If you eat Gushers your head turns into a fruit
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: If you eat Gushers your head turns into a fruit.![If you eat Gushers your head turns into a fruit](images/common/gushers.png)
Until I was about 6, I was afraid to eat Gushers because I thought it would turn my head into a fruit and I would be stuck like that.
When I went over to my friends house one day, I saw him eating nearly three packs of them. I screamed, "Don't you realize that your head is gonna turn into a giant fruit?"
He screamed and for the rest of the day we were throwing out all the packs in the house and trying to reverse the head transformations in various ways.
My daughter is scared to eat that Gushers candy because she belives that her head will turn into a fruit if she eats it. She also thinks that if she eats Gogurt, it will really make her voice sound like Dexter and DeeDee. (just like that dumb commercial shows) I cannot convince her otherwise on either one.
When I was younger, I believed (after watching too much TV) that if you at Gushers your head would actually turn into the fruit. So naturally when my grandmother came home with some Gushers for me, I was excited. I then proceeded to run to the mirror and watch myself as I ate the Gushers. I was incredibly disappointed when my head remained the same.
When I was little I used to watch the commercials for "Fruit Gushers" where the kid's head would turn into a fruit ... I really wanted that to happen to ... I mean REALLY badly so my mom bought acouple packs of Fruit Gushers for the following <1-3>weeks and so in one day I ate them all and almost overdoesd ... I was lucky to not have had to go to the hospital ... I havent eaten Fruit Gushers again
My daughter believes that her head will really turn in to a fruit if she eats a fruit gusher. Everytime the commercial comes on she tells me she never wants to eat those things.
I know this is common, but when I was about six i saw the commercial for gushers. I was scared to eat them after that, because I was afraid my head would turn into a fruit. My brother confirmed this and told me never to eat them. Later, I found out he just told me that so he could have all of the gushers.
wen i was like 4-8 i thought that if u ate a gushers that ur head would turn into a fruit like the commercial. i was so scared to eat one cause i was scared i wouldnt be able to get through doors.
You remember those fruit candies called Gushers, the ones where on the commercial the head of anyone who ate them would turn into a fruit? I used to think that if I ate one my head would turn into a fruit. I refused to eat any until I actually saw someone who ate one and their head stayed the same when I was 7.
I used to believe that your head would actually turn into a fruit when you eat a gusher. Those commercials scared me when I was a baby.
I used to be afraid of eating or watching someone eat "Gushers" because I thought my head or their heads would turn into fruit
after the kids in the gusher's commercials ate a gusher, their heads would turn into giant fruits. I thought that if i ate one my head would turn into a fruit. I tried it one time and ran into the bathroom to see if it had changed. It didn't :(
I used to believe if I ate gushers my head would turn into a giant fruit (like in the commercials). i finally had them for snack in preschool and I noticed all the other kids were ok so, I decided it was safe.
Before I thought that when you ate the gushers your head would really turn into a fruit and then people will eat your head. I didn't figure out it wasn't true until I was 6!
When I was young I saw a commercial for a sweet called Gushers. They are fruit candies, and on the ad the kids that were eating them, had their heads turned into fruit. I was really scared that I would become a 'Fruit Head', so on Halloween I gave them to my sister coz I hated her and I wanted her to turn into a fruit head! Wow, I was evil.....
I used to think that if I would eat a Gusher, my head would turn into a giant fruit, much like the commercials. I was afraid to eat Gushers for years.
Remember those fruit gushers adverts how when the person ate the gusher,there head would turn to a fruit
I thought that was actually true and i tried alot of times but it didnt work!!!
When I was 4, I thought that if I ate Fruit Gushers, my head would turn into a fruit.
When I wuz little, and whenever they always had those commercials with Gushers, and the kids heads would turn into some fruit or whatever flavor they were eating, I seriously thought that would happen and I wuz scared to eat them cause I thought my head would turn into a lemon. Then I tried one for the first time and I wuz scared to but nothing happened.
When I was younger I thought that if I ate Gusher's, my head would turn into fruit, like in the commercials
I was babysitting my little cousin one day and I thought it would be a treat to give her gushers with her lunch. I was completly thrown when she started screaming and ran away. Only sfter I calmed her down did she explain to me that if you ate gushers, your head would turn into fruit (like in the commercial) I still don't think she really understands that its not real.
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