i used to believe

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I used to believe that the snowballs tasted like lemonade.

Luis D
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I used to believe that I was both a monkey and a wolf in past lives which would explain why I like bananas and finding myself running up the stairs on all fours. (I'm 12)

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As a kid my brother was very concrete in his thinking and not understanding the game of Simon Says he misinterpreted the directions. So when I told him to stand on one foot, he tried to balance on one foot and put his other foot on top of the foot he was balancing on.

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When i was little, I always watched television with my dolls. I used to believe that the dolls can speak to my favorite cartoon. So, before i turned on my television, i cried in front of my dolls, i hoped ,my dolls could flatter my favorite cartoon to came to my house.

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when i was very little, i thought that all girls must do ballets, and that i was lucky who wasn`t forced to.

little miss from norway
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When I was a child I used to play Zelda 2 on my Nintendo a lot. I was terribly scared of the "game over" screen with the red-and-black Gannon on it.

For years afterwards I was afraid that Gannon would pop out of my TV screen during the night and capture me.
(I have to admit that I still get the shivers when I hear the "nyuk nyuk nyuk" sound that belonged to that particular game over screen.)

Minna Pöntinen
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My parents could not afford a girls bike for me which made me very sad. When I was about 6 yrs old. I told myself I could ride my brothers bike. I slipped my right foot under the bar over to the right petal pushed the bike along until I got on a good roll and put my left foot on the other petal. With persistance and many tears, scraped knees and bruises.."I mastered riding my brother's bike "from the side"...my parents, neighbors clapped and whistled as I would ride up and down our block. What a sight that must have been!

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When I was a kid I couldn't understand for the life of me how skateboards turned. I never owned one and I thought the trucks were immobile, solid pieces of metal bolted to the deck. My best guess was that when you leaned into a corner, it placed more weight on the wheels on one side and made that side slow down causing you to turn, kinda like how a tank turns. I didn't have a full understanding of how skateboards turned until I was at least 9 years old!

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I used to think that if you had a notebook with a charecter on the front, you had to write about that charecter. (like if you had a winnie the pooh notebook, you had to write about winnie the pooh.)

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I used to believe that the sparklers that we played with before it got too dark made the fireworks that we watched later that night.

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i wanted to paint one day
so when my mom was on
the phone i put a bunch of
crayons into a glass and
microwaved them

the glass cup shattered
and the crayons melted like
crayons would
my mom was mad
and i still didnt get to paint

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When i was 6 my brother told me if i climb on a tree i will get cancer. So i told that to other kids in a neighborhood. He also told me if i ride a bike i will die. Bikes in our neighborhood also got very dusty ;)

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I used to believe that if I dug a hole big enough in beach sand, I would reach China and meet a China boy.

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When I was six, I thought that if you got a pair of a type you already got in "Go Fish", it didn't count. For example, if you'd already gotten a pair of jacks, the second one didn't count. And I thought that if you got a pair of a type you already had, the solution was to discard one of the cards that formed the pair and not use it.

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I used to play in playmobil and I thought that what I was doing was real.

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Me and my friend were always strong believers in stuff that gave you luck. My parents told me that if you looked close enough you would be able to find a 4 leaf clover in our back garden. It was a huge garden and me and my friend never foun one... even though we spent all day looking for one (we did find an easter egg from the easter hunt a few days before though!)

Link to da Pink
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I used to believe that the colors red and green loved each other and purple wanted to be with green and was jealous of red. Red and purple hated each other and I also hated purple because I was on red's side.

Allison L.
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I Thought Minecraft was Only for boys Until I was Seven Or Eight. I Am now Nine And I Play minecraft on Xbox one.

Mahaer Mahmud- I Was Born On September 3, 2006.
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When I was younger, I really loved this Loony Toons movie that had Michael Jordan in it. In the movie, the Loony Toons characters come together to form a basketball team. Lola Bunny was my favorite Loony Toon. So when I was little, I would steal my older brother's Bulls jersey and wear it around the house. I would ask 'Do i look like lola bunny?' and everyone would say 'No' but then i would scream because i thought i looked like her.

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When I was eleven years old, I used to play soccer in the park with my friends. I had a lot of fun with them. I used to do my homework in my father's office, because there was no one in my house.

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