i used to believe

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i use to think i was a leopard and i used to chase the the birds in the park and people used to throw bread buns at me behind my back and say shoo, shoo you dirty filthy big cat, go away and eat some tuna. Children called me names because i drew all over my face considering myself as a leopard.

Pan Face
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I used to think that I had magic powers!!!!!!!

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I believed that when you shut your eyes tightly and shook your head really fast, you'd forget everything that was just told to you...As if you were shaking the memories off your brain before they stayed for too long and became permanant. For years I told my parents and all my friends every birthday and christmas present they were going to get from me, as long as they promised to shut their eyes and shake their heads after I told them.

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Because I was adopted I was sure that my real parents were a prince and princess from different royal families who were at war, so after I was born they hid me with a "real" family so that I would be safe. I was sure that when the war stopped and my royal parents could be together again that they would come and get me. I told my mom and dad that I would find work for them at the palace so we would not miss each other, but that my little brother could not come. I believed this until I was about 10 or 11, and then just could not convince myself any longer.

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I used to believe that people vanished as soon as I went away. They would show up when I called them or visited them. But when I wasn't around them, they were non-existent.

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My parents emigrated from the UK to New Zealand when I was very small. My brother told me that we were special as all our blood was blue and thats why you could see the veins through the underside of my wrist. The next time I hurt myself and saw red blood I thought there was something seriously wrong with me and my brother explained that when our blue blood reaches the un pure air outside it gets tainted and turns red ! Without a lie, I truly belived this throughout my whole childhood !

JayJay NZ
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When I was a kid, I was pretty full of myself. I used to believe I posessed the power to open the automatic doors in supermarkets. Of course, only I knew the "right way" to do it.

Also, I believed I was some sort of being from another world, and because I had these magic abilities, people were out to get me to do scientific research.

I used to get two of my younger friends to believe this theory as well.. and whenever we saw somebody drive by on the road slowly, or a plane fly in the sky, I would yell to them, "RUN! IT'S THEM! THEY'VE COME FOR ME! HIDE ME!".

Sometimes I went along with these stories so much, I believed them to be true myself! XD

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when my teacher told me the only things that i could put in my ear was my elbow.
i used to believe that i could put my elbow into my ear......i tried it some years later and it did not work.......damn

bob the pinecreek
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I used to believe that I was the only real person in the world and that everyone else was just evaluating me to see if i was qualified to fit in their world

Ji from da 305
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When I was about six years old my sister (who was 11) and I had to do the dishes together.
My sister used to get mad because she always ended up doing more work than me...
So one night she came to me with a "Family Secret". She said "Do you know why mom never
makes you clean up as much as me?" "No, why" I said. "Oh never mind I can't tell you, becuase
you'll tell mom that I told you and I'll get in big trouble!" she continued. "No I won't, I promise!" I whined.
"O.k., she said "But you have to PROMISE not to tell!!"she coaxed "I won't I promise"I replied.
She took me out onto the back porch where we could be sure no one would hear, and she said "You were
adopted, you're really 25 years old, your just a midget. Mom feels bad for you and that's why I
have to do all the chores."
I was mortified! Being 6 years old none of the obvious questions came to mind...
Like why don't i remember the first 20 years of my life!! :D I kept my composure for what seemed to be
an eternity but by the end of the night I was crying to my mother asking her why she never told
me I was really 25. After my mother finished laughing she was Irate to say the least!

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When I was a child, for quite some time I believed that there had been an enourmous disaster in the world in which everyone had been killed, I thought that I was the last human boy left and that all the other people were robots that had been created so that I would grow up in a natural environment to perpetuate the human race. (I was certain that there was one last real girl left somewhere as well) I used to sit my mother down, look her straight in the eyes and tell her, 'I know what you are, you can stop pretending. I worked it out.' Needless to say she told me it was all rubbish. Or was she just pretending... ;)

Noel Daniel
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I used to & still do to a certain extent believe that I was the ONLY person in the world & I was a prototype human being evaluated, observed at all times and tested to see how I reacted to general life situations and that everyone else was a machine who only became active if I was within a certain radius of them & that once out of that radius just switched off...weird or what...or is that just what they want me to say...mmmmmmmm
Needless to say it freaked me out quite a few times when I thought too deeply about it.

You know my name..........
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I believed I was magickal because I never caught poison ivy, but when my sister and I had played in it by accident she would get rashes and I wouldn't. Then "immunity" was a vocabulary word at school.

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I believed that the world was a fake world and that I was the subject of some huge study. My parents were in cahoots with the board of scientists who manipulated this fake world to observe my reactions. I believed that my milk was drugged every night so that I would sleep soundly and not discover their weird plot.

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When I was around 4 or 5, I used to believe that only I could think, and being so very special and very very religious, I also believed that since there was a Son of God, I could possibly be the Daughter of God. BIG delusions of grandeur!

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My parents told me that I was born with a tail. I believed them. Forever.
(I guess it got lobbed off sometime). I always imagined it to be like a dinosaur tail--they probably meant something cute like a cat tail.

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When I was a kid, I used to believe I was batgirl and that I could fly. Learned out the hard way that I really wasn't, when I put on my cape, climbed on top of the bathroom sink and dove head first into the tub... cracking my skull open. OUCH that hurt!

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I used to believe that I could move faster than my shadow. I would quickly switch directions thinking I could fake it out and catch it for whatever it was. To this day for some reason every now and then I still try it. I'm 23.

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When I was about 8 years old that I was the best footballer of all time in the whole world. Well that proved quite different.

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top belief!

When I was about eight years old, I saw a bad episode of "The Twilight Zone" which led me to believe (for at least a year) that there were cameras hidden everywhere I went. Also, my friends and family were all paid actors. My life was being broadcast and watched by the entire world at all times. I still feel a little paranoid.
Now that they have made at least two mainstream movies on this subject, I feel even more rediculous.

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