i'm different
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top belief!
That I was the only human on earth and everyone were aliens or something so i would not go near anyone until i was 10. ( the doctors actually thougth i was a mental case)
i thought that we were all toys in a dolls house and giants playing with us was why we did what we did
i used to believe that i actually lived in a SimCity when the first game of said title was released. whenever i would go outside, i expected to see a huge mouse curser fly across the horizon. in fact, i still sorta believe this.
i was about 8 or 9 when i decided that my body didnt really exist. basically i thought that me moving my hand, wasnt ME moving it. it was a huge computer or God or something, that told the hand to move and it did. Basically my body was like an idea that i thought i could tell what to do.For some reason i though that my brain which was the only REAL part of me, in reality was in a bucket in the desert.
i used to think that i was a dream. i was always wondered when i would wake up and what i would look like
i used to think i was a giants doll living in a doll house in a doll town and when i went to sleep was when she stopped playing with me.
I use to think no one exsisted until I met them.. Like their "past" was just a story, never really happened. I just figured the world revolved around me.. In some ways I guess I still do..
When I was 4, I watched Labyrinth and believed that I was the girl the Goblin King wanted.
Now, I worship David Bowie
top belief!
When I was a kid I would think that my fingers were people who couldn't talk and that I was their ruler. I would have contests to see which finger looked the best for the day (i judged by the nails) and i would give out rewards like a washing of the winning finger. The side of my hand with the nails on it represented the sad faces, and the palm side represented happy faces. The funny thing is, most of this took place when I was on the toilet.
i used to think that i was the only wierd one who brushed their teeth with cold water and bathed in warm water adn i used to think i was the only wierd one who would chew with their back teeth. and i thought it was abnormal so i tried chewing with my front teeth and it didnt work. then i cried.
I used to think that if I stared at the sun for a long time, I could make day turn to night.
top belief!
i used to believe thier was another me on the other side of the world, and we both did the same things at the same time.
i never could figure out if i was the real me, or if she was. it really creaped me out to think that i wasnt real.
I used to think that there was two types of human, giants and minuet people. I thought I was a giant and whenever I ate, on my fork there would be at least two minuet people, so therefore I often ate people!
i used to think tht peter pand came into ma room every nite n take me to never land n we used to fight captin hook!!!!
top belief!
When I was really little (3-5), I was convinced that I was a sheep. I was so obsessed with it that I would eat the house plants and I even ate a poisonous one and my mom had to call the poison controll. I couldn't figure out why she was so mad at me; that's what sheep do!
i believed that i was pocessed, and could not sleep in my bed without the monster doing something horrible. So i slept with my parents until i was, oh, ten, or i had friends staying the night.
one time i was listening to this lullaby cd with my mom and the lyrics were "jenny rebecca, 4 days old" and my mom said "you were never that young" and i believed her. i thought i had just skipped being 4 days old.
top belief!
I used to believe that whenever I was home, ghosts and invisible people watched everything I did and critiqued me. John Candy and Bill Pullman's characters from Spaceballs, as well as Jonathan Brandis from Seaquest, and Tom Hanks' character from Splash were all invisible and for some reason interested in my life, so I always tried to be on my best behavior when I was alone so they'd like me.
During my not-so-bright years, I often thought girls were aliens from some distant planet. They were sent here a hundred years ago to this earth to ruin mens lives like the mythological Circe. I've always blamed this on my 1st grade teacher who told us the story of Pandora, the first women in greek myths who was sent as a beautiful punishment for mankind. Convinced that this was true, I tormented boys with all my might. My younger brother and male classmates being the ultimate victims. I spent a long time planning the perfect ways to destroy the species of men until my mission on earth was complete.
It wasn't till I was I got my first boyfriend that I realized that I was wrong. We weren't from another planet, MEN were.
I was very hung up on superheroes when i was a kid... So i invented my own...
(The amazing) NAKEDMAN!!!
I was not completely naked though, i was wearing one of my mothers shawls as a cloak. I ran around the apartment yelling "Naked man, dadadada."
Since i lived on the first floor, this superhero died sometime when my friends just happend to pass by one of the windows...
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