i used to believe

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I thought my younger sister could fly, because one time she jumped off the bed and went really far. I kept trying to make her do it again. I'm surprised she never got badly injured.

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When I was a child I used to believe that this world and everything in it , including humans, have been created for me.

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when i was a little girl i used to want my shadow to stop following me because i thought it was another person following me. i was scared because we always said that the hillers who around and me i used to look behand me to see if there were followed me.
Now , I no longer think it because i am a grown-up girl .

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when i was a little girl I used to believe that i could become a mermaid, so when my mom was leaving the house i ran to my bathoom and started watching a tuto " how to become a mermaid" it said that i had to put cold water and add salt in my bathtube and start singing with a high voice so i did it but when I came out of my bathtube, my entire body was covered with red spots

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When I was a little girl, I used to believe that when I went to the swimming pool, I became a nermaid. When I went to the swimming pool for my first time and I went in the water, I didn't become a nermaid... I was so sad and I was crying... Since this moment I no longer believe in nermaids!

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When I was a little boy, I thought I used to have all the superpowers. Sometimes I stopped the wind with my hands or thought I can fly but i never tried to. One day, I watched Harry Potter going throught the wall. When I came close to a wall. I ran as fan as I could toward it and I ended up with a big bump.

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when I was a kid I used to believe I was
One day my friends told me I was invisible and, I think my friends because I was a kid I cried during one day same after i know yhe reality it was a very bad joke
Now i continue to think i sometimes invisible and maybe im invisble during all my life

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When I was yonger i think all the pupil are bot and me i was the only man on the earth

Yanissah Akha du sah tahia Maghreb
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wehen i m the littel boy i think i a spider man

tom holland
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Since I Am Autistic I Used To Believe The World Was In Categories Girls Don't Play/Watch Sports, Adults Can't Love Kid's Cartoons, Etc Until I Grew Up!

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Youtube videos would have comments like "if you don't do xyz a girl with no face will kill you tonight". These were supposed to be commented to other videos. I was ten years old but I believed these! Then I remembered reading a book where a child called his stuffed animals the "dream police" which would keep him from having bad dreams. I tried this and of course it worked. I stopped panicking when I remembered the dream police.

Some of these YouTube comments started with "Please don't read this." For a while I actually stopped reading at that point (to follow directions lol)

In later years, I low-key believed those "repost or something good/bad will happen to you" posts online.

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when i was younger, i used to believe snowmen were alive

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When I was little I used to believe that if I ran, the rain wouldn't catch me. Or if I stared at an animal, it would respon me, for example, with a bark

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for a while I had a theory that we are all just toys in a giant dollhouse and the cars were some kids remote control cars and those people made different locations so us (the dolls) could go places. I thought that might be true but I wasn’t sure.

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I once believed that if I wore my Halloween costume to bed, I'd wake up as the actual thing.

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When I was around 8 or so, I made a poster with a list of instructions and tried to give it to my family. It said to make 2 copies of the poster and give them to someone else until everyone on the planet had one. They were then to report to the North Pole the following weekend (as in the weekend after I made the poster).

Once everyone was there, I planned on somehow opening a portal to a new universe, which would also have new laws of physics written by me (I had this image in my head of me typing these laws onto a computer). Among the laws were that no one could ever die and every fictional universe ever created would be made real. Once we arrived in the new universe, I planned on ruling over it as President.

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top belief!

I had a different version of the "Everyone but me's an alien" belief. I did think there were other humans and I had to find them, but adults were "good aliens" who'd give me clues as to the humans' location, and the kids were "bad aliens," sent to misguide me and make things tougher.

A very weird kid
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I'm autistic but nobody told me until I was eight. Up until then, people described me as "special" or "different" and I thought that meant I was destined to save the world some day.

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When I was younger I used to believe everyone was robots and that I was the only human. That there were other humans but I could not find them and I needed to

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