i used to believe

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I used to believe that everyone was psychic and had all kinds of extra-sensory abilities but, since I was really bad at it, no one talked about it while I was there so I wouldn't feel bad.

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Whenever we would go to the beach, I would sit at the edge of the water and talk to the waves. (This was around ages 5-11.) I was convinced that the waves were alive, and they were coming to school, where I was the teacher. Maybe this had something to do with schools of fish...

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top belief!

If I swallowed anything while looking at someone, I'd gain their qualities and be more like them. I still have trouble swallowing while looking at anyone I don't like.

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This is really odd, and I still can't help but think about it at random intervals of my life... but I used to believe I had to be completely covered by my blankets when I went to bed, or the parts of me that were left uncovered were portals to my mind. And my best friends and my parents would read my mind. It made sense at the time, seeing as the parts that were being touched by air were always, um, colder than the other parts............I was an idiot.

It's not what you think I swear!
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When I was younger, a group of my friends and I believed, when we were in our mothers' stomache, a spirit wolf came into the womb and planted a seed in us that gave us the ability to become wolves. We could only become wolves at night time, though, and we couldn't remember what happened in our wolf form, but if we concentrated very hard we could "remember". We made up stories about being a wolf and told eachother. We even had descriptions of what our wolves looked like. One time my friend even told me she could see me begin to "transform", after which I quickly went to sleep so the transformation would not be painful.

Wolf baby
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When I was in kindergarten, I first realized I could bend farther than the other kids. I later found out this was called being double jointed, but back then all the kids would say my real dad must have been Mr. Fantastic (from the Fantastic Four, the guy who stretch himself out really far and can literally roll himself into a ball, etc.). I always thought this was stupid, because I knew who my 'real' dad was. But when I was 13, My parents told me I was adopted, and when I asked what my father looked like, they said they never saw him. Needless to say, I was now convinced the kids were right.

Duran Artora
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When I was in 2nd grade, I started seeing "ghosts". The other kids didn't believe me, and tried to prank me often by wearing bedsheets. These ghosts I saw weren't scary, though. They just seemed like normal people going on with their day, not evil spirits trying to kill me. They looked weird, though... the best way I can describe it is if there was someone in front of you who was invisible, but you knew they were there, so you threw a handful of glitter at them so you could tell where they were. I'd just see these shimmering human outlines every now and then.

Duran Artora
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i used to believe i was psychic. i still believe it. i predicted i would see someone i knew at the 99 cent store, and right before i left, it happened. i saw my best friend with her brother =]

katey kate. proud member of the MCRmy.
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last time i thought i was seeing things different from others and they were just putting up with me

irritated kid
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When I was a kid, I had this innate belief of how colors are ordered that was completely unrelated to my favorite colors. Without exception, this is the order colors go: blue, red, pink, brown, orange, green, purple, yellow, black, white, gray, peach, silver, gold.

I actually have coloring books filled with pages of everything in blue because I convinced myself that I needed to use the crayons in that order too.

I still believe in this system a couple decades later. Why, I don't know.

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i used to and i still kinda do beleive that we are all in a dream and once you dream up to the age you are in real life then you wake up from your dream its kinda complicated...

Deep Thinker :]
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I'm Caucasian, but when I was about four or five and people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up I said, "An Indian." I really believed that just because I wanted it, it could happen. What I really liked about the idea of being an Indian was getting to wear my hair in long, dark braids and wear beads.

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You know how practically all Kids think they are gonna be famous?
I was convinced that that never really happened. Everyone was just getting there hopes up to become famous for nothing.
I was different, however, because I was going to be a Singer, an Actress, an Author, and Astronaut...all of them. And it wasn't stupid for me, because I was destined to become famous!
I don't know why I thought that.

SingingactingwritingAstrounaut....I wish!
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When I was about 4 or 5, I used to think that when you drinked Coke that you had to spin around 5 times and yell "I LOVE COKE!!" really loud or the Coke monster will come when you sletp, and eat you up like a BIG cookie, then i asked my parents, my sister, and my friends. They all laughed at me like I was a crazy child! They always asked me if I was dropped on the head when I was a baby and I proudly said "YES"

Crazy One ^_^!
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top belief!

This is a bit long, so just hang in there :)

When I was little, my family moved around a lot, so I went to about 5 different elementary schools. In second grade, there was this huge drain tunnel that went into a hill beside the playground.

This thing had to have been at least 3 feet in diameter. Big enough for little 2nd graders to get into. My friends knew that I moved around a lot, so we were all convinced that I would move again after that year was over (which I did, but anyways).

We were also convinced that, when I left, I would leave via the drain pipe on the playground. I would just walk in there, and keep walking unitl I got to the other side (wherever that was). Apparently, my being shorter than my classmates (by a good foot) meant that I traveled differently than everyone else...

So, the entire last week of school, my friends would throw rocks and sticks in there to make sure there were no snakes. Then they all threw in some of their favorite toys, and I would save my lunch every day and throw it in. This was so that I could have something to remember them by, and I would have plenty of food for my trip.

The night before the last day, I double-checked with my mom about the plan for me to go through the tunnel. I asked her if she would meet me on the other side, and she looked at me like I was crazy.

I spent all of recess that next day getting everyone's stuff out of the drain pipe.

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When I was little, my older brother and sister used to tell me that we were placed in "baby-bake ovens" when we were born, and that was why we were black.

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When I was about 6, I imagined a sort of targeting system in my mind, and thought I could run faster and do anything anyone else could do better, and for three days I roamed around the school playground thinking I was in fact, Robo-Cop.

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I used to belive that the sky is the only thing we see when we go up and that we are trapped inside the earth.

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When i was like 8 i used to think that gay just ment you liked boys so i would go around the school saying im soooo gay!!!then one day i was in a chatroom on owensworld and i said hey,im gay anyone want to chat? then everyone got off the chatroom.exept one person.it was my mom!!! she told me what it ment.i know better now.

abygail E
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top belief!

Until I was around 10 years old, I believed that I was the smartest person in the world, and that that was because I could think about things before I did/said them. I thought everyone else just opened their mouths and words came out all on their own, but I could control what came out of mine. Ummm... don't think so...

so smrt, i mean smart!
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