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My grandfather told me when I was about 4 that if I ate watermelon seeds, a watermelon vine would grow in my stomach.
I thought that was the coolest thing I had ever heard of (I love watermelon), so I ate some seeds, drank some water, swallowed some dirt and stood in the backyard with my mouth open to make sure some sunlight got down there.
I was very disappointed when it didn't happen.

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i thought that the little seeds on hamburger buns were hamburger seeds...and i tryed to grow a hamburger once or twice... :)

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At the age of four (the best year of my life), my dad and I went to McDonalds and I ordered a hamburger. Instead of eating it like I should've, I was picking the sesame seeds off of the bun. Dad finally asked what I was doing. I simply answered: "I'm gonna grow a hamburger tree!"

Marshmello Da Strawberry Cow
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At some point when I was young my Dad explained to me that if you ever ate a sesame seed it would get to your intestines and poke a hole and escape. It would then travel all around your body, until one day it would pop out through your skin. Any time I went to McDonalds I always had to make sure I ordered the "Hamburger Without Seeds", or else I would have to spend a good amount of time picking off all of the seed while evey one else was happly enjoying their burgers ( I never seemed to worry about other people eating them). I would inspect the backs of my hands to make sure the seeds weren't coming out, for some reasonthat were I thought they exited.

It was only when I was about 20 that I realized one day that seseme seeds couldn't possibly do that! Thanks Dad, for a good 15 years of sesame seed fear :)

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My dad told me that if you eat the seeds of a strawberry as a child, you wouldn't like strawberries when you grew up. I always felt sad whenever I ate strawberries.

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Mom told me that potatoes grew behind my ears unless I washed there every night before going to bed. She also told me that if I ate watermelon seeds that they would grow into full sized watermelons and she would have to harvest them with a knife. Needless to say I was terrified of this radical kind of surgery.

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In order to keep me from eating too many jelly beans my father told me if I would plant them in the ground I could grow a jelly bean tree. I faithfully planted them whenever I got them and wondered why my "seeds" never grew.

Bo Axford
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When I was little, I hated spitting the seeds out from watermelon, so I just ate them. My mom once informed me that watermelon would grow in my stomach. When she was pregnant with my brother, I saw the sonogram and looked at her and said "Mom, you're not supposed to eat the seeds, remember? Now you have a watermelon in your tummy!"

Misguided Rose
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I believed that if I ate watermelon seeds, watermelons would grow in my stomach and squeeze their way out of my belly button, so I tried inserting the seeds directly into my belly button instead of swallowing them. To my great disappointment I never grew any watermelons :(

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Are you telling me that the seeds from the gorgeous tasting peppers (green, red, yellow and such) are not poisonous?... but...but... I've been carefully picking each and everyone out each time I make a stir-fry since I can remember. I'm 33 now.

It's probably best that I don't remember who told me they were bad for you, right?

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when i was 4 or 5 i was at my grans house watching tv and eating an apple when my gran turned it over to a gardening program. in the program they were talking about seeds an how they grow i dropped the apple out of my hand an ran to my grandad crying saying that my gran wanted me to turn into a tree because she always told me to eat the pips!!!

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When i was younger, i asked my dad what sesame seeds grew into. He said that planting one would make Sesame Street come to your house and film their next episode there, so i picked all of them off my burger and planted them.

The Flamboyant Codfish
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I used to believe that if you ate a watermelon seed, a watermelon would grow inside you. I got this idea from a Rugrats cartoon where Chuckie swallowed a watermelon seed, and the other babies had to shrink and go inside him to stop it from growing. lol.

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My cousin and I thought if you swallowed a watermellon seed you'd grow a watermellon in your stomach. We paniced when we did swallow one because we remembered eating dirt a few weeks before and at 6 yrs. old were smart enough to know you plant seeds in dirt and water them - they grow!

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When we were younger, I told my little brother that if you planted a sesame seed from the top of a hamburger bunn, then a hamburger tree would grow. After a while I felt bad because he planted one in our back yard and would water it, thinking he was going to have a hamburger tree.

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my mum used to tell me that eating kiewi fruits where extra good for you as I could actually see the vitamins. which i later realised were just the black pips.

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I used to beleive, that if you swallowed a seed the food would grow in your body.

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I used to believe that peanuts grow from the shells. I would bury mine in the backyard and water them diligently waiting for a peanut tree to sprout.

Mary H.
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When I was little, me and two boys always ate watermelons. I ignored everyone that said that the seeds would grow in my stomach if I swallowed the seeds. I swallowed the seeds and when I went home that night, i felt something somewhat hard up my nose. I pulled it out and found that it was a watermelon seed. I ran crying to my mom until she finally convinced me that the seeds had not already started to grow in my nose...

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I used to believe that if you swallowed an orange seed. an orange tree will grow out the top of my head, my mum always told me so and i was scared of that till high school..

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