i used to believe

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I have an odd faint birthmark in the shape of africa on my leg. When I was a child, I was convinced that it was proof that I was an african princess and someday I would go there and reign peacefully.

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I used to believe that the whole world blacked out everytime I blinked. When I was about 4 I forced my whole family to close their eyes all at once and was amazed when the lights didn't go out.

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I thought that because I am called Elizabeth, I was the next Queen of England, and I only lived with my family because the royal family wanted me to have a proper upbringing.

Elizabeth, obviously.
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when i was in second grade, i used to believe that adults had a slower pulse than kids. so i took my pulse, decided that it was really slow, and reasoned that i was secretly an adult in a child's body. then i would take the pulse of other kids at school, and if theirs was as slow as mine, i would tell them how they were secretly adults, just like me. most kids i told this to were fascinated. we had a little club going for a while.

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when i was a kid i used to think i was a horse called joey, i even had an imaginary horse girlfriend called lily. this abruptly stopped when i galloped into a wall and broke my wrist.

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Untill i was about 10 years old, i thought that my parents would transform into enormous ants when i couldnt see them...

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when i was eight i had a blood test and the doctor told me i had blue blood, that i must be a royal! i also shared my birthday with the queen of england. These two points convinced me that i must have been a princess.

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I was convinced for a long time when I was about eight that I was actually a robot from the planet Saturn. I don't know why except that it had something to do with Holst's "Planets" suite, to which we liked to listen. I even convinced some of my school friends. I gave up on it after I was X-rayed and saw that there were ribs inside my body, not machinery. I tried to make up a mechanism where my manufacturers had put X-ray negatives inside so that a convincing outline would show up, but I couldn't make it work and had to admit I was human after all.

Stephen K from Scotland
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When I was around 4 or 5, I used to believe that only I could think, and being so very special and very very religious, I also believed that since there was a Son of God, I could possibly be the Daughter of God. BIG delusions of grandeur!

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When I was a child, for quite some time I believed that there had been an enourmous disaster in the world in which everyone had been killed, I thought that I was the last human boy left and that all the other people were robots that had been created so that I would grow up in a natural environment to perpetuate the human race. (I was certain that there was one last real girl left somewhere as well) I used to sit my mother down, look her straight in the eyes and tell her, 'I know what you are, you can stop pretending. I worked it out.' Needless to say she told me it was all rubbish. Or was she just pretending... ;)

Noel Daniel
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When I was about six years old my sister (who was 11) and I had to do the dishes together.
My sister used to get mad because she always ended up doing more work than me...
So one night she came to me with a "Family Secret". She said "Do you know why mom never
makes you clean up as much as me?" "No, why" I said. "Oh never mind I can't tell you, becuase
you'll tell mom that I told you and I'll get in big trouble!" she continued. "No I won't, I promise!" I whined.
"O.k., she said "But you have to PROMISE not to tell!!"she coaxed "I won't I promise"I replied.
She took me out onto the back porch where we could be sure no one would hear, and she said "You were
adopted, you're really 25 years old, your just a midget. Mom feels bad for you and that's why I
have to do all the chores."
I was mortified! Being 6 years old none of the obvious questions came to mind...
Like why don't i remember the first 20 years of my life!! :D I kept my composure for what seemed to be
an eternity but by the end of the night I was crying to my mother asking her why she never told
me I was really 25. After my mother finished laughing she was Irate to say the least!

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When I was a kid, I was pretty full of myself. I used to believe I posessed the power to open the automatic doors in supermarkets. Of course, only I knew the "right way" to do it.

Also, I believed I was some sort of being from another world, and because I had these magic abilities, people were out to get me to do scientific research.

I used to get two of my younger friends to believe this theory as well.. and whenever we saw somebody drive by on the road slowly, or a plane fly in the sky, I would yell to them, "RUN! IT'S THEM! THEY'VE COME FOR ME! HIDE ME!".

Sometimes I went along with these stories so much, I believed them to be true myself! XD

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Because I was adopted I was sure that my real parents were a prince and princess from different royal families who were at war, so after I was born they hid me with a "real" family so that I would be safe. I was sure that when the war stopped and my royal parents could be together again that they would come and get me. I told my mom and dad that I would find work for them at the palace so we would not miss each other, but that my little brother could not come. I believed this until I was about 10 or 11, and then just could not convince myself any longer.

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I believed that when you shut your eyes tightly and shook your head really fast, you'd forget everything that was just told to you...As if you were shaking the memories off your brain before they stayed for too long and became permanant. For years I told my parents and all my friends every birthday and christmas present they were going to get from me, as long as they promised to shut their eyes and shake their heads after I told them.

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When I was a little girl I used to believe that I was a "secret celebrity". A "secret celebrity" was a kid who was going to be really famous when he or she grew up. Grown ups could tell who these kids were because they had some kind of aura or magnetism to them, and they would stare at the young "secret celebrities" in awe. Since grown ups always seemed to be looking at me I KNEW I was a "secret celebrity", and was destined for greatness. I sure thought a lot of myself! It wasn't until years later that I figured out everyone was staring because I was a goofy, rambunctious little girl!

miss mel
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I used to believe that when I grew up I could invent a new color and it would be number 65 in the crayola box!Because I saw colors other people could not see.

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I used to believe that I could control the weather... I had limited success

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I used to believe, like others here, that I was the only real person in the world and everything within a certain radius had to be constructed by hidden skeletons as I came near them, once I had passed through an area the Skeletons then quickly took everything apart again as they had a finite resource from which to create the world with.

I thought the faster I travel or move from place to place the harder the Skeletons had to work in order to build the world for me. I tested out this theory by diving in and out of rooms quickly or if I was in a plane look out of the window as fast as I could.

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Within a week of starting primary school aged 5 I made an astonishing discovery. When I got home I said
'Dad I'm not Alice in Wonderland you know',
Aren't you? he said.
'No' I said, 'I'm Alice Cahill'
'Oh how do you feel about that, he asked
'It's OK'

Dad had no idea that I had maintained this belief - one he instilled in me from as far back as I could remember.
Looking back on it I felt very special 'knowing' there was this famous story about me and it gave me a lot of confidence.

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In my more paranoid moments as a young child I used to believe that I was accidentally saying everything I thought out loud. I thought the whole world could hear what I was thinking but everyone around me had conspired to make sure I never found out. I even thought there might be news bulletins on telly about my thoughts whenever I went out of the room. How self-absorbed is that?

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