i used to believe

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When I was young, my dad kept getting better job offers from employers and that kept us moving. The new employer would always pay for the move, so I used to think that anytime someone moved to a new house, a big truck would pull up and lots of men would pack everything up and move it for you. I wish I had been right.

Brian W
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when i was a little kid, i thought that the "baby sitter" was actually gunna sit on me haha

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My dad worked 3rd sh ift when I was growing up and he would get home usually before I had to go to school. Well we had a big window I used to stand at and wait for him to arrive...the window had nails all around it that we used to hold christmas lights. I believed that if I pulled all the nails out and put them back in he would be home before I was done. It worked EVERY time.

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I used to believe that carpenters worked on cars. I was four when my parents bought a house that they kept referring to the carpenter, as in: the carpenter did this or that wrong, or didn't finish something. I thought, "well, what is he doing building houses when he is supposed to be fixing cars?"

career confused gal
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When I was younger I wanted to be an Airline-ticket-taker because I loved watching the airplanes all day, I didn't want to be a pilot because I didn't want to leave my parents. I guess I figured I would just have to bring them to work with me

Ameer S
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i used to believe that pirates were real. And when i was younger i wanted to be one because you have loads of advebtures and you get to see the world. I still like to think that! lol

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When I was 5, we went to my dad's office after hours (it was probably around 7 pm). My mom told me not to touch anything, so I wouldn't break it. I was standing there really politely, my hands behind my back. (Incidentally, we had gone to pick up something that my dad had left and needed--he wasn't there, but the building security guard had let us in.) I got bored, wandered over to the window, and there was this little machine sitting there that printed checks. (For all of you young'uns out there, it was this odd thing that you stuck the check in the bottom, pushed manual typewriter like numbers on, and then pulled a big handle, like a slot machine, and it would print the numbers on the check in rainbow colors.) Anyway, I was bored, and I had been allowed to play with this thing before, so I grabbed some blank paper, stuck it in where the check went, and pushed some numbers. As soon as I went to pull the handle, the alarm in the building went off--and it was loud!!! The security guard ran out of the office, and my mom grabbed me to run out of the building--I was really scared! I thought that I had done it by playing with the check machine, especially after I had been told to not touch anything!!! And, I thought the police were on their way to take me off to jail! Needless to say, I never disturbed ANYTHING in my dad's office again!

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When I was younger I believed that everyone enjoyed summer vacation in June, July and August. My mother was a teacher, and my dad worked for an outo company so he had the first two weeks of July off and used all of his vacation time in those summer months. We had a summer cottage and everyone around us was always there for those three months too. It was a sad, sad day when I was about 12 whe I realized that most everyone I knew was a teacher, an auto worker, stay-at home parent, or retired (I had a skewed version of age when I was younger and didn't correllate family friends with time off as being old enough to retire). And it makes sense that when I saw other family members of family friends, it was when they were on vacation too. When the realization struck and I exclaimed to my mom, "I'm going to have to work in the summer!?!?!" she asked me where I thought the people who worked at restraunts and stores came from if I believed that everyone had the summer off. I had staunchly believed that they were students who wanted spending money and retirees who needed something to do with their time. Sometimes when the weather gets warm and Memorial Day approaches I still get giddy at the idea of spending a few months at the lake. Then reality sets back in.

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I believed that people actually worked inside the cooling towers. I thought that they must be really brave to stand there at the bottom of that massive, awe-inspiring vat and work away. I had dreams about these people all the time.
I never thought to ask anyone what cooling towers actually did.

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I used to have a lot of respect for my local mailman...mostly because I believed there was only one for the entire world. He was almost magical - like Santa Clause - and he brought things to the house EVERY day.

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top belief!

Our daughter Cathy, when she was about three years old, would see my husband go through the door to the garage in the morning, and come back in through the door when he got home from work in the evening. One day she asked me, "What does Daddy do in the garage all day?"

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I used to think that when someone got fired it meant they were tied to the moon and people on Earth would throw torches at them.

Mike, Sarasota
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My dad used to work in a mine. I though he was shrunked at a dwarve size and used earthworms holes to work under the ground.

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When I was a child I wanted to grow up to be a cashier at the grocery store, because I thought all the money in the cash register was for them.

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When I was younger my mom would take me to day care and always complain she would be late for work, and they would fire her. I used to believe that the 'firing' consisted of her being shot by her boss!

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I used to wonder why my mother made my bath so hot. My brother told me it was because she used to be a fire dancer and lost her sense of tempurature. I felt sad for her every time I bathed.

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When I was 5 or 6 years old, one of my favorite TV shows was the 1970's series 'Emergency'. A few times I saw the paramedic guys on there go to a call where a woman was 'in labor' and I always wondered why they took an ambulance for a woman going to work! I figured since they had uniforms like cops and there was a siren and flashing lights it was illegal for women to go to work.

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when i was really small i thought that there was only three jobs in the entire world. so when people asked me and my two boy cousins what we wanted to be i would say "Nurse!"because i was the girl, and my cousins wuld say "fireman!" and the other, "police man!". its really wierd that i thought that because i didnt know any one in my family that was a nurse, fireman or police man

intelligent 4 year old
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When I was young I want to grow up yo be a trash man, becuse they only work one day a week.

Steve H
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I used to believe that when people grew up they automatically were instilled with knowledge and professionalism. I was informed at my first "real job" there are D students everywhere. *sigh*

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