i used to believe

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I used to believe there was a professor and a witch inside me, and they used to fight each other. I believed that when I went to the lavatory, it was the professor getting rid of his experiments and that when I was ill it was because the witch had beaten the professor... oh dear

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I used to think that I was invisible.I stopped believing that when a teacher caught me hanging upside-down on the roof of the toilets.

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I used to believe that I could also hear the whispers of the plants, they could tell me if they were in pain or not....i know im very odd...^.^

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When I was a kid, I used to believe I was batgirl and that I could fly. Learned out the hard way that I really wasn't, when I put on my cape, climbed on top of the bathroom sink and dove head first into the tub... cracking my skull open. OUCH that hurt!

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As a four year old girl I went on a Ride to the Moon with my dog. I always believed I had been there and that my dog was the first dog on the moon, because my mother said so. I even had a fight at school defending that belief.

Tojo Melville
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I was convinced that before I turned 19, I would transform back into a mermaid and return to my home in the sea. After seeing The Little Mermaid when I was 5, I just knew that I was in fact a mermaid. I turned 19 a few months ago and was crushed when I wasn't sent back home.

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I'm adopted and as a way of explaining this to me gently my father told me that him and my mum had picked me off a special baby tree. For years I believed that the parting in my hair was as a result of the stalk which attached me to the tree.

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I used to believe that animals could understand me and that one day I'd posess the power to be an animal like them

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A girl in my class believed that I was a undercover ape. In pre school I played that I was a gorilla swinging in the trees and beated my chest while I shouted like Tarzan. I also ate a lot of bananas and other fruit as well as nuts. It was cleared up when she told her mum and she called over to my mother to tell her the news.

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i thought that when i passed down a street, it would be rolled up and packed away,untill next time i had to go that way,i would often turn around quickly to try to catch them doing it---i nearly cought them a few times---i think----they were quick

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That I was the only human on earth and everyone were aliens or something so i would not go near anyone until i was 10. ( the doctors actually thougth i was a mental case)

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When I was about 7, I was convinced I was going to grow up and become Barbie. I would lie in bed fantasizing about my long blonde hair, my curiously pointy feet, my blue eyeshadow and thinking it was only a matter of time.

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If I swallowed anything while looking at someone, I'd gain their qualities and be more like them. I still have trouble swallowing while looking at anyone I don't like.

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When I was in 1st grade- 3rd grade I used to belive that there was another world inside my desk; like the erasers were cars and the pencils were people and that my pencil case was a mall and so on. So whenever I cleaned my desk I'd make sure there was enough room for my pencil's to drive the erasers around my desk. I thought that I was their god and that Earth was also some kids desk to, so I was always nervous when getting dressed and stuff. I don't know how I came up with this

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My brother use to tell me that my parents bought me at the blue light special at K Mart. I didn't like going to K Mart cause I always thought my mom was going to return me.

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When I was a kid I used to believe that the colorful spots you'd get behind your eyelids after looking at the sun were aliens trying to contact me. I would squint my eyes really tight on car trips and try and decipher what the aliens were obviously trying very hard to communicate to me. After much thought and courage, I eventually told my dad that I was being contacted by aliens. He told me that, unfortunately, I was not as special as I thought I was, but it's a good story now!

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When I was little I used to believe that the sole of my shoe was actually a "soul", so I would talk to it to keep it happy and keep it from getting lonely.

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When my son was little I would tell him, "I'm goning to give you back to the Indians". When he grew up he told me he used to look out the window to see if the Indians were coming yet.

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I used to believe anyone who disagreed with me was an idiot.

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My younger sister went through a very long phase of pretending she was a dog. She would wear a dog collar and wanted to be led around by a leash. My grandparents were terribly concerned about this but no one would tell me why as I knew she was just pretending. It finally dawned on me when I was old enough to understand masochism. Luckily my sister is now a veterinarian!

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