i used to believe

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I used to believe that the whole world was built around me. A bit like "The Truman Show":). Correct me if i got this wrong. I was very careful about every single move, because i was sure that many people were watching me. Thank God, this thought vanished:)!

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It's funny since I always felt the opposite. I've always felt like I was the robot in a world of Humans. I've always been tougher and healthier than everyone I know. I feel somewhat indestructible. I feel like I am a prototype war machine that the government is monitoring, you know, just to see how I end up working out so they know what to change on the next model. If only... then my life wouldn't be so dull...

the Robot
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in third grade I had a friend/crush (you could even consider him a boyfriend, since we did have play dates :) and I heard a rumor that he liked another girl named Lauren. he was really smart so I figured that he and his friend spied on me and Lauren at night with an X-Ray Telescope that he invented, so he could figure out which of us he liked better, based on whether we slept with a stuffed animal, et cetera! The X-Ray Telescope could see through my roof and my covers, so I was really self conscious about, say, taking my pajamas off at night. Even when we weren't friends anymore, I still thought he was watching me, up until fifth grade when he moved away!

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When my son was little I would tell him, "I'm goning to give you back to the Indians". When he grew up he told me he used to look out the window to see if the Indians were coming yet.

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I had a long pink dress i used to wear all the time, I convinced my sister that this dress had stairs in it to help you find your way when you pulled it over your head because it was so long. When the dress was passed down to her I managed to make her believe that she just wasn't looking in the right place.

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I used to dream that if I held my breath, I could swim through the air for brief amounts of time

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I used to beleive I was special.Now I know different.

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top belief!

Sadly, I didn't realise I could think inside my head until I was about 6. My parents always used to wonder why I would talk to myself.

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U used to believe that everyone in the world was secretly actually far more advanced scientifically than the world seemed and that they were lying to me and tricking me, so that I could pass some sort of test. Once I passed this 'test', or whatever it was, I could go up and join them with their magic and their wonderful technologies.

I was 8 when rational thought finally beat this illogical silliness, but I still get little thoughts like that on the paranoid side like that.

I'll just keep telling myself that I don't need a psychologist and maybe one day I'll even believe it...

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You know the department store Meijer? Well if you are familiar with it, you know they have a gray and white tile floor that alternates like a checker board. Well, I used to believe that I could only walk in the white tiles. I was convinced that the gray tiles were vats of gray paint and I would fall in.

got that sinking feeling.
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I used to think I was super special because when driving down the road at night, I would squinch my eyes together in order to make the street lights twinkle. I thought this was some secret between them and me.

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I used to believe I had radar for finding public restrooms in places I had never been before. My grandmother used to tell me I had radar built in me to find restrooms and called me "Miss Toilet" after I went to a restroom toilet that was out of order and fixed it so it could work again...funny thing I do that for a living now where I work..

Bev aka "Miss Toilet"
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When I was in elementary school, I believed I was the queen of a world I went to all the time in my dreams called Crazy Land. I would get married all the time to different things (although my one true love was a giant frog) and the currency was super-pink bubble gum. Me and my friend (who is real) lived there too and we used to speak in Crazyish even though we couldn't understand each other.

When I got older, I decided it was time to leave Crazy Land, so I mentally put a super-pink eraser in my head to erase all my memories. I miss it there.

Queen of CrazyLand
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When I was little, my older sister told me all sorts of things that I believed without question. Among these was that I wasn't really her sister, but a princess named Janelle, and I was kidnapped by my parents, who changed my name to hide me from Child Services.

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When I was a kid, and someone told us to close our eyes and imagine something, and then they asked if we could see it, I was pretty sure they just meant if we had it pictured in our imaginations, but, in the back of my mind, I wondered if other people really could see it, like in a dream, but, for some reason, I couldn't do that.

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in fourth grade...
I honestly, seriously believed that I could fly.
I cannot jump very high.
I cannot run fast.
But I thought I could leap from a slope as it began to go down and start flying; and that if I trained hard enough, I could fly myself to the moon.

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top belief!

When I was little, around 6 or 7, my friend Hannah and I were convinced we had these amazing superpowers. Her's was seeing the future and mine, slightly less cool, was the power to wake people up. Amazing, I know. I thought this because whenever I'd see my older brother asleep on the couch, I'd go stand over to him and just stare at him for a long time and miraculously, he woke up! And obviously be freaked out his weird little sister was just staring at him.

Madam Stares-A-Lot
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i used to believe my mom could read my mind, it was pretty scary it made try not to think, also i thought my parents were aliens in human disguises and that they adopted me, too much tv!

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when i was a kid i was convinced i was different from everyone else, after seeing the movie D.A.R.Y.L. I was convinced I was a robot, but after a while i decided i wasn' t, so it must be something else, then i realised (since I was raised a christian) that i must be the third coming of Christ (I also believed that a second Christ had existed around the year 1000), until I was about 12 when the Angel Gabriel didn't come and tell me my mission. I am now an atheist.

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I used to have a belief that everyone had a worm in their brain that was controlling their body and no one was aware of it except for me.

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