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when i was little i thought that if i ate lollypops while i watched old movies then dead people's heads would fall on me while i slept.
top belief!
I used to thik that jaw-breakers would break your jaw. I was very afraid to eat them!
when i was younger my older sister told me that lint from the drier was cotton candy, i believed it and ate it all.
top belief!
When I was young I thought that York Peppermint Patties were illegal drugs.
I remember when I was at school, we had an RE lesson and had to take in food that was traditionally ate by a particular religion. One week it was Islam, so we took in our food, and I went home and told my mum I wanted to be a Muslim because they ate turkish delights (someone had brought them in), and I thought the only way I could eat them was if I was Muslim! She did explain I could if I didn't!
one day me and my cousin planted skittles in my grandma's backyard because we actually thought it'd rain skittles!!!!
I used to call "M&M's" "nominees"
when i was little i thought the ice cream cone was just holder of the ice cream.
I used to believe that you could get worms from eating cookie dough. Hey, that's what my mom told me!!
When I was 3 or 4 I thought I couldn't eat the Little Debbie Donut Sticks because they had coffee on the front. I wasn't allowed to drink coffee so I figured I couldn't eat the donut sticks because you had to eat them with coffee.
I believed that if you put something in a candy container, it became candy. Upon finding a empty Tic Tac bottle on the ground I filled it with dirt. I gave it to my little sister telling her it was candy. She ate it, but told me that it still tasted like dirt. I was dissapointed.
I used to believe if I ate chocolate ice cream, I'd get darker, and if I ate vanilla, I'd get lighter. I was scared of eating vanilla, cause I was convinced it would set me back in my quest to be darker. I only recently acquired a taste for vanilla ice cream.
When I was little my brother told my that the stick of a sucker was also candy. So I kept on chewing it then my cousin told me he was lying.
When I was about 5, I had a packet of Skittles and my sister whose name begins with an 'S' told me that you were only allowed to eat the sweets with your initial on. So she went through the whole packet and ate every single sweet...I only realised later that every Skittle has an S on it.
When I was little, I used to believe that if you planted skittles in the ground they really would make a rainbow and it would rain skittles. Well one day, I took a bag of skittles and stuck them in the ground. I watered them for about a week until my mom asked what i was doing. She explained that skittles dont make rainbows :)
When I was little I thought that when you had chicken pox, they were icecream bars with bits of chicken in them, and I always wondered why I couldnt have them too
When I was about three or four, my mom always told me that chocolate was bad for you. So I thought it was created in a lab by an evil scientist who purposely made it taste good just so he could trick kids into eating it and making them unhealthy.
I used to believe that candyfloss melted. I believed this because I asked my mum to hold mine while I went on a ride at the fair. When I got back it was gone and she told me it had melted.
i used to believe that i was allergic to chocolate syrup because my older brother told me i was just so he could eat it all so i was afraid to eat chocolate for a long time until i asked my mom.
When my little brother was younger he asked me and my older brother what we were eating, we told him we were eating the red soap from the bathroom when in actual fact we were eating red gummy lip sweets. Next thing we knew my brother was eating the good soap that my mum didnt even like us to use o.0
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