Toys come alive at night when you're asleep
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When I was young, I thought that the second I closed my eyes to go to sleep, my dolls and toys would come to life, then the second I opened them, they'd magically go back to their rightful places. I figured they have a power that told them when I was going to open my eyes.
Me and my younger sister from the firts time we got barbies [i was 4 and she was like 2]to this day still believe that our barbies would come to life at night and plot DOOM [mostly me]. And also that we [people] were actually babies and there were BIGGER forms of something playing with us. And samething for our barbies.We also both feared our barbies...cause we [mostly me] thought they were evil maniacal lifeless creatures of HELL that were brought up to kill or to take over kids minds.8P...yeah to this thats why i got ride of my dolls but she still has hers...but now she has moved on to even more creepy dolls. [bratz]...and they are twice as evil!!!LOOK at the heads man!!!!.....
I used to believe that my dolls, bearies(cuddly bears), tin soldiers and clowns get up at night when everyone was asleep to party n celebrate in the doll house...well i'll always make sure that they are still where i placed them the night before, when i get up the next morning to check on them...haha but i've ever since read little or even no more bedtime so no more of all these fantasys...or so called make beliefs??? :>
hey wen i was lilttle i used to bleive wen i was outa side ma room ma teddys all came 2 life and one day cuz ma mum though it was sweet wen i was out she wenand put themm all round the table were i used 2 do ma homework and i then thought for yrs in yrs that my toys were like the sepacail ones on toy story
I used to believe that all my toys came alive at night and hung out. My friend once told me she actually saw all her barbies and stuffed animals having a party! And I believed her. Plus I thought if I sent my toys down to live in the basement they'd come back to get me! For the longest time I kept every songle toy of mine in my room.
I used to believe that my dolls would come alive at night. So before I went to bed, I'd put them all in a comfortable position. I didn't want them to get mad and hurt me for leaving them thrown about. Sometimes I'd have my mom line them up in bed and I'd be afraid to turn over in case I mashed one and it would get angry. As an adult, I saw a tv show (maybe Twilight Zone) and it showed dolls coming alive at night so I knew it was real!
I used to believe that when I fell asleep at night my stuffed animals came alive and played.
When I was 5 years old I use to believe that toys came to live when I was sleeping.
I used to believe that my stuffed animals would come alive at night to protect me.
I used rto believe that my toys would come to life in the dark and plan little plots to kill me
I used to think that my teddies would come to life if I wanted them to so i used to play my recorder in a sort of snake charmer tune (made up on the spot obviously) to try to intice them to come to life..once i swear i heard one of them talk...or maybe it was my cat meowing
When i was little me and my older sister had to share a room(and a bed). So of course if i was awake she was awake. In order to get me to go to sleep at night she told me that when i fell asleep at night all my stuffed animals and toys came to life and had a big party,and that if i fell asleep quickly at night for a whole month straight they would wake me up and i could attend their party. To this day i get a little creept out by the stuffed animals that lay all over my daughters room!
im 12 and have the BIGGEST collection of teddies(plushies/stuffed animals) in the world! i used to believe that once i went to sleep they talked about what they'd done in the day. so i used to pretend to be asleep and listen very carefully. trust me, i am so good at pretending to be asleep now, people shake me all the time just to check(im a deep sleeper, and a foghorn in my ear wouldn't wake me)
When I was young I used to believe that at the stroke of midnight all the dolls and stuffed animals in my room would come alive and play amongst themselves. I was impressed that they always went back to "exactly" how they were when I went to sleep.
When i was like 6 I thought that my lego's would come alive at night(or anytime no one was watching them)... and the only way you could catch them is with a hidden camera that they didn't know about... I didn't ever have a camera to prove my theory and to this day don't know if this is true or not... though it probebly is not...
When I went to sleep at night,as a 10 year old, I believed my dolls and stuffed animals would come alive at night and move around silently in my room as I slept. Because when I woke up, my dolly was in a different place than where I placed her the night before. (My mom probably moved her for some reason when she came to check on me before she went to bed.)
I used to have a HUMONGOUS collection of stuffed toys when i was younger. They were all lined up on rows and rows of shelves, perfectly placed sitting up so they could " see" what was going on. I used to believe that the toys would talk when i left the room or went to sleep. I remember one night i stayed up the whole night totally silent with one eye half open hoping they would begin talking and i would catch them and yell at them for not inviting me to there party. haha the only thing i ended up catching was a bad cold the next day from lack of sleep.
It isnt my belief anymore...but a sweet story about my youngest son...
H e was 5 yrs old and believed that his "action men" came to life after he went to bed..(my husband and myself used to move them around his room when he was asleep).. then oneday i borrowed some "barbie" clothes from a friend who had girls... needless to say when my son woke in the moring and all his "tough soldiers" were wearing wedding dresses and tutus..sitting in a circles with a teapot and tea cups.. say no more.. we laughed so much....
when i was around 6 i thought that all of my teddies and dolls and toys came alive when i was asleep. Every night I would li down in bed, pretending to be asleep and every 5 minutes or so I opened my eyes to see if they moved. (they didn't). My mum knew of my beliefs and in the middle of every night while I was sleeping she would move around the toys to make them seem as if they were doing somehing eg playing on the computer, climbing back into the toy box. i beleieved this for over 3 years
When i was about 6 yrs old i used to have a massive collection of Barbie dolls and my mum told me that every night that when i fell asleep they would come out and have a party. So i used to try and stay awake and be really quiet so they would come out and party. Sadly though they never did.
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