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When I was really little I used to think the you could get drunk by eating Margarita flavored jelly belly jellybeans...I used to always avoid all of the green ones b/c I was afraid that I'd eat a Margarita one and get in trouble =]
My cousin told me that pistachio ice-cream was made of worms and shoelaces
I used to believe that cotton candies were made by airplanes or helicopters flying high up in the sky and getting a big plastic bag or glass to scoop out some clouds. Then colour it then wrap it..
I was a pretty silly kid back then...
When I was young, I went on a visit to my mother's family in America... I thought the candy called 'nerds' were boogies covered in sugar, and I also thought that 'wax lips' (and other edible wax facsimiles of body parts) were actually parts of dead people that were left over after cremation!
To this day, I refuse to eat those things.
I used to believe that to get the flavor blue rasberry they froze the raseberries
I used to beleive that if you didn't eat the head first off of a gummy animal, The gummy would eat you from the inside out.
top belief!
When I was younger, I thought that if you take a handful of peanuts and then closed your hand, it would turn into a Snickers bar. It worked on the commercial, so it should work for me too. I told my mom I wanted a thing of peanuts, and she found this weired because I didn't even like them. When she saw me closing my hand on them repeatedly and I told her what I was doing , she asked me why I just didn't ask for a Snicker bar. I said I thought this would be cooler. But finally she got me a Snickers bar anyway, lesson learned.
I used to believe that gushers would turn my head into fruit
I Used To Always Think That Marshmallows Grew On Trees. ? Dont' ask , weird i know .
When I was young I used to think that ice cream came on the cones in the box. I was always dissapointed when it didn't have any.
I used to believe Jiffy lube was a dough nut store....
i don't know why but when I was younger I used to eat loads of sprinkles by themselves, until one day my dad told me that if you have too much, it turns into seeds and a sprinkle tree grows inside you, but you have to beware of police men, or they'll get their doughnuts and dip them into you.
When I was little I thought that cotton candy was made by satan, as my mother rarely let me have it, but when i did get it, I would fail to mention that small fact to my mother thinking she would take it away form me
I used to believe, after my mum told me, that the Ferrero Rocher that people ate on adverts were chocolate covered sprouts too cut down on expenses. I found out the truth some five years later when
my best friend's mom told us that cotton candy was made from HAIR, and therefore we should not eat it and she was most certainly not buying it for us at the fair.
My dad told me we were going for ice cream sandwiches - I got upset and finally agreed, but only if I could have mine without tomatoes. I quickly decided ice cream sandwiches were the best food ever, tomatoes or not!
my grandfather had us all believe that eating cotton candy would make us flunk examinations. we were well past 18 before we thought it was safe enough to eat it!
When i was in kindergaten, my teacher gave us all plastic "seeds" to plant, and she stuck lollipops in the ground that night, making it appear that we planted lollipops. For years, I wanted my own lollipop plant
I had a friend when I was little that was eating Lemon Heads candy, and she said she was taking her medicine. For several years after that, I never at a single Lemon Head because I didn't want to take medicine if I wasn't sick. I always thought it was irresponsible of the store owners to sell medicine right next to the candy.
I used to believe that because Yorkie bars had the slogan "not for girls" on them that shops wouln't actually sell them to me!
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