i used to believe

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i used ti believe when i blinked everyone turned into ninjas.

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When I was little, I used to believe that you dissapeared if you closed your eyes. I would try to hide by squeasing my eyes tightly shut.

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When i was younger, i believed that if you wished for somthing enough times, you would get it. So every penny tossed, every shinning star, and every fallen eyelash i would wish for a flying pony so that i could beat my mother home from school.

Abigail Paige
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When at McDonald's as a child, i saw a Ronald McDonald Statue with some type of glossy coating on it, Instantly I knew someone was trapped inside there. The same went for all statues that i seen at that age.

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When I was like 11, I used to believe that I was really a mermaid and my real mermaid parents would come out of my pool light when I was 13 and take me out to sea.

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I used to use the basketball pump in the air because I thought I was donating fresh air to the needy.

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When I was younger, I believed that monkeys lived in the vents of my house. And they used to stare at me while I slept

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When i was little i would jump of of tall things with umbrellas because i thought i would fly like marry poppins.

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when i was really little i used to believe that if i put on water wings and went outside when it was raining i would float around.

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I used to believe that I could absorb people's secret powers through my lunchbox. So I would point my lunchbox at people and quietly laugh inside.

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i used to belief that waves had life and different personalities! The small ones were just wave kids, and the biggest ones were their parents. Every time that I went to the beach I made sand cakes and throw them to the ocean! If I did not make enough cakes, the biggest waves would be mad and would attack the beach. I ran like crazy to make this certain numbers of cakes! But that was ok since they really liked me after all, and the small waves were my friends and would protect me every were I go with an ocean.

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When I was 4 I went to the Atlantic ocean for the first time, had a blast when we were done we went to a little hole in the wall ice cream shop, where they had Super Man ice cream. I got it and the entire time I was eating it I was pushing on stuff. My grandfather caught me doing this to a SUV and asked what I was doing. I told him I was waiting for the powers to kick in.

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When I was in grade 4 I LOVED DragonBall Z. So i thought that if i did enough push ups and sit ups, Vegeta would come to planet earth and take me away to his planet to train with him.

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I used to believe that pictures and posters could see me. So whenever I did something private in my room, I turned all my pictures upsidedown and took down my posters.

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When I was little I was terrified of fire. Fire drills. Candles. Fireplaces. You name it. I was terrified. To alleviate my fears my parents told me that the only way our house could catch on fire was if someone poured gasoline on our house and lit it. Well my little ears heard "vaseline," so for years I had nightmares of people smearing vaseline on our house and lighting it on fire.

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When I was young, I thought all animals were called "Molly"-- my dog's name. I called everything from birds to bears Mollys.

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My mum hated the fact that whenever it rained or snowed I'd stick my tongue out and try to catch the raindrops/snowflakes,
So when we were out on the road walking and it was raining/snowing - she told me that snow was dandruff and rain was cloud wee wee.

Someone who knows better now...
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I used to believe that there was a 13th month called White. When reciting the months, I would always say "October, November, December and White!" My mom would always say "um, sweetie, white isn't a month" which would make me very upset and I would INSIST that it was a month. I think I thought it encompassed all holidays or something. I was a sillyface

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When I was a little boy, there was a house being built a few houses down from mine. They were always using a tractor with a grapple (bucket that opens & closes) on it. Whenever they started the tractor I would hear it and peek outside. Now with the sound, plus the grapple opening and closing, I thought this thing was a T-Rex trying to eat me!

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I used to believe that if I said the Pledge of Allegiance every day for a year I would get a wish.

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