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I used to believe that if you ate to much cookie-dough you'd turn into a camel.
Back when the 101 Dalamtians movie had first come out, they had white chocolate/cookie candy bars with Dalmatians on the wrapper to promote the movie. My best friend at the time and me convinced his 4 year old nice that the candy bars were made out of ground dalmatians, and everytime she took a nibble, we'd make yelping sounds. She believed us after a few minutes and started crying. It took a few years before she would eat another cookies n cream candy bar!!
I used to think that if u buried chocolate it would grow in to a chocolate tree so i tried it in our vegie patch garden i 'm not shore if i wterd it but ithink i waterd it once i used to check to see if it has grown but it didnt
When I was little my grandmother told me that blue Smarties tasted bitter and only grown ups liked the taste. Now, of course, I realise she was conning me out of chocolate. That will always be my funniest memory of her.
I used to believe that tic tacs were drugs. Something about growing up in the "Just Say No" 80s?
Every time someone would offer me a tic tac, I would say no. And I couldn't believe how many people took drugs!
My Dad used to tell me that all the leftover chocolate, eg:people threw away, dropped on the street, were collected and turned into Easter Eggs! But nothing could stop me from eating them.
top belief!
When I was little, I used to believe that the chocolate Turkish Delight was made from turkeys. To this day I still can't eat it!
My parents are both very well informed when it comes to eating healthily- and they're also very clever and tactful people. When they first had my older brother, they managed to convince him that raisins were sweets. When I was born, almost four years later, they convinced me of the same thing. It wasn't until I was three and he was seven that we finally figured out that they were lying!
Our local Ice Cream shop:
I believed chocolate ice cream was made at the end of the day by combining the left over ice cream that people didn't finish during the day. They poured chocolate syrup into a large vat of leftover ice cream, froze it again, then served it to their customers the next day as Chocolate Ice Cream.
My older brother told me this when I was about 5. Even though I learned it wasn't true while I was still young, to this day (as grown and totally logical woman) I STILL don't order chocolate ice cream.
I remember when I never did eat broken cookies because I thought they were no good.
You see those potato chips-looking polystyrene thingies that they in parcels in order to protect their contents, right? My grandma and my sister once tried to trick me into eating one of those, putting them in a plate, like actual chips, and kept on telling that they weren't polystyrene crap. Even if I was a greedy kid, I had totally understood what was going on. But when there's a your grandma and your older sister insisting on the fact that those things derived from hydrocarbon were a yummy snack, you end up believing them...
I still remember the insane hilarity that rose few seconds later... Yes, I have a cruel family!
My niece used to call Nerds candies "Nerts" because she didn't want to hurt their feelings by calling them Nerds.
Once, in elementary school, i asked my friends older brother for some of the sour candy he was having. He looked at me oddly, and told me to look up. I did, and he told me, "I'm sorry, you don't like sour things." Rather than leave me confused, he clarified, "you see this bump?" he pointed to his own adams apple. I am a girl and, curious, I nodded. "If you have this bump, you like sour stuff. But you dont, so i cant give you any candy. Sorry."
i was well into my teens before i realized that it was okay to like sour things despite having an appleless neck.
top belief!
When i was young, my parents would have after-eight mints on special occasions, when people would come round for dinner. I was told that the box had a mechanical device on it, not allowing the box to open until after eight o'clock. and my bedtime was half seven!
i finally figured this out aged 18 years!!! oops!
i thought cotton candy was made out of cotton
I used to think that all Swedish Fish were fish flavored, except for the green ones, those are lettuce flavored. I was always disgusted as to why Swedish people flavored candy like fish and lettuce instead of just eating fish and lettuce (btw I hate fish and lettuce). No one could get me to eat Swedish Fish until I was 14 (I turned 14 a few weeks ago) and now when I buy Swedish Fish at the store I try not to get a lot of the "lettuce flavor". Now I love Swedish Fish.
i used to beliveve if you planted skittles it would grow to be a skittle tree like on comercials so i would plant them and wait and wait until one day the rain washed up the skittles and they were all disgusting so i statred to think they were at the end of the rainbow but now i know better
When I was about 7, I thought Ben and Jerry's 'Chunky Monkey' ice cream really had monkey in it, and refused to eat it.
When my little sister was about 5 years old I overheard her saying to my mum 'wheres ma Yorkie'. 'Ma' being Scots slang for 'my' and Yorkie being a big chunky chocolate bar. My Mum replied 'it's off the coast of Spain' since she thought she meant Majorca (the Spanish island). She believed her chocolate was bobbing up and down in the water waiting for a greedy sailor to find it and asked me later if it was at all possible that we could get it back!
When I was a young one, i absoutley LOVED ice cream sandwiches with next to all I held dear. Everytime the folks brought some home from the store, I'd be the first one to gobble up five in a day and gladly help with the groceries...,my precious sweet sandwiches as my first target.
So naturally, my older brother, who liked the treats from heaven as much as I did, got annoyed and one day told me that if I ate too many, I'd grow fat enough to crush our stove. But that didn't work, hence my high metabolism. Then he let his imagination rip as he claimed the vanilla ice cream was indeed frozen lard and mucus drained from the dead bodies at the mourge and ground chilled ear cartiladge. And he didn't stop there. He said the chocolate graham crackers were in fact mashed boogers, smashed by people's feet like wine grapes in a huge bathtub except these people had foot corns, and gangrene and hadn't washed their feet in weeks and never changed their socks.
Not gullible as most children, I asked why the dessert tasted so good, and he sophisticatedly said they had "flavor-enhancing technology" and that all the mucus slime and boggers had been frozen and "enhanced" to the "seemilngly" delicious bar I so loved to eat.
After telling my father (the fountain of all truth) , who was just as fed up with my ice cream sandwhch gluttony, went along with my brother and with a strait face said it was true.
Needless to say, my brother had all the ice cream sandwhiches he could stomach.
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