i used to believe

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I remember being upset at three years old thinking that my dad would keep growing, like kids did, and not be able to fit through the kitchen door.

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When i was small i used to believe that i was always going to be small, never "grow up", and i believed i could spend all say playing with toy cars with my cousin.

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I used to think that height was how you could tell how old grownups were, the taller ones were older. Using this logic the sweet short old lady next door was was younger that my friends tall mom.

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I used to believe that grown women couldn't wear normal socks - that after a certain age, you had to wear nylons with everything.

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I used to to believe that all adults went to bed at midnight.

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I used to think boys grew up to be women, and girls to men. I was scared to death about giving birth. *whew*

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when I was little I looked at my sister who was a few years older than me and thought: one day I will be older than you!

I explained this by the fact that on the roads, the small cars go faster than the big ones. I told everybody about this.

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I used to believe that there eas a huge book with all the names and surnames of everyone of your city at the public library. At the left of the name there was a mark that was your signature. One day, when you were old enough to sign things your father had to take you to that book and you had to spend some time looking at your signature. I never thought it the signature was something you could simply make up!

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When i was little i thought i was always going to be little and never grow up...so i never understood the whole idea of a birthday. I just thought my daddy would always work at Toys R Us and my mom would never home...i miss that.

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Since "storks bring babies" and since babies are human and storks need to get them from somewhere, so I thought that humans grow into storks

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When I was in my late teens, there was a magazine called 'Over 21' and I honestly thought that the newsagent would not sell it to me, bearing in mind this was in the 70s and the age of majority was 21. I bought the mag a couple of days after my 21st birthday and felt very grown up.

Yeah right, an age of innocence, but I still feel stupid about it and have never told anyone before!

Jak of an age gone by
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I would see "Senior Discount" signs at places like movie theaters and restaurants, and until I was about thirteen, I couldn't wait until I was a senior in high school so that I could get special discounts.

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My sister said this last year... when she was 18! I don't know if this counts but she believed it when she said it and didn't get why I was laughing at her until I explained it to her very slowly.

Apparently she's always been under the impression that since she's one year older than me, she has known me for one year longer than I've known her.

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When I was a child, I used to believe that people just kept growing taller as they got older until they were the size of 100 foot giants. Then, after a certain height, they would move to a different place -- a city for giants. Every now and then when I played outside I would look out for giants walking to their new home.

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I used to belive Love was just being with someone and stuff. Now, that i have it, it's way more than that.

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I thought that when you turned 18 you were given a million dollars that, for some reason, never got spent. All adults had a million dollars, which led me to think my parents were quite mean for not getting me more toys.

Whitney Sauve
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When my brother had his sex ed at school (aged 10 I think, so I was 7) he came home and decided to share some of his newfound knowledge with me. Looking back now, I can see that he'd been told about puberty, and when it starts and what happens, but he'd either got a bit confused on one point or he had decided to wind me up.

Either way, he told me that nobody knew if they were a boy or a girl until they were 12 because that's when they start changing into a man or a woman. I was absolutely terrified for weeks that when I was 12 I would suddenly find out I was a boy and not a girl after all. In the end I decided to tell my mum and she sat us both down and put us straight!

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I used to believe that, once boys reached the age of eleven, they would begin turning into monkeys. Their brains would detiorate, and they would grow hair in strange places. They'd perform monkey-like actions.

Hey, I wasn't too far from the truth. :)

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At the age of 5, I used to believe that people were either born as babies, children, adults or old people, I used to wish every birthday that I could be born again as an adult

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Up until I went to uni in September, I believed I'd be the beautiful confident, mature, smart girl in the happy ending of the movies.*

PHAH!! To be honest, I'm actually LESS confident than I was at 16!

I'm 19 now.. and am getting rather frustrated by this.

*That bit probably doesn't make much sense.
You know the way the girl at the beginning of some movies is shy, geeky, etc; then she turns into a goddess? I thought I'd be like that.

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