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Referring to the stuff you get about adoption agencies, I used to think that adopted babies were just randomly chosen at the hospital when born, and the new parents could just pick out whichever one they liked.
I used to believe that all men had blue eyes and were left handed and all women had brown eyes and were right handed. Hey, that's how it was in my family!
My mother was raised in an orphanage, and my father had parents, so I thought all mothers came from orphanages. I was around ten when a friend told me about her mother being a little girl and NOT in an orphanage.
When my mom put us to bed, she would of course always say, "Good night." This phrase became equated in my mind with the word "goodbye," and so I naturally assumed that my mother left every night after putting us to bed. Who knows, maybe one time she had said something about going to the store after we were in bed, and I assumed that she always left the house. I was at least 6 before I realized this wasn't true.
The strangest part is that this never seemed to bother me!
When i was younger my family and i would often go to the movies. I was always facinated about the curtain walls and my parents told me that behind the curtains was a magical land. When you watched the movie the curtains lifted and you were in that land. Each cinemar had a different land behind the curtains. Even now if im sitting in the cinemar near the curtains i always have to look behind them to reasure myself its just a wall!
If a man wore his shirt out, I thought his wife was going to have a baby.
my brother once told me that i was adopted as a baby, i believed him for several years, and even now i still question things ;) just ive never bothered to get dna checks.
As the youngest of 4 I used to get quite worried when my said of my brothers and sister "they break up next week" ( meaning school hollidays of course ).
When I was 11 and my sister was 7 we told me brother, who was 5 at the time, that he was born a girl but that Mommy and Daddy wanted a boy SO much that they just decided that they would tell him he was a boy. He asked why Mommy didn't just have another baby and we told him that he hurt Mommy so bad when he came out that she couldn't have anymore kids. When he asked why he had a penis we told him that's what all girls have and since he was our "sister" we couldn't show our privates to him cause you can only show them to people that aren't your family. It took quite a few hours of convincing but finally he believed it and confronted my parents with the "lies" they had told him. Needless to say me and my sister were in BIG trouble. My brother is now 21 and to get his goat we still call him "Patricia Michelle" his "real" girl name (his name is Patrick Michael).
My college roommate was the middle child in a huge Irish Catholic family of 11 children. One time she was asked to take care of whichever child was the current baby. The baby fell off the bed and was knocked out.
My roomate was terrified that she'd killed the baby, so she hid the baby under the bed. She figured her mom had so many children that she'd never notice the missing baby.
Fortunately, the baby was fine, and woke up squalling. So my roommate was convinced she had the power to bring the dead to life again.
It's not mine, but when my dad and his brother and sister were little, he and his sister used to tell their brother that he was adopted, because he had red hair and blue eyes (the rest of the family has brown hair and brown eyes) and because he was left handed. He believed them for a while, until he asked his mother if he was adopted.
When I was about seven my dad was awarded an 'M Phil' degree (Master of Philosophy). Because his name is Philip I was convinced that they had given him a special award that was a shortened version of his name. So I believed that if his friend Duncan had got one, it would have been an M Dunc.
when I went to bed at night and listened to my parents downstairs laughing and talking, I imagined that they had really turned into withches(the cartoon-y kind with pointy black hats and boiling cauldron)..and had invited their wicth-y friends to cast spells and such....thye wer probably just doing crossword puzzles together and watching TV...
That my parents never went to sleep because when I went to bed they'd be sitting in the exact same place when I woke up the next morning.
I was the only blonde in my family. My 2 sisters had dark hair. Until I was about 10 years old I thought that I was adopted.
When I was younger I believed your second cousin was the cousin that was born second closest in age to you. And Ironically enough my real second cousin was the second closest in age to me.
When I saw my grand mother was very old I used to believe an Egyptian mummy!!!!
When I was young, we used to go and stay over night at my grandmothers house. She lives way out in the middle of no-where, and there are coyotes near their ranch. We'd drive up to their house at night and be unloading our bags and I would just jolt right into the house and cry because I was afraid the coyotes would get me. Grandpa told me that the coyotes were afraid to come in the house but if I kept crying, it would attract them.
When I was about 4 or 5, I was totally taken with my uncle Don. I just loved everything about him and he made my childhood magical. He had a girlfriend named Debbie and he told me that her real name was Princess Zebbie, he was Prince Zon and I was princess Zaige. (My name is Paige). He even had Debbie make me a papier-mache crown that was painted gold and had plastic jewels in it. She was wealthy and when we'd go to her house, which was very formal and "regal" appearing, I was convinced I was stepping into a castle. She even had a chair with a high back that I believed was her throne. We moved to Florida when I was 6 and I told all of my new friends about the princess I knew back in New York. No one believed me, but I knew it was true...for a couple of more years, then I realized the truth. But, oh, how magical it was to have my own princess, prince and to be a princess myself!
when i was liitle (that means 7 or 8) i used to think that my nanny was just a friend of my mums and not her mum.i think i believed this because some children call their child minders nannys so thats how i came to that conclusion
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