i used to believe

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When i was little i believed that the seeds in strawberries were peppers. We used to have salami with the peppers in it and i would not eat it because it was hot to me so i also believed that the seeds would be hot.

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i used to believe that swallowing an apple or watermelon seed would cause the fruit to grow and grow inside you until your stomach exploded.

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I used to think that if you ate the black seeds of the watermelon a watermelon would grow inside of you and your stomach would explode. Another watermelon fear of mine was that if you ate the white part of a watermelon slice you would die. I also thought that poison was only liquid and came in bottles, and you could tell if it was poison if there was a skull and crossbones on the jar.

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I used to love watermelon and was so young I didn't bother to take out the seeds. Watermelon was all that I would want to eat. My mom's way of stopping me was to say that if I ate to many watermelon seeds a watermelon would grow in my stomach. Of course being a young child and seeing how large watermelons were I was scared that the watermelon would grow too big and burts my stomach. Too bad it didn't stop me from eating watermelon, it just took me longer because I would make sure there were no seeds in every single bite.

Watermelon Junky.
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My bother told me that if you eat watermelon seeds then a watermelon grew in your stomach and he said his friend had one and it grew so big it exploded

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One time while grocery shopping with my mom and my sister, my mom lost her keys down a grate. Not only did my older sister convince me that we would now have to live in the grocery store, but she also managed to convince me that if we ate watermelon from the store and accidentally swallow a seed, a watermelon would grow in our stomachs and kill us. Still to this day, I refuse to eat a seeded watermelon, and I won't even eat the thin white seeds either.

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I used to believe that watermelon trees would grow out of my ears if I swallowed the seed. I also believed that if I drank dark coffee my skin would turn black, these are the things my grandpa told me. Of course, I know better now at 31 years old.

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When I was about 5 a neighbor told me that if I continued to eat the watermelon seeds that a watermelon would grow in my stomach. From this comment I was convinced that eating watermelon was how a woman became pregnant. I still won't eat watermelon to this day.

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My dad once told me that if you ate the seeds in an apple you would be smarter, so on my first day at school i ate an apple whole at lunch-time. When my teacher asked me why, i told her what my dad said and she just laughed at me. It took me a long time to realise why she had laughed.

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I used to believe that pregnant women got their big bellies because they ate watermelon seeds and a watermelon grew inside of them.

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Eating watermellon seeds will make you grow a watermellon in your belly.

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My mom told me that when you buy a bag of shell-less sunflower seeds, the seeds were all individually removed by ladies at the sunflower seed factory whose job it is to chew the shells off and spit the seeds into the bag! I didn't eat shell-less sunflower seeds for a while!

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I used to believe that if I ate any seeds of any fruit, it would grow a tree in my stomach.

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I used to believe if you ate a seed from a fruit, a tree of that fruit would grow inside you

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that if I swallowed watermelon seeds that i would grow a watermelon in my stomach, and i was a chubby child so i relly thought i was going to have a watermelon baby!

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I was eating a huge slice of watermelon when I was small and as I took a bite, lost my first loose tooth. I was so shocked about losing my tooth that I swallowed one of the big black seeds by accident. I told my dad and he said that I was going to grow a watermelon inside my tummy! I was so scared about how I would get it out too--whether I would have to have surgery or if I would have to poop out a big watermelon! I believed him for the longest time.

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when i was around 5 my mom told me if i ate sun flower seeds it cut up the inside of my heart and that is why it hurts going down

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You know those little black seeds in watermelons? I used to spend hours making sure I picked them all out of every slice because I was terrified that if I swallowed one I would grow a pumpkin out of my belly button.

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When I was about five years old, I accidentally swallowed a watermellon seed and my step-father told me that it would grow in my belly. I started crying hysterically because I thought I was going to get fat and blow up.

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Again this is a friend of mine. At 6 she had been told that eggs were chicken seeds. She reasoned that she could grow a chicken tree/plant with an egg from the refrigerator. (She had a lot of plants in her room that she took good care of, even at 6). She potted the egg in dirt and put the pot near the window in her room, watering it everyday and spraying it to keep bugs away. She learned the truth when her mother asked her what kind of plant was in the pot of dirt by the window (noticing nothing was growing there even after 3 months of watering/sunshine). Her mother got the biggest laugh when her daughter said she was growing a chicken tree.

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