have the mince meat pie all to himself. He told my 4 siblings and I that mince meat was really rabbit doo doo. Never tried any, never will.
As an older sister my younger sister Alice looked up to me. One day she said to a group of three of her friends - "My sister eats caterpillars rolled up in leaves". I was horrified, but didn't want to let her down. So I rolled a big hairy caterpillar up in a leaf, chewed it up and swallowed it. I think she idolized me even more after that.
I used to believe that cheese was cows poop left for a long time until it went yellow, and worms had eaten holes in it. No wonder I still wont eat cheese
I couldn't believe it when my father told me that eggs were baby chickens. I was so horrified that I actually hallucinated while watching him calmly continue eating scrambled eggs, and saw a fluffy chick pop up on his fork right before he put it into his mouth. "NOOOooo!" I cried. He looked annoyed. I firmly believed that this had actually happened until I was about 13, at which point my "scientific" explanations for the phenomena were wearing pretty thin.
When I learned to read, I was deeply disturbed by the fact that some bottles said "ketchup" and some said "catsup." I would not allow my mother to buy "catsup" and in restaurants would inquire sincerely, "Do you have the ketchup without cats in it?"
When very young I was stood looking into the window of a butchers with my mum. I pointed at some red meat (I think it was probably liver) and asked my mum what it was. She said Lamb (I don't think she knew which meat I meant). But I heard it as "man" and was convinced from then on that butchers sold human meat!
when i was younger, i used to eat the top ramen noodles dry / without cooking them. my mom always told me to stop because it was bad for me, but i never listened. one day, she sat me down and looked at me very serious and told me that my doctor called and said i had worms in my stomach and it was caused from eating dry noodles....she said the doctor told her that stomach acid and dry noodles turns them into worms. i can't stand the site of top ramen noodles to this day!
When I was little, my dad used to cook hamburgers outside a lot. I noticed that when he cooked them on the grill, they were pink in the middle and the ones mom cooked on the stove, weren't. My brothers convinced me that it was because dad's were made of ground up beetles. I believed that for years.
My brother and I were convinced that brussel sprouts were the heads of little green martians that my mom was trying to feed us (for what reason we did not know). Still to this day, twenty five years later we still call them little green martians...and have both passed this legacy on to our kids
My cousin and I used to think that if we ate cheese and toothpaste that it would be healthy and clean our teeth at the same time.....
IT was the nastiest thing I've ever tasted...we did it about twice before her mom caught us.
When I was about six, my dad told me hot dogs were cow lips. I believed him. For years. Now I know better....
there are plenty of other cow parts in there, too.
I used to think that peas were the poop of the catfish in our pond, so I never ate them. Now I know that that's not true and I love peas! :D
I used to believe, for abt 4 years, that mushrooms were actually dog pee that grew into mushrooms after a few years at that very spot. Dad filled me in initially, but many days later my cousin told me that was a lie; we got some wild mushrooms in a bag once; the next morning the bag had a nasty shaded liquid in it, with no mushrooms.
I never had mushrooms until a few years back. i enjoy them now . :P
One day my family went out to lunch. My sister was about was about 3 years old. She loved chicken strips which were often called "Chicken Fingers". When my mother ordered chicken fingers for my sister, she became hysterical and began to scream. My mortified parents finally calmed her down and realized that she thought she was going to have to eat actual chicken fingers. Of course, she was too young to realize that chickens don't really have fingers.....
When I was little, I thought that ants were chocolate sprinkles with legs. I would eat them out of their little holes.I finally learned that they were insects by buying myself chocolate covered ants in a museum and my parents went ewww!
I didn’t like eating salad as a kid, and the way my mom got me to finally eat it was by telling me that it was the only way to get gum out of my stomach that I had swallowed at times.
My Mum told me that Parsnips where the same as Bananas . Once they're peeled sliced and boiled/steamed they do look a bit like bananas ( Honest!!) except that they taste crap!
My grandfather told my mother and her 8 siblings that Soy Sauce was pigeon blood. It wasn't until my mom got married to my dad when she was 25 that she learned the truth.
my mum told me that the white stuff around an orange was called pith, but i heard piss, so i thought it was where the orange weed. that put me off oranges for a long time.
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