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Until I was 15, I believed that gay marriage was legal and that the only reason my uncles didn't get married was because, if they did, the government would make them adopt a baby.

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My Parents got divoreced when I was 2 they never told me about marriage that both parents lived together I just always thought married couples lived across town and had boyfriends and grilfriend and eveyweekend dad got the kids well when i was almost 5 I went to my friends house both her parents were there I later asked my mom do people that get divorced have to live with eachother as punishment n married couples get live seperate from oneanother with there grilfriends and boyfriends needless to say I got told the truth it was kinda sad

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i used to believe that when a man and woman got married, they agreed to be married by eating bowl of holy macaroni and cheese together:

"dearly beloved, we are gathered together, to join together this man and this woman in holy macaroni"

i loved mac-n-cheese
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My parents were married on May 25. Anyway, my parents still had a calendar from the year they were married, and I was paging through it when I saw the word "Wedding," but I didn't know whose wedding it was for. For a long time, I thought ALL marriages HAD to be on May 25, or the grown-ups couldn't get married for another year, and if they tried to get married at another time, they'd go to jail. (It didn't help that all of my relatives got married around this time.)

Anyway, we were going to another wedding in mid-winter, and I knew that it was not May 25, let alone May. When the bride and groom were about to recite their vows, I shouted, really horrified, "YOU CAN'T DO THAT! IT'S NOT MAY 25! YOU'LL GO TO JAIL!!!" The congregation broke out in laughter, and I wondered why. My mom explained that people can get married at any time, and May 25 was the day she and Dad got married. Needless to say, people still tease me about it.

h3r 3v1l 1337n355
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When I was younger I used to believe that the first time two people could kiss was at their wedding, because the pastor gave the groom permission to finally "kiss the bride."

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up untill around age 10 i thought that when a man and a woman were married, after the ceremony was over they went directly to the hospital and the woman gave birth to a baby. i had asked my mother about it once and she replied with "well...sometimes."

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I used to think you had to get married to someone whos birthday was the day before or after yours. My parent's birthdays are next to each other, I just figured it was the same for everyone! I blame my dad.

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my parents got divorced when I was six years old. for some reason, I thought that since divorce was the opposite of marriage, they would promise to hate each other and then instead of kissing, they would slap eachother.

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When I was little, I believed that when you got a divorce it was just like a wedding, only you walked backwards down the aisle, the bride wore black, and the groom wore a reverse tuxedo.

Molly S.
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I used to beleive that divorce court was when two people went to court and after stating their cases the judge pressed a huge red button and lights and sounds would scream and flash and when the smoke settled the two people would be DIVORCED!

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I used to think that you weren't supposed to kiss someone on the lips until you married them and if you kissed them on the lips before you married them, you were a vile sinner and would go to hell when you died.

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i once asked my aunt when i was little if husbands came with names or did you have to name them when you got them

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I used to think the f-word meant to get a divorce because of the following twisted little logic trail: I'd once overheard a kid in a public bathroom asking her mum what that word meant; after much hesitation her mum answered that it was "something that married people do". Well, I already knew it was a bad word - and thus surely must mean a bad thing - and what could be worse for married people to do than to get a divorce?

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when i was about five it was my grandparents' wedding anniversary. My mum told me that it meant that they'd been married for forty years. I thought she meant that they got married again every year.

stupid girl
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I used to believe that once you get married a baby automatically gets in to the womans stomach!

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When I was about 5 or 6, I used to believe that when a girl wanted to get married, she would go out in a wedding dress, and propose to any man passing by whom she fancied!

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I used to think that "have sex" meant "get married". You can imagine how surprised all of my extended family was when I annouced that my Dad and Stepmom were having sex!

Confused Child
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I thought that King and Queen were titles like Mr and Mrs that you could use when you were in a royal family. So when a prince and princess got married, they'd automatically become King and Queen So-and-So.

Not a princess
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I ised to think that people had to see the movie JAWS before they got married as a test to see how much fear they could handle.

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I used to believe my parents were brother and sister, and that everybody's parents were brother and sister.

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