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My Dad used to tell me that all the leftover chocolate, eg:people threw away, dropped on the street, were collected and turned into Easter Eggs! But nothing could stop me from eating them.
As a child, I used to believe that eating fruit pastels would make me turn into a crayon. A red fruit pastel would mean a red crayon and so on!
i once believed that foil in the chocolates are part of what we should eat.
When our family lived in Germany, we would drive by fields with giant rolled bundles of hay that was covered with white plastic. From the road they looked like gigantic marshmellows. Jokingly, I told my 5 year old son that that's where marshmellows come from...fields. Now my son is 14, recently, he has told me that up until he was 10 years old, he had believed that marshmellows grew in fields!
when i was little my mom told me 2 go and plant a sweetie in the garden it was realy 2 get rid of me i thought it was because a sweetie plant would grow i waited for years before i realised!!!!
You see those potato chips-looking polystyrene thingies that they in parcels in order to protect their contents, right? My grandma and my sister once tried to trick me into eating one of those, putting them in a plate, like actual chips, and kept on telling that they weren't polystyrene crap. Even if I was a greedy kid, I had totally understood what was going on. But when there's a your grandma and your older sister insisting on the fact that those things derived from hydrocarbon were a yummy snack, you end up believing them...
I still remember the insane hilarity that rose few seconds later... Yes, I have a cruel family!
When I was young I used to think that ice cream came on the cones in the box. I was always dissapointed when it didn't have any.
When I was about five/sixish I would go to the dairy and only but the fruit shaped lollies, like strawberries and grapes, because I though that they were the healthy ones :)
when i was young my mother told me if i eat to much candy , gum , and chips that worms was going to come out of my nose
I was told by my uncle that Mini Eggs came from a feathered legged hoodlum bird that lived on an island. They laid the eggs for children at Easter time
My mom used to tell me that Jell-o was made from horse hooves. I found out recently that wasn't true but that still doesn't make my stomach feel any more relieved.
when i was little my dad used to tell me that chocalate turtles were made out of real turtles and they put chocalate over them!!!! i was SO SCARED for the longest time!! and just till now i found out that he was lying to me!!! i was really mad at him!! i believed ever since i was like 5 or 6!!! and i am 12 now!!!!!!
I used to be very afraid of asking for licorice to eat. This is because the way I'd always heard it pronounced sounded like "liquor-ish". I thought therefore it had liquor in it, or at least had some connection with liquor. So I thought I'd be perceived as a very bad girl to want something containing or in any way connected with liquor.
When I was younger, my sister told me that the candies, Smarties, were medicine and that I had to take them with water if I was gonna eat them at all. Now I know better, but I still eat them with water.
When I was young, I went on a visit to my mother's family in America... I thought the candy called 'nerds' were boogies covered in sugar, and I also thought that 'wax lips' (and other edible wax facsimiles of body parts) were actually parts of dead people that were left over after cremation!
To this day, I refuse to eat those things.
one time my sister told me that if i ate smarties (the candy) with water i would get smarter...i ended up tellin all my friends til the 5th grade...until i found out it wasnt true when they all started laughing at me :(
i used to belive that if you didnt eat your easter eggs quickly they would hatch and you have to keep the bird forever i every easter i would eat them all at once how sick i was ewww
When I was young my parents gave me my first bit of cotton candy at a circus. They explained what it was, and I cried because I didn't want to eat it. I thought they were trying to feed me balled up tissues, for some reason.
When i was in kindergaten, my teacher gave us all plastic "seeds" to plant, and she stuck lollipops in the ground that night, making it appear that we planted lollipops. For years, I wanted my own lollipop plant
I have always hated meatloaf..But my Dad found a way to convince me to eat it as a child. He told me that the little specks of Red were M&M's and that's all it took...I would eat it up.
Talk about gullible.
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