Toys come alive at night when you're asleep
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Toys come alive at night when you're asleep.
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When I was a young, I used to believe my cuddle toy moved at night when I sleep and when i played with them, I used to believe they talked with me but when I grew up I understood that my cuddly toy was not real but it was me who made them move so I was sad because it was me who talked with my cuddle toy.
When I was a child, I used to believe my toys were alive and could talk to each other when I wasn't there or I i was sleeping like in Toy Story.
I played a lot with Playmobil and dolls when I was young.
One day, I was in my bedroom and I decided to make a snack for my dolls, they were in circle around the table.
I gave them small plates and cups for coffee or tea imaginary and cookies and fruits invisibles.
I talked to them and I imagined that they woulmd answer it's was a very good moment.
This belief marked my childhood and me brought magic and a lot of imagination.
Today, I no longer but I find this belief is funny and it's a very good memories.
top belief!
When I was 7 years old, I used to believe my dolls woke up and talked together when I wasn't in my bedroom.
So to see them talking, I stole my mother's phone to film them while I wasn't in my room.
But when my mom searched her phone and found it in my bedroom, she punished me. When she finally show me the video, my dolls didn't talk together and I was very disappointed because I was punished for nothing.
When I was younger, I used to think my cuddly toys come to life when I came out of my bedroom.
I used to believe:
When i was a litlle girl,
Iused to believe the toys is were alive and
When I leaft of my room.
THe toys woke up talked together of me because,
I had watched Toy Story on TV.
So one day,I pretended to leave my room and I hid behind my bed.
During several hours and my mom come to watch wath I did.
When she watch me .
She sayd this was a movie and this was fake.
I did'nt beleive my mom and left in my room.
When I was young,I used to believe the toys were alive.Sometimes I closed the door very very slowly to see if my toys moved.But the toys didn't move so I closed the door and a little time after I opened the door very fast and I say"I saw you".But one day my mom told me it was impossible that the toys moved because it's just possible in the movie "Toy Story".So now I don't use to believe the toys are alive.
When I was little, I used to believe that dolls and soft toys were alive when kids were not playing with them, like in Toy Story.
So, when I didn't pay attention and that I walk on one, I had to take it and give him escuses. Also sometimes, I asked them if they could talk to me.
Of course, now, I don't believe that they are alive anymore, but when I walk on one, I continue to apologize.
When I was 5 or 6 years old I used to think that my soft toy was alive in the night. I was completely sure of it because my soft toy is a buterfly and in the night I heard noises so for me it was my soft toy who was flying.
Once I woke up in the middle of the night and I didn't see my soft toy flying, for me it wasn't possible so I tried to make it fly but of course it didn't work. From this moment I tried every night to make it fly.It never worked. So time after time I stopped believe in this but at the beginning I was very sad that it wasn't true.
When I was litlle, I used to think toys were alive and they played the night because I watched a lot "Toys Story" and I was a fan of this film. But when I grew up, I discovered that toys weren't alive. Now I think toys weren't alive and I am relieve
When i was a child i used to think that toys were mouving at night.
One day,i tred not to sleep to see if my toys are mouvig but i fell a sleep sitting and the next morning my mother were found me sitting in my bed and she revealed that toys not mouving and i cryed for an hour. But now i don't believe it.
When I was young, I used to believe my toys moved in the night.
I watched Toy story and when I woke up the next morning my toys had changed place. I talked about it to my mother but she answered that was impossible. But when it was the night, I wanted to solve this mistery. I woke up in the middle of the night and I surprise my dog with my toys in his mouth!
When i was a child .I used to think my toys we are alive because of the film " toy story ".I was afraid of on enemy of buzz l' éclaire and I had nigtmare . I discovered that it not real because I tried to fight with it .So I was happy to discovered that because I wasn't afraid of gavy to be any more .
When I believe my teddy bear was live at the night
When I was younger, I used to think toys lived at night.
When I was younger, I used to think the toys were alive !!
i belive that my doughters stuffed animals move by themselvs at night
I used to believe that toys had life
When I was little I used toi believe my toys were alive. When I left my room, my toys moved. To be sure they are alive I talk to there.
When I was little I used to believe my toys were alive. When I left my room, my toys moved. To be sure they alive I talked to there.
When I was a little girl I used to believe that my tpys talked and played when I was asleep in my bed.
After watching toys story in which toys of the little boys talk and move during the night when the child sleep.
After i watching the movie i waited during the night to see my toys moving.
Now im afraid of something else if I abandon my soft toys they want to KILL ME.
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