i used to believe

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Up until about 5 minutes ago, when I read a similar belief on this site, I used to think candy stripers in hospitals were called candy strippers. I'm 16. I never thought that they were actually strippers, I just thought it was part of the name. Thankfully I don't think I've ever said 'candy stripper' out loud to anyone, that I know of. Still, I feel stupid now XD

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my dad used to work at a bank. but he always fixes things around the house, so my 5 year old brother thought his job was to fix things. then he quit (they wanted to move his office to new york) and went to work with loans at fifth third. then my brother thought he gave money to poor people and other people to keep.it never occured to him the people had to pay him back. we had to explain the whole thing to a 5 year old boy. it was pretty hard. ;)

kylie bug
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When I was five, we lived on base. I thought that all Daddies or Mommies had to join the military before they could get jobs.

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When watching the news, I would see reporters talking into these things they held in their hands. They looked sort of like ice cream cones. So I figured TV reporters were always eating ice cream.

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when i was little i saw a dramatic show about some dude who killed people for money. i thought that you could get a job as a proffessional murderer and you got a million dollars for every person you killed.

Messed up flicky
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I used to belive that every single grade you got was recorded on a specil report card, which you would recive at the end of college. When my mom's friend asked me why I felt like i had to get good grades one of my answers was:
"Well, so I can get a good job."

My mom and her both laughed. I was confused. They explained my belife wasn't true.
I really thought iot was, and i am 12!

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Whenever the phrase "graveyard shift" or "working graveyard" was used when I was a kid, I always assumed it entailed working outside at night, maybe not necessarily in a real graveyard, but any sort of creepy environment with a lot of digging. I think it stems from growing up in a mining town and picturing a bunch of guys somberly digging for ore and stuff with shovels in the middle of the night. I wasn't very swift as you can probably tell.

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I used to belief that you could only become a barrister or a judge if your hair grew that way, i.e there were a priveliged few who were determined at birth!

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That you had to be missing at least two teeth to be a truck driver.

andrei gaspar
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I used to believe that teachers lived at school. Until I saw my 2nd grade teacher at the grocery store once and asked my mom why she wasn't at school. On a Saturday.

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When i was 5 or 6 me and my dad used to go to work together. One thing that constantly atracted my attention was my dad telling his clients that he would give them ring(call them on the telephone). I heard this atleast 20 times a day which lead me to believe that he gave lots rings away so i set out on a journey to find the rings...

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I used to believe that all people who had jobs were adults, with the exception of maybe the paper boy. It took me years to realize that those people working behind the counter at McDonald's are just teenagers.

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I thought cashiers and toll collectors got to keep all the money they received.

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This girl in my 2nd grade class told me that when her mother was going to become a teacher, they put a tube down her nose in order to check her knee. I believed it until 8th grade, when I confronted her about it and she told me it was not true.

Glad it was not, since eventually I would teach for a couple years as well.

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Those unfortunate people who worked in banks only got a holiday on bank holidays.

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My father worked a second job at night at a company called "The Orange Storm Window Company". When I thought of my father at work, I thought that he was caught up in an "orange colored storm". I was very frightened that he had to go to that terrible place.

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my father is an electical engineer, but as a young child i believed whole hearted that my father drove a train.

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When I was young I believed that striking workers on picket lines kept warm by burning brassieres. It was only when I was 34 that I realised the reporters on newscasts must have been referring to burning 'braziers'.

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when i went to kindergarden my teacher asked the class "what does your daddy do when he goes to work"? i replied.."my daddy is a "Big Wheel". the teacher asked me to explain. i said.."yes...he works at Ford's and is a "big wheel" there". she said to go home and ask daddy again what he does...that was 43 years ago. and it is still joked about to this day. i was a daddy's girl, and i believed every thing he told me.

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Growing up, I watched way too much tv. (Still do.)Although my mother tried to keep track of all the content, i still watched alot of stuff which young children shouldnt watch. So, when i found out my father had a secretary, although i didn't assume he was cheating on my mom with her, i did assume that she must be this volumpous young attractive woman. (As i thought all secretaries were.)I guess this theory comes from the fact that on most sitcoms that the way the secretaries were and they were always going after the guy. I kept this belief unitl i finally went to my father's work one day and was very confused when i met his secretary: Ruth, a 60-something old lady.

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