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top belief!
My parents and I were driving one day, and somehow the subject of their wedding came up. My mother (who was probably fighting with my father at the time), said snidely, "If you can call it a marriage....."
I thought for years that parents weren't really married, that I was a bastard and that I was going to hell. Thanks, Mom.
top belief!
I thought divorce consisted of the man and woman going to a well and simultaneously throwing their wedding rings into it, and that was all there was to it.
When I found out this wasn't true, I still refused to let go of this belief, so I made it a custom in my imaginary world!
top belief!
My sister told me that people married by looking at their ear sizes and in order to find the perfect match, people had to have similiar sized ears.
top belief!
I used to believe that the man had to be taller the the woman to married her.
top belief!
I used to believe that you were married to anyone that you loved. I used to tell my mom all the time that me and her were married. :) I was around 4 or 5..
top belief!
My daughters, who are 4 years old, believe that if they kiss a boy, or a boy kisses a girl, they get married! This is becuase they were at my wedding and of course my husband and I kissed and then we were married. I have tried to explain to them but they just don't understand.
I used to believe that french kiss was something coming from France, and that only the French did it
My boyfriend believed, until I set him straight recently, that "mum" was a traitor for "kissing Santa Claus underneath the mistletoe last night". I had to point out to him that Santa was, in fact, dad and, therefore, allowed to kiss mum.
In primary school, I believed you had to marry someone from your class. My mother then told me that I wouldn't marry anyone I knew from school, that it would be someone I'd meet later in life. She was right about that for me, but two of my primary school classmates DID end up getting married.
I used to believe that the man and woman had to be the same age to be married, because my parents are. So I never liked any boys younger or older than me. I found out that it wasn't true when I was 12, then I kissed a boy who was a year older than me. haha
i used to believe that the man had to beolder than the woman when they i thought when i turned 10 every single guy i knew would grow older than me in case i needed to marry one.
top belief!
I used to believe that when married couples went on their honeymoon they were actually going to the moon, I always wanted to get married because of that.
top belief!
I used to think that once I got married, I wouldn’t see my family anymore. I was so worried, I wanted to marry my brother! lol we were kids and we were best friends. We didn’t want to be separated.
top belief!
I used to think that I would live with my parents until I turned 20, then my mom would put me in a wedding dress and kick me out. Then I thought I would run into some random guy, tell him my name, he'd tell me his. Then I ask if he's a good person, he'd ask if I was a good person, and if both said yes, we'd get married later that day.
top belief!
i used to believe the reason people were nervous about weddings was because that was going to be the day where they were gonna kiss for the first time.
I used to believe that I was cinderella I had 1 of the glass slippers, It was plastic but anyway, I believed my prince Charming would come along with my lost glass slipper and thats how I would find my man. By the way I am a boy. But my parents were gay.
i though that the man and woman couldn't really have babies until marriage,lmao,what a stupid person i was
top belief!
I used to think that you wouldn't die unless you got married.
top belief!
When i was younger i used to belief that when people got married and went on their honeymoon, thay actually went to the moon and ate honey.
When I was little i believed the man had to be older than the woman
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