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In upstate New York the farmers wrap huge bales of hay in white plastic so it won't get wet out in the field. I tell my kids they are giant marshmellows on a marshmellow farm. My daughter is 6 and she is just starting to question this.
I used to believe that if you didn't follow the directions on the sweetarts that said "bite em" or "suck em" that you would die. Thanks to my big sister this plagued my childhood.
when I was little we used to go to Italy and my parents used to tell me that the man yelling "gelato" (=ice cream) on the beach was selling fish.
i thought raisins were made out of jelly in a factory like gummy bears, i though this until i was 16!!!
When I was around four or five I heard people say "candy floss" alot. My mom is REALLY serious about keeping teeth clean, so she makes me floss very night. And I thought "candy floss" was floss that tasted like sweet candy! So I got upset that I flossed very night with boring floss. After that I always looked in the store to see if they had candy floss, but all I found was regular floss. Once I asked a clerk where the candy floss was, and he showed me a basket piled high with cotton candy. I thought, "What a moron! Doesn't he know what candy floss is?" Now, though, I know better...
I used to think that coin-operated vending machines had the magical ability to turn my coin into candy. I'd hoped that one day I'd figure out the machine's secret and turn all of my saved money into candy.
When I was little I used to think you would get an electric shock if you ate the Shock Tarts candy. So I made my sister eat them first.
When i was young, my parents would have after-eight mints on special occasions, when people would come round for dinner. I was told that the box had a mechanical device on it, not allowing the box to open until after eight o'clock. and my bedtime was half seven!
i finally figured this out aged 18 years!!! oops!
when i was a kid i used to believe that snowcones come from snow
I thought that a "sugar daddy" was a father who let his kids eat all the sugar they wanted.
I used to thik that jaw-breakers would break your jaw. I was very afraid to eat them!
When eating anything like jelly babies sugar mice, chocolate teddies or soldiers I would always refuse to eat the heads believing the brains to be in there and would leave them all bitten off and lined up on the table.
When I was little, I used to believe that the chocolate Turkish Delight was made from turkeys. To this day I still can't eat it!
" when i was 4 i used to beileve soil was SPACE choclate and always tried catching the aliens leaving it behind in the morning "
My grandparents lived on the coast and there was a small island on the horizon. My Poppa used to tell us it was covered in trees that grew lollies and the trunks were made out of chocolate. If we were really, really good, one day we'd take a trip out there. I absolutely believed that little tale for years! It makes me smile to think about it...
I've never had Toffifay (also called Toffifee) candy. This is because, when I was little, its commercial jingle was "Toffifay: it's too good for kids!' So I thought I wasn't allowed to buy it... and never did.
the marathon(snickers)adverts when i was little used to mention nougat. i was sure they were saying rhubarb and so i never wanted to try one as i hated rhubarb
i used to believe that after i had eaten a whole packet of lollies i could drink a glass of hot water and they would melt and it would be as if i had never eaten them....
You know how the wrappers of tootsie pops have pictures on them? One of the pictures is of an Indian shooting a star with his bow and arrow, but it isn't printed on all of them, only about half. When I was little, an older kid in the neighborhood told us that if you found a wrapper with that picture, you could turn it in to a store and they would give you a free plane trip to Hawaii. I totally believed her! I sort of imagined that the cashiers at convenience stores had tickets to Hawaii in their cash registers, just waiting for some little kid to come in with a wrapper. There was a store that sold tootsie pops down the street from our house, and we went in to show the employees our candy wrappers, hoping to get a free vacation. They were rather amused.
when i was young my grandfather told me if i planted some jellybeans i had gotten for easter, they would grow
well i did and the next time we came over to visit there was a little plant with jelly beans hanging off of it
we even took a picture
a few years ago he told me how he had pulled this off, by sewing jelly beans to a tomato plant
i sure thought it was real
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