i used to believe

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I thought there was an invisible rope tied around my waist, so if I ever turned one way, I always HAD to turn the other way so I wouldn't be tied up. This went on for a few years.

Carrie Renee
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I thought that because I am called Elizabeth, I was the next Queen of England, and I only lived with my family because the royal family wanted me to have a proper upbringing.

Elizabeth, obviously.
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I used to be absolutely convinced that everyone I had ever known or met had some sort of magical way of spying on me at all times, so I would lay in bed and make faces at the window, thinking that people were secretly seeing me through my window.

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I used to think that i could become anyone i wanted simply by wanting it enough. I got this i dea from the micheal jackson black and white music video

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When I was very young, I didn't grasp the concept that just because I wasn't around, things still happened. Self-centered, I know. I would wonder how a person or thing got from where I last saw them, to where I was seeing them at that moment. That didn't last long; either I figured it out or I just stopped caring.

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I used to believe that I could also hear the whispers of the plants, they could tell me if they were in pain or not....i know im very odd...^.^

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I used to believe that animals could understand me and that one day I'd posess the power to be an animal like them

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i used to believe that other human beings didn't actually have lives, and that everyone I saw out of the car window was an actor paid to star in the story of my life

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I used to believe that the whole world blacked out everytime I blinked. When I was about 4 I forced my whole family to close their eyes all at once and was amazed when the lights didn't go out.

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I have an odd faint birthmark in the shape of africa on my leg. When I was a child, I was convinced that it was proof that I was an african princess and someday I would go there and reign peacefully.

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i used to believe that i was the only boy in the world who liked other boys "that way".

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I used to think I was the future queen of the world, but I was put in a "normal" family to grow up so I wouldn't get a big head. Everyone was aware of this, but had been instructed to go along with the farce to teach me humility.

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I used to believe that everyone else in the world had an alternative existence as Dragon's and the only time they turned into humans was when I looked at them. They all knew I was the only one that wasn't really a dragon, but no one was allowed to tell me - not even my Mum. To be fair it could be true....

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I used to believe there was a professor and a witch inside me, and they used to fight each other. I believed that when I went to the lavatory, it was the professor getting rid of his experiments and that when I was ill it was because the witch had beaten the professor... oh dear

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I used to believe that I was from another planet and still do !

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I used to believe I was an experiment. That I was part machine, and got repaired and maintained during "sleep". It was a bit like a cross between RoboCop and The Truman Show until I was about 17 actually!

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When he was 3 my son asked why there was fur on his leg when he cut himself. I made a glib remark about how he was a rabbit in a boy costume. Unfortunately it stuck, for years he thought he was really an alien bunny hiding in a boy suit. In fact he probably still does.

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I was a superhero named Captain Stupid.

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I used to believe that I was the only person alive because when others died I stayed here. I figured that if I died they would all end.

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I uesd to believe that the world was just someones dream and that when they woke up we would all disappear.

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