i used to believe

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Since I Am Autistic I Used To Believe The World Was In Categories Girls Don't Play/Watch Sports, Adults Can't Love Kid's Cartoons, Etc Until I Grew Up!

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when i was young i used to believe that the world was full off little dolls house and people where dolls and when you moved house it was because the giant that owned you had got bored and wanteda new doll

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People. They were not real. They had created me. I was the only real one. The last. (first?) It took lots of hugs from my mom to convince me i was not alone.

Also!!! I wasn't that sure about God when I was little, so I decided God was real, but not what we thought. God was really aliens, and when we died they would take our brains and put them back into another body so we could 'live' foreverer and on... heheheheh

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I used to believe that because I have really,really green eyes I was related to a cat.... Imagine my surprise when I saw a cat for the first time in my three year old life. That was of course waaaaaaaay back!

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i used to think that there might be huge giants looming over us, and they might step on us sometimes, like how we step on ants. so you had to always look up, and make sure you weren't in the way of their foot.

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wen i was little (scratch that maybe i wasnt quite so little - maybe 12) i used to believe that everyone in the world knew something really huge and inmportant that i didnt know. i felt so paranoid and angry that none of my friends had decided to tell me. i went around for ages eavesdropping on people to see if theyd accidentally mention it in my prescence.

overactive imagination
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The summer after I turned eleven, I had recently read the Harry Potter books. The whole summer I waited for my letter from Hogwarts to come. ... It didn't.

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I was a tomboy when I was younger, and was convinced that eventually I would just turn into a boy. I thought me being a girl was a mistake, because I thought girls liked to wear dresses and makeup and play with dolls. I didn't like any of those things, so I thought I was a boy. Then one day one of my friends mother told me that if you kissed you elbow you would turn into a boy. I only tried a short time before I realized that wasn't possible.

But I'm happy being a girl now.

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When I was younger, I thought that I am a robot and every other people are examing me on everything. They are hiding many things from me, but they don't know that I know, so be carefull with me, you never know when I'll use my laser :)

Hrvoje, Croatia
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When I was little, I had a Baby Bop costume from Barney and went around thinking I was really her. As I got older and met my best friend, I found out that she used to believe that she was Bareny. LOL.

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I used to believe that, litterally, the entire world revolved around me. I thought that when I was not around, people would just be as still as a statue until I came into the room and for the brief moment I was around them, then life would resume, but once I left the room, they'd go still again. I believed this for the longest time. It wasn't until around 8 or 9 that I realized that not all life revolved around me!!

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When I was 5, I argued with a friend because I thought I never have been 3 years old

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As a child i also used to believe that i could control time and that if i concerntrated hard enough i could make time fast forward by a week/month/year etc. I used to practice this regularly and really thought i was a time master.

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When I was very small, I thought the moon was a balloon in the sky. I would cry, and want the "baaoon."

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I believed that I was a fairy, when I was little. I thought that any day I would come upon the portal to fairy land. I thought that my mom was really a fairy up in fairy land, and my earth mom wasn't my real mom. I thought my fairy mom was the queen of fairy land, and she had sent me to earth when I was a baby, to save me from the evil witch who was taking over. I believed that one day I would return and rule the kingdom. :)

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When I was 4 or 5, I thought that everyone was a robot, so whenever I saw someone with a zipper on their shirt, dress, or pants, I thought that it removed their human exterior and showed that they were a robot.
I was weird.

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When I was about 5 and my cousin was about 3, I thought in 3 years she would catch up with me, and she would be older than me. That thought made me scared and confused for a while.

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i used to think, when i was like 3 or 4 that i had a limited number of hugs, and then whenever i decided i was out and somebody asked me for a hug, i'd say, 'just a sec, i need to re-fuel'. And i'd go under the coffee table for a minute 'cause i thought i had all these hugs in boxes down there, and then i'd come back out and be able to give my mom or whoever a big hug.

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(This isn't about fairies, but they didn't have a section for mine.) When I was really young, like 7 or something I would swim at this public pool where my grandparents lived. One time at the pool I met a girl, and we hung out and talked for awhile, and found out that we had something in common: we both believed we were mermaids that hadn't grown their tails yet. We would look under water at our legs and lower bellies and mistook the tiny bubbles that appeared colorful in the sunlight, for scales. lol.

The little mermaid
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i used to believe my mom could read my mind, it was pretty scary it made try not to think, also i thought my parents were aliens in human disguises and that they adopted me, too much tv!

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