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Toys come alive at night when you're asleep

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Toys come alive at night when you're asleep. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to toys.

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when i was younger i used to the toys moved during the night

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I Used To Believe At Night My Toys Would Get Up, Walk Around, Try To Talk To Me, And Dance/Sing

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When I was a child I used to believe that teddy bears could talk to me at night.

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When I was a I child I used to believe that my toys came alive everynight

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When I was younger,I used to think my toys can moved and spook when I wasn't at home like in toy story :-)

maxhuile french
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When I was younger, I usesd to believe my teddy bear was living at the night.

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When I was younger, I used yo believe my toys speak ther night and do a mission

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when I was younger, I used to believe that my toys would live at night and sleep at day light

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I believe toys come to life I watch their every moment plus my cousin believes the same thing soooooo we share things we have seen about our toys.once I saw my toy blink,move,breathe so I take videos hoping to see em move I have not not Yet but sometime at night at 11:00 or so I would stay real quiet not dated to make a movement I would most of the time hear soft footsteps walking about I knew it wasnt my little sister she falls asleep about 9:30p.m.sometimes I would sleep with a toy but then the next morning it would be on the floor plus I've seen my toy move only once so now I'm trying to caught them evan more along with trying to figure out how to make stay alive so we could be best friends.

Toy believer
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I used to believe that toys had life, I believed it after seeing the "Toy Story" movies. So I spent moments looking at my toys to see if at some point they would move, that never happened, but I spent like two years believing it would happen.

Elian C.
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Solía ​​pensar que, por la noche, cuando dormía, todos mis peluches se levantaban y tenían una fiesta masiva. Verá, todos estaban en diferentes posiciones por la mañana. (Más tarde descubrí que los había pateado mientras dormía).

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When I was a child I used to believe that the toys came to life at night and when we were not around because they moved or fell apart, as a child I used to believe in ghosts because where I lived at night on the terrace of my house you could hear footsteps.

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When I was 6 years old, I used to believe that my toys come to life. I used to think that they lived together from my bed, that when the bed was moved they would even fight among themselves. I used to think they were bad. I felt that they grabbed my legs and played with my shoes.

Edwin Guz
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When I was younger I used to believe my toys are alive like in Toy Story.

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I had the "toys are alive like in Toy Story" belief up until I was freakin' thirteen!

But that's not all: when I was eightish, my mum told be this huge lie that when you can't find a toy that's because it's gone to a place called "Adventure Land".

Even me, logical little miss that I was, believed in a place with that phoney-baloney name for three darned years!

She was so adamant about this lie too: she claimed she'd witnessed her teddy bear trying to go there, that there was one place in that phoney world where no cats were allowed, and there was a literal all-you-can-eat buffet.

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I used to believe that my toys were alive like in “toy story”

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my toy story 4 toys talk to me at night

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I used to believe that when you had very big teddy bears they had their own lives and at night with my second brother we left them food every day but the next day we got angry with them why they did not eat and we had to give them that food to our pet

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when I sleep I have a felling that my toys where hurting me so I stayed up with my eyes barrly closed and cought them next time I got my leg cut deep so I burnt my toys it did not sop burnt toys in my bed!

lit king wyatt
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Toys come to life at night

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