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My grandmother told me if I swallowed watermelon seeds that watermelons would grow in my tummy!!
I used to think that the popcorn seeds just came from a plant, i never knew it was from corn.. Until my friend told me when we where eating it one day..
till i was like 15. No-one ever told me :(
when I was around 4, my parents scared me half to death when they told me that the pips that I ate will grow in my stomach. I couldn't imagine that my stomach could grow to the size of a watermelon!
My nan once told me that if you swallowed a watermelon seed, one would grow inside you. I did that one day when I was about 6 and I had never been so scared in my life. Even after everyone told me it couldnt happen, I was still wary of them until I was about 16
My dad would always tell us that seeds for ccoking and on buns were bugs, I always tried to look for the legs.
He would also always say"It will put hair on your chest", which was horrifying to a girl.
I use to believe, because my mom & dad would always tell me,that if I was to eat a Watermelon or a apple seed that I would have them groing inside of me.
When I was little my mom told me not to swallow watermelon seeds or I would grow a watermelon in my belly - for years when I would see a pregnant woman I believed she had swallowed the seds!
My best friend's mother always told us not to swallow the watermelon seeds or you'll have a watermelon growing on the top of your head. What a scary image that was for us!
I thought that if you swallowed water melon seeds, all you had to do was eat some sand and have a drink and grow more watermelon's in your stomach - didn't think about how they'd get out...
When we were younger, I told my little brother that if you planted a sesame seed from the top of a hamburger bunn, then a hamburger tree would grow. After a while I felt bad because he planted one in our back yard and would water it, thinking he was going to have a hamburger tree.
I thought the caraway seeds in my great aunt's rye bread were mouse droppings, and there was no way I was going to eat that bread.
I also thought Sen-Sen, breath mints?, was really Sin-Sin, and I thought the Methodist Church which I attended should get on the ball and get rid of it as fast as possible.
that if I swallowed watermelon seeds that i would grow a watermelon in my stomach, and i was a chubby child so i relly thought i was going to have a watermelon baby!
i used to believe that if you ate orange seeds you would get taller.
My cousin and I thought if you swallowed a watermellon seed you'd grow a watermellon in your stomach. We paniced when we did swallow one because we remembered eating dirt a few weeks before and at 6 yrs. old were smart enough to know you plant seeds in dirt and water them - they grow!
asa child - I never really knew what sesame seeds were, so every time I ate a roll with these seeds on them, I thought that they were dried tomato 'pips'. Can you imagine someone sitting drying out the seeds of tomatoes to put on top of rolls?!
I believed that if I swallowed a seed from any kind of fruit that the fruit would grow in your stomach. OnceI swallowed a watermellon seed and was scared to death that a watermellon was going to grow inside me. It took a lot of convincing by my parents to convince me it wouldn't.
I qquestion the fact that my cousin had a very big tummy. I was told that she swallowed a watermellow seed & it grew.
I refused to eat watermellon for the longest time (My cousin had a beautiful baby girl.)
We used to cook with green peppers a lot, and I know my parents told me not to eat the seeds. They admit this much. But they deny ever telling me that the seeds were POISONOUS or SO HOT THEY WILL BURN YOUR THROAT. I am *sure* they said one or the other.
I thought that if you swallowed watermelon, peach, plum seeds etc. an actual tree, or patch (whatever the case may be) would begin to grow out of your mouth.
I used to believe that if you ate any kind seed (mainly water melon) that you would get a plant growing inside your belly and after a while it would come out of your mouth and that you would die because of it. (It didn't help that my mother actually told us that this would happen either. I still dont swallow watermelon or passion fruit seeds, even though i know they wont hurt me.)
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