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My grandad used to eat Bourbon biscuits, and he told me that there was a monster hiding in the cream centre- so, to eat them safely, you had to split the biscuit in two to make sure the monster wasn't there. I didn't realise what an impact he had on my life--I'm 36 and I caught my 9 year old daughter opening a Bourbon biscuit. I asked why, and she said 'to make sure there isn't a monster there' God bless you grandad--you got two generations at it now!!!
I remember when I was at school, we had an RE lesson and had to take in food that was traditionally ate by a particular religion. One week it was Islam, so we took in our food, and I went home and told my mum I wanted to be a Muslim because they ate turkish delights (someone had brought them in), and I thought the only way I could eat them was if I was Muslim! She did explain I could if I didn't!
when i was younger my older sister told me that lint from the drier was cotton candy, i believed it and ate it all.
I used to believe that if you accidently swallowed a piece of bubblegum it would inflate in your throat and stop you breathing.
I used to believe viagra was a mint and that it was an everyday mint you could buy from the post office!!!
I used to think that all Swedish Fish were fish flavored, except for the green ones, those are lettuce flavored. I was always disgusted as to why Swedish people flavored candy like fish and lettuce instead of just eating fish and lettuce (btw I hate fish and lettuce). No one could get me to eat Swedish Fish until I was 14 (I turned 14 a few weeks ago) and now when I buy Swedish Fish at the store I try not to get a lot of the "lettuce flavor". Now I love Swedish Fish.
I used to believe that if i bought a Wonka Bar I would find a golden ticket and get to see Willy Wonka.
(This one isn't even from childhood, I was about 17 for this...) There's a doughnut shop I go to which sells "sour cream doughnuts" - that is, doughnuts with a little sour cream added to the batter to make it thicker. But apparently no one ever explained this to me; because at some point, after years of frequenting that doughnut shop, I had roughly this conversation with my mom:
ME: Oh no - I think they put sour cream doughnut holes in with the rest of ours!
MOM: So just don't eat them.
ME: But...they're all in the same box. Won't the sour cream rub off on the others?
MOM: ...
That's right - I'd been seeing those doughnuts in the display case and assuming that the standard white sugar glaze on them was, in fact, a light coating of sour cream. For years. I never questioned the idea that people would actually want to eat something like that - I've always been a picky eater, so I just assumed it was one of those food things I didn't "get".
When I was arpund 6 or 7, whenever we would go to a restaraunt, I would say "Daddy, I want some Squirrel ice cream!!" because no matter how many times my parents tried to get me to say swirl, I always insisted it was squirrel ice-cream.
Thanks to the old skittle commercials, I used to believe that if you planted skittles in the ground, a giant rainbow would grow and it would rain skittles.
I beleived that the little pez dispensers had to cook the pez before you could eat them, thats why you had to put them in the dispenser in the first place, little did i know that it was just for holding the candy!!
I used to believe that shoo fly pie was made of old shoes and dead flys, and I wouldn't eat it.
When i was small...i used to play outside with my cousins and everything...so my mom told me that we could make candy out of rocks..thats wat i belived it was made out of..since it was so hard...so we would find empty chandy wrappers and put little rocks in em.. For the longest time i belived that candy were made out of rocks...(i also swallowed one...since it was CANDY)
When I was in preschool, the teacher gave us chocolate covered raisins. She told us that they were chocolate covered flies. I believed her and tried to free the flies from the chocolate. I cried because the flies were all mashed up.
When I was really little I used to think the you could get drunk by eating Margarita flavored jelly belly jellybeans...I used to always avoid all of the green ones b/c I was afraid that I'd eat a Margarita one and get in trouble =]
One day we sent my friend to return the boat locker keys to the life guard. When he came back he said proudly "That guy knew me."
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes," he said, "that was the guy who told me sand made ice cream more nutritious and I believed him."
My dad told me that if I finished a lolly and planted the stick in the garden, the next day it would grow into another lolly. So I finished it and planted the stick in the garden, and lo and behold the next day it had grown into another lolly!
I used to believe that my father was more or less omniscient. If I swiped one or two pieces of candy from the fridge, he knew it! Was he counting them or what?! Little did I realize that my 8 siblings were also swiping one or two each, which signficantly lowered the count of the candy in the bag!
I really believed that Lifesavers candy would save your life. When I was 6, my 4 year-old brother was diagnosed with kdney cancer. When he died a month later, I could not understand why my parents hadn't just given him a Lifesaver. When I found out that it was just candy, I never ate a Lifesaver again.
I used to believe cotton candy was really cotton. I distinctly remember looking out the door in horror as my family sat around the patio table eating the stuff. They offered me some, but I didn't want to eat cotton! Now I love the stuff; can't get enough of it. Yum!
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