i'm different
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Up until I was about twelve, I had a rather peculiar form of identity crises. I was and am obsessed with reading, and eventually came up with the idea that I *was* this or that character. In the fourth grade, I was very much into the Lord of the Rings.(Yes, I know I was/am a geek) I had convinced myself that I was Arwen, and there was just a lot of complications about why I...um...wasn't Arwen. I was very pleased with this arrangement, but it was all shaken when I read Harry Potter. Then, I became confused as to whether I was Voldemort's long-lost daughter or Arwen-With-A-Head-Injury. I eventually settled on Voldemort's daughter, and was in a great state or distress when I failed to receive my Hogwarts letter. Crying, and much of it.
But I'm okay now. Now I know that I'm actually a vampire, and I'm old enough that the sun doesn't hurt me. ;D
Up until I was four or five, I *insisted* that I'd been a flower before I turned into a person--that I had been planted, not born. I really believed it. I talked to plants all the time because I thought they were "just like me."
Maybe it was my mom's way of avoiding the whole complicated reporduction tale.
You know how in Disney movies, the animals always flock to the princess because she's so beautiful and kind? I used to think that animals would do that for me. I would chase these poor sparrows and pigeons and tried to figure out why they would never come to me.
I was a rather philosophical child.
For a long time I wondered if, perhaps, I was a character in a book, TV show, movie, etc. Not even the main character. After all, fictional characters rarely seemed to know that they weren't real, so how would I? I always wondered about the lives of whoever was reading/watching, and was of course deathly afraid of "The End."
When I was really little (3-5), I was convinced that I was a sheep. I was so obsessed with it that I would eat the house plants and I even ate a poisonous one and my mom had to call the poison controll. I couldn't figure out why she was so mad at me; that's what sheep do!
i used to believe thier was another me on the other side of the world, and we both did the same things at the same time.
i never could figure out if i was the real me, or if she was. it really creaped me out to think that i wasnt real.
When I was a kid I would think that my fingers were people who couldn't talk and that I was their ruler. I would have contests to see which finger looked the best for the day (i judged by the nails) and i would give out rewards like a washing of the winning finger. The side of my hand with the nails on it represented the sad faces, and the palm side represented happy faces. The funny thing is, most of this took place when I was on the toilet.
When I was about 5 or 6, I became convinced that giants controlled us, like we controlled dolls (ex: Barbie), and that if you turned your head fast enough that you could see their fingers moving your body parts. When I realized that no matter how fast I turned my head I still couldnt see their fingers, I decided they were turning my head. I even tried to disprove my theory by moving in front of a mirror... but still decided that I was being controlled by giants and I was just a doll to them.
once i thought my parents were aliens who were keeping me locked at home ( I was homeschooled) because they knew that I had secret powers that would cause people to itch.
I was convinced that my parents never actually took me out of my home town. They would put me in the car and have some sort of elaborate get up outside that would make fake scenery for me to watch whilst they created the 'new' outside. So after 2 days of travelling - as far as I was concerned, we hadn't gone anywhere, it was just warmer.
When I was little, my cousins made me believe that I was a cactus fairy. Now, Cactus Fairie's sit on Cactuses... 'nuff said :)
I used to think that everyone in my family were really skeletons wearing human costumes and when I went out of the room they'd take off their people-suits and put them back on when I came back, and being afraid of skeletons I'd announce my arrival and give them enough time to get into their people-suits. I was afraid of getting older because I thought once I reached a certain age they'd tell me I also was a skeleton in a human costume.
When i was about 5, i thought i was the only person with kidneys and i told my teacher that i had kidneys and she said that everybody had kidneys. i got so upset, i started crying, because i thought i had special kidneys.
I used to look for evidence that I was actually the last person on earth and that everyone else was an angel sent from God to pretend to be human so that I could have a normal life. Vacations were usually the occaision on which this suspicion would crop up again because I would so often see something in another city that looked almost exactly like a place I knew very well back at home. I would imagine that maybe there was just a little piece of the earth left and when I was "traveling" all the angels would run around changing the "set". I remember asking my mother once if she was really an angel pretending to be my mother. She laughed pretty hard and then said, "Believe me, I'm no angel!"
I used to honestly, seriously believe that I was a cat. It didn't bother me that I didn't have a tail; that thought just never even crossed my mind. This little obsession got so bad that I began to actually act like a cat and not like a human at all: I would only meow, and would only run on all fours; never my legs, I would purr if someone petted me, (you know that purring thing some people can do with their tongue? that's what I did) and I would hiss and scratch and bite people. After a while it got so unbearably freakish that my mother took me to a child psychologist/doctor. I vaguely remember that I spent the session licking myself under a table, lying on the floor, and hissing when the doctor came near. She gave me some sort of medicine, I believe.
Thank God, I grew out of this! My brother still has scars from where I bit him..
When I was about 7 or 8 my older cousins had me convinced that I was adopted. And that I was once black. At first I didt believe them. Then they said that my name used to be Alfonso Johnson Jr. They said that I could find my dad in the phone book. So sure enough when I looked in the phone book there was the name Alfonso Johnson. I ran to my mom and asked, "MOM, why didnt my black family want me?"
I have always been self-concious, even as a child. I used to think that everybody else could read anybody's mind, except for me. I thought that everybody could see what I was thinking and I was the only one that could not read minds.
But of course you already know this, because you can see what I'm thinking.
When I was little, I of course had my own version of the "I'm an adoptee and my real parents are rich and nice!" story, though my was a little odder. In my version, I was a plutonian princess whos UFO had crashed into a telephone pole when me and my sister were escaping from war. My sister sadly did not live and i was found wearing my synthetic human skin as a baby by my mom. I could speak plutonian, and my people were always contacting me (we communicated through woodchips) telling me to be ready, they were coming to get me becouse my mother was dying and I had to fill her place as the last remaining for the throne of queen of pluto. Also, pluto was seperated into two halves- the warm side and the cold (warm side facing the side, the cold not) and I lived on the warm side and that's why we can survive. Oh, and in our real forms we blended color like the lizard guy in Monsters Inc. And, we were at war with Mars and I think allied with Venus.
To this day I speak plutonian.
When I was a kid, I thought when Smokey The Bear said "only you can prevent forest fires," he really meant only me. I thought I was the only one in the world who could stop fires from ravaging and eventually destroying all the world's forests.
I was constantly on-guard for smoke in the woods behind our house. I even had a battle-plan to run in with the garden hose and put a fire out if it started.
My mother eventually calmly explained to me that Smokey didn't mean I was the only one that could stop forest fires. It felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders.
Until I was around 10 years old, I believed that I was the smartest person in the world, and that that was because I could think about things before I did/said them. I thought everyone else just opened their mouths and words came out all on their own, but I could control what came out of mine. Ummm... don't think so...
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