i used to believe

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I used to believe that a stranger would kidnap me from my bedroom in the night so I made sure that my parents opened the curtains of the tv room so they could see when the stranger came with the ladder to climb up and take me.

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I firmly believed Peter Pan was real, so I tried to get my family to read bedtime stories about him in hopes he would come at night to get me, just like in the movie. Since I was the only person in my family who actually liked Peter Pan, no one told any stories, so I had an excuse as to why he never showed up.

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When I was five, i decided I was no longer content with my human skin. I thought being a skeleton was much cooler, so I asked my mom how. She thought I was asking her how to keep my skin clean, so she gave me a cream. For three days i was convinced i was gonna turn into a skeleton and lose my skin with this cream. When i realised it was impossible, i cried.

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When I was younger I was convinced that if someone couldn't see your actual body then they couldn't see you at all. When my parents would put me to bed and I wasn't tired I would cover myself with my blanket adn army crawl into the living room, convinced they wouldn't see me.

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I used to think it would be good to become an adult because people would be able to understand logic and come to agreements. I realize now adults are just as ridiculous as children!

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if you stand on your nose and sing the blues you wont get hiccups for a month.

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When I was 5 years old, I used to believe that your age is when the day you were born.


You are 1 years old if you are born on June 1st, you are 8 when you born on October 8th, and you are 30 years old when you born on July 30th.

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When I was little, I used to believe no one could see how I could. I'd keep asking my mom if a tree was really there, or if a car was really parked at the store. I just thought I saw things differently.

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I used to believe that to get a name, you had to go through a machine as a baby that would suck up your brain and analyse your DNA and give you a name that fits your personality. I thought this until when I was 14.

Anony Moose
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When I used to lie in bed at night and hear the sound of my blood pulsing in my ears I was convinced that it was little elves in there, mining the ear wax with their minuture pick-axes.

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When I was little and it was time for bed, I would lay in the very center and I would not move a muscle. The reason I did this is because I thought that as soon as the lights went out there were cowboys laying on the floor with their guns drawn. If they saw a part of my body, they were going to shoot it.

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When I was little, I thought you had to put a finger under the water to make it hot.

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I used to think that locks had little men on trampolines. when it was unlocked they could bounce up and push a button that kept it unlocked but if you locked it the trampoline would lower and he couldn't reach the "unlock" button.

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Until I was aobut eight I used to belive each month started with just the name. For example, Janauary's first day was simply called "January and was followed by January 1st. "February" would be the first day of the month followed by February 1st.

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When i was 5 i thought that i was the only one in the world with my name, so i was outraged when i started preschool and some one else had the same name as me.

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I used to believe that when you weren't wearing shoes you were "bearfoot" as opposed to barefoot. It made perfect sense to me because bears didn't wear shoes.

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In cartoons, the superhero characters always have a cool pose while flying or whatever. I used to believe when i went to sleep in these poses, i'd wake up wakeup a superhero.

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When we had a nationality-day coming up at school, I asked dad where we were from. He said I was half scottish and half finnish.
We had visited our grandparents (from my mother's side) in Scotland before, but I didn't remember hearing about Finland before.
Our last name is Finn (dad had taken mom's name when they married, he has later on said people couldn't pronounce his old one), so I figured it was somehow connected to Finland, and soon decided, my family has their very own country! I don't remember how long I believed this, but I just remembered it, when we were watching a movie where a woman announced she was the princess of Finland. I was a weird kid.

The Princess of Finland
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I used to believe, that since I wished upon a wishing well, I really would grow up to be a dinosaur.

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I believed that one half of the world was an exact duplicate of the other. So, whatever I was doing effected the "me" on the other side. If I got a strange twinge of pain, she was probably hurt from an accident or if I got hurt, she was probably wondering why she was hurting. Sometimes I'd make strange body movements to make her do the same thing.

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