nasty food
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I had a uncle with a prosthetic leg that had black rubber toes. One day when I was small, about 7 or so, I saw this and, not knowing his leg was not a "real" leg asked him why his toes were black? He said it was from drinking coffee. I never picked up the habit of drinking coffee because I believed his story and I did not want my toes to turn black.
My dad once told me that every potato we had ever eaten was grown in his ear.
When my sister and brother and I where younger our parents would make liver and onions for dinner not mentioning acutally that it was "LIVER". One day we asked them to make that good steak with the onions. To our suprise we had been eating liver and onions thinking it was steak and onions the whole time!
I remember my mother telling me that I would grow potatoes in my ears if I didn't clean them. I didn't want to eat potatoes for a long time after that, for fear of whose ears she harvested them from!
Wheni was little i thought that broccoli was little trees that my parents cut down fromthe back yard and then cooked them and forced us to eat it
up unti i was about 15 i though the stems of broccoli wasnt edable until my sister was laughing and told me about how she made me eat the broccoli because i wasnt alowed to play until i ate it, so she told me that the tops were like tree stars from land before time. boy did i feel stuipid after realizing ive been going for years only eating the tops because of that
When I was really little my cousin told me that tapioca pudding was made from fish eggs. I believed it till like age 15 when I went to Brazil and they showed us the plant the tapioca pudding came from.
When we were younger i told my little brother (5 years younger than me) that beef burgers were made from beef and human brain! he believed me for years and even to this day my family still call them 'brain - burgers'!
I've been eating poppyseed danishes ever since I was little, and my father used to joke that I was eating a pastry full of ants. I believed him, so whenever someone asked me what I was eating, I declared, "Ants!" I thought I was really brave and cool for eating them.
I convinced my boyfriend that paprika flavored crisps were made from donkeys...he was 20 at the time.
I had my sister convinced that SPAM meant 'Squashed Pig and Moggy'. She refused to eat spam for a good 5 years claiming that it contained cat. Curiously, she never told my parents the reason why she refused to eat it.
My mates sister used to think that peanut butter was made in third world countries by starving people who had to chew up peanuts and spit them into a jar.
I once worked with a man, who though he was in his late '30's still lived with his mother. One day at lunch he completely flipped out. He had found a spot of mold on the bread of his sandwich, and thought it was a lethal poison. He had never seen moldy bread before, and thought someone was trying to kill him. We calmed him down eventually, but we were a little traumatized, too. We thought he was a little weird before, but the 'mold incident' really blew our minds.
Naive child that I was, my mother convinced me that liverwurst was made from apples to get me to eat it (apples - yum; liver - yuck). She teased me for years about fooling me into eating it and I still don't fully trust her anymore... oh well.
During the African famine of 84 and 85, my mum served me up these ice cream things covered with chocolate. I would not eat them as they looked like tits and thought that the tits were cut off from dead women and shipped over here for puddings.
at some point when I was a kid I looked at a box of cereal and read that it had 454 "germs" instead of grams. I wouldn't eat cereal for a while after that, because I thought I'd get sick.
I thought that Elmer's Glue was OK to eat because it said "Borden" on the label, showed a cow (actually a bull) on the label, and it was white like milk.
My sister told me that Crisco was frosting and I believed her because thier was a big frosted cake on the can, so i ate a huge spoonful of it. After the first bite, I realized just how mean sisters can be.
When I was about five, my sister had a can of Mountain Dew. I tried to sneak a drink, and when she caught me, she told me that it had pieces of lasagna in it. As a kid, I hated lasagna and from that day on, I never drank Mountain Dew again. I was well into my young teen years before realizing Mountain Dew was not actually made from lasagna (and still don't drink it to this day, thirty years later)!
I used to think that pickles were made out of frog skin and corn was old peoples teeth.
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