i used to believe

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When I was a kid, I used to think something like "what if I'm actually not where I think I am?" Like if I was in my room changing clothes, I thought what if I'm actually in my classroom and all my classmates can see me changing? Then I would get a little paranoid.

But then I figured it probably wasn't true since I didn't see anyone else changing clothes in random places.

earth to mama
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I used to believe, when I was like 6 or 7 years old, that I had Matilda's powers (that children's comedy). She could move with her eyes things like glasses, balls, and even people, so I wanted to do that.
I remember I would strongly look at some objects like toys and stuff like that but I never achieved anything moved a little, so I was really sad for like... two days and then everything returned to normality.

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A long time ago I picked up a strange battery at recess, and I belived that this battery gave me the power to control the wind, so I tried to teach the dry leafs and plastic bags to dance in the wind, and to teach feathers to fly!

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When i was a kid, i used to believe it was possible to spy someone through their own eyes and ears and that someone was spying on me that way. I would try not to look at my genitals while going to the bathroom and try to act cool when alone out of fear they would think i'm wierd.

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My brother and I used to believe we had magic powers, and so we would train in secret. When I discovered this, I ran to tell my mom, but my brother stopped me, "They're SECRET magic powers, remember?"

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I used to believe that the entire world around me was there because of me and that everyone knew about me and went about their lives somehow related to my existance, like their lives all had a purpose but, ultimately, that purpose was me. I think I was around 8 years old at the time.

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I used to believe that smoke coming out from some stove or wherever contains genie so if you can contain it in a bottle and cover it you can capture genie so I once did that and many times I used to unlock it and watch it if it's there or not.

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I used to believe that i swam more than 2 hours I would become a mermaid.

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In third grade, we learned about atoms for the first time, and I became convinced that I could see individual atoms. My best friend believed me, but my teacher just laughed. I still believed it for a while afterwards, though.

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When I was a child, I watched alot of Disney Channel and I always believed if I closed my eyes and counted to ten I would become my favroite character from a show. When I was in second grade I told my teacher my real name was Violet like the girl from The Incredibles. Even sometimes today I wish or act like characters from those shows.

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When I was little, I used to believe that my best childhood friend and I where dragons that had been brainwashed and turned into humans.
We believed in an evil wizard named "Woo Woo" (pronounced who-who). Woo Woo's goal was to kill all the dragons in the world.
We believed Woo Woo was the one who had turned us into humans. So we went around the woods near my house acting like dragons (crawling on all fours, growling etc.) and looking for other dragons who we thought could change us back into dragons.

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In 1st grade, we were asked to say what we would do if we were President (if we could make any law). I said, aloud to the class, that I would make it acceptable for women to go around topless. It is alright for men to do so, and I thought it was sexist for women to not be allowed.

No one else thought so.

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I used to think going to another country by airplane meant going to another planet. I was happy.

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I used to think i was the only person who could sense, since I couldn't sense what other people sense.

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When I was little I would always say in my mind, "I know you can read my mind", just in case

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The first time I watched Lord of the rings was when I was first grade and a I had a purple ring with a tiny bear on it and for some reason I decided that it was the real LOTR ring. Every day for a month I was waiting for the Ringwraiths to come for it and also I was angry with Gandalf for not realizing that the real ring is the one I have and not helping me destroy it.

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When i was little, i was extremely fascinated by dinosaurs. I even believed i was one. I would even go as far to crawl around in fields and make dino noises and growl st people and pull leaves off trees with my mouth and eat them.

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in early elementary school years, I would always notice other's people's desks were shiner, and reflected what was above them.
I would always get sad when I saw my desk wasn't reflective like all theirs.
I thought that meant I wasn't as awesome as them or something was wrong with me...
until I found out the other desks looked reflective because they were at an angle, and since I was always sitting in front of mine, it was never at the right angle ^^;

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i used to believe that we were dolls in a doll house and a giant would move us around like we would with our dolls.

Sneezy xx
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When I was 8 or 9 I thought that the world consisted of only 7 people and the role played for me and changed the appearance of my teachers, classmates, family and so on to make things happen in my life. When I was alone or asleep, they were in their base to find out what would happen to me next.

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