i used to believe

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when i laid my head down on my pillow at night, I thought that the beating of my heart that i could hear was tiny men, marching my nightmares into my brain. I didnt sleep much at 5.

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I used to believe that life was actually a stage and everyone I knew and interacted with were actors. As soon as I left the room they would relax and go about their real business, whatever that might be.

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One day in second grade everyone had to stand up and give a presentation about what nationality our family was. When it was my turn, I got up in front of the class and declared that I was half Irish and half Catholic. I had never even thought otherwise; it didn't make sense that I could be 100% Irish and 100% Catholic.

After noticing that my teacher could hardly contain her laughter throughout my presentation, I later asked my mom about it and learned that these were not mutually exclusive characteristics.

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In those days before everyone had air conditioning, I had a fan in my bedroom window. And when I talked into it and it made the robot voice, I thought that anyone else who had a fan in their window would be able to hear it...like a walkie talkie? lol

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Not sure where exactly to put this one but as a young kid growing up and going with my mom to stores,etc... I saw the mannequins and thought they only came to life after stores closed for the night and did whatever they wanted to after closing time and everyone was gone for the night. I stared at them everytime we went shopping and wondered what they did the night before or why do they look so bored..Hey..I was a kid ..remember...LOL!

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I used to belief that mermaids lived in underground drains.

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There was a giant at the end of the road that pulled it, so the car never moved, the world moved around my car.

Tom Wade
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I thought that when anyone else cut a paper with scissors they had to flip it over and cut it again. Since I could do both sides at once, i thought i was special.

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When I was a young child like 7 or 8 years old, I learned that on one night in the whole year, whatever you wish for will come true.... so I wished for having wings and could fly! so, the next day, I started running all over my room and jumping from the top of my bunk bed flapping my hands to see if I could fly! LOL

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When I was little (3 or 4) whenever I took a bath I thought the water was going to boil, so whenever my dad or mom would come to take me out of the bath I would yell "get me out before the water boils!!"

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When I was about 7 or 8 ... I was convienced if I stepped on a crack it would break my Mom's back...scary!!!

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I used to believe that anything could happen or be brought into existence if you just wished hard enough and long enough. When I tried and it didn't work, I just thought that I didn't want it enough or didn't try long enough. Sometimes I'd try so hard and my body would be tense for so long that I'd actually be in pain. Actually, sometimes I still believe it, I just don't try any more because, well, ouch.

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I used to swear that everyone saw colors differently. Such as what I saw as red someone else actually saw blue but called it red because that's how they learned it. I used to ask everyone to describe the colors to me to see if I was right. I was convinced that I was a genius because I had figured that all out by myself.

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when i was a kid i use to think i was the only human and everyone else around me was a robot for some reason i just had a gut feeling it was true

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I used to believe that if you got inside a vehicle, the world moved, not the vehicle that you were in. But I still wonder what went through my mind when there were OTHER vehicles nearby...

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When I was little, about 3 or 4, my brother, who was like 7 at the time, told me I was actually a boy but my parents really wanted a girl so they just pretended I was one. I believed him for a long time.

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When I was in grade school (i think 2nd) i thought there was a second playground you can go to by running 3 laps in the grass, then moving to the center and jumping up and down 10 times, and then going to the basketball court and winning a One (you) on Eight game. I then thought millions of trap doors would appear that only you and people who have found the secret playground could see. You then had to find the right one to get to the second playground. I actually did this once and i was dissapointed when trap doors didn't appear.

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As I would walk home from the bus stop (all by myself), I used to sing songs...("this is me walking home from school/I learned math today/etc etc etc)...I did this because I wondered if people were watching my life on tv and I wanted to make my life into a musical (this was way before The Truman Show ever came out)

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When I was about 5 years old, I was a big fan of Sesame Street. One day my older brother told me that if I took a crescent wrench and closed the jaws of it on my nose and pulled real hard, I could take my nose off just like Bert and Ernie used to do. I tried for an entire afternoon before my mother came home from work and stopped me. By then, my nose was black and blue.

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When I was younger, and didnt want anyone to see me, I would close my eyes and figured if I couldnt see them ,neither could they!

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